
MSG - Volume 2 - Chapter 84: Undercurrents

The customers of the inn had of course come to inquire with the staff what the source of the disturbance but all they could do was try to reassure them that everything was under control.

A lie? Yes, it was. But what else could they do? Their bosses was not answering their communication artifacts! They were inwardly panicking too!

"Lady Sly!" one of the receptionists Solon and the maids had come into contact when registering was the first to notice them after they came up from the secret underground basement.

Following the direction of her gaze, other staff who were in the reception turned in the group's direction.

Amongst them was also the fur demon that had helped them carry some luggage. He was standing at his usual post, by the door, waiting for new customers.

"What happened?" asked the receptionist, agitated. "Everyone was freaking out, mistress!"