Korra's Arrival - 2

MSG – Volume 2 – Chapter 7: Korra's Arrival - 2

Back in the Demon Realm, Astraea had been going about her usual business - plotting and preparing to fight against the "Trinity Couples", as they are called by the mortals of the present , when suddenly her head perked up and she turned to look in the direction of the [Forbidden Zone] of the Demon Realm - a place where the Wheel of Reincarnation was placed.

Souls of the dead never ceased to arrive there everyday and even from wherever she was she would receive details of each and every single one of said souls - irrespective of if they were man, beast, or insect, during their lives.

She would also receive their memories - both pain and happiness, she would experience it all. This was both her privilege and her curse as the Goddess of Death and all that most would consider "grim".