Prelude to the Storm

When Yang Jingtian woke up, He Zhuo Fang was still lost in the realm of dreams.

He beheld the captivating sight of He Zhuo Fang, with her eyes tightly closed, peacefully asleep, resembling a graceful blooming peony. The beautiful temples, round earlobes, closed eyes, and elegant nose bridge adorned her face. Her rosy lips, as well as the delicate and radiant beauty spot on her snow-white skin, accentuated her alluring charm. The plump and firm jade-like breasts, along with the voluptuous curves of her body, appeared particularly captivating. Everything about her was so enchanting. Yang Jingtian gently placed a kiss on her lovely face.

He Zhuofang seemed to shiver slightly, her beautiful eyelashes fluttering, yet her eyes remained closed.

Yang Jing Tian didn't want to disturb her tranquil slumber, so he gently covered her with a garment. Just as he was about to turn his attention elsewhere, his stomach rumbled loudly.

Noticing the fish swimming in the pond, an idea struck him. He dived into the water and swiftly caught a large white fish, over a foot long. Despite the fish's slippery escape attempts, it was no match for a skilled fisherman like Yang Jing Tian.

Having caught the fish, Yang Jing Tian cleaned and gutted it using a sharp branch. He then gathered some dry twigs, struck his firestarter kit to life, and began to roast the fish over the flames.

Shortly, the air filled with a tantalizing aroma, signaling the fish was cooked. He Zhuofang, awoken by the smell, murmured, "It smells delicious."

Yang Jing Tian, delighted, presented the fish to He Zhuofang, saying, "Darling, come eat our breakfast."

After taking a bite, He Zhuofang found the fish tender, fresh, and unlike anything she had tasted before. Impressed, she urged, "This is delicious, Jing Tian, have some too," and offered him a bite.

The two shared the meal, and before long, the fish was completely devoured.

Looking around, He Zhuofang noted, "Jing Tian, this place has animals and fish, fruits, and even land for farming. It's an ideal spot for seclusion. The only thing we're missing are some daily necessities and tools."

Yang Jing Tian added, "And a house, for shelter from rain. Where will we sleep?"

Nodding, He Zhuofang suggested, "The area near the cave would be perfect. We could build our home there."

"How about this," proposed Yang Jing Tian, "I'll go out and bring back some bedding and other essentials. From now on, we can live here."

He Zhuofang agreed, albeit with a hint of fear, "That sounds wonderful, but I'm worried..."

"Do you fear Guo Lin and his men might harm me?" Yang Jing Tian inquired.

"Not that," He Zhuofang clarified, "they stand no chance against you. It's the crossing of the gorge that concerns me. What if, despite all precautions..."

With a reassuring smile, Yang Jing Tian said, "Darling, rest assured, there will be no 'what if.' Nothing of the sort will happen."

Under He Zhuofang's repeated exhortations, Yang Jing Tian soared back to Jinsha Village.

No sooner had he emerged from the forest than he heard the ferocious barking of rabid dogs, followed by several burly men rushing toward him.

"Yang Jing Tian, stop right there!" The man leading them was none other than the Guo family's steward, Guo Zhen—a man in his forties with sharp monkey-like features, clearly not the reputable type.

Yang Jing Tian responded with a slight smile, "Steward Guo, I am not a servant of your Guo family, and I'm not accustomed to taking orders from you."

Guo Zhen retorted arrogantly, "As long as you're a resident of Jinsha Village, you're under the authority of our master, who happens to be the village head."

Smiling, Yang Jing Tian countered, "Is that so? Even a village head has to abide by the rules. Since when did it become the place of a dog like you to bark orders here?"

Enraged and trembling at the response, Guo Zhen demanded, "Yang Jing Tian, don't get cocky. Hand over our second young mistress right now."

Yang Jing Tian scoffed, "That's a laugh. What does your family's second young mistress have to do with me?"

"There are witnesses who saw you abduct our second young mistress," declared Guo Zhen.

Laughing, Yang Jing Tian replied, "Accusations require proof, Steward Guo. You can't just make things up."

Guo Zhen sneered, "You won't be able to talk your way out of this one. Men, seize him!"

At Guo Zhen's command, two henchmen rushed forward, aiming to capture Yang Jing Tian.

"Agh, agh!"

Two screams of agony rang out as the henchmen struggled on the ground, one with a bleeding nose and the other with teeth knocked out, his swollen cheeks resembling a pig's head.

No one saw how Yang Jing Tian had struck, nor did they understand his method.

The two men didn't lack the desire to dodge or counter; they lacked the chance to react at all.

Guo Zhen was shocked, his voice quivering, "Yang Jing Tian, are you rebelling?"

"With a smile, Yang Jing Tian asked, "Anyone else want to try their luck?"

"Get your weapons, let's all go!" Guo Zhen yelled.

The remaining six men drew their knives and clubs, swarming towards Yang Jing Tian.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Six crisp sounds of fists striking flesh echoed.

All six men fell to the ground, this time completely unable to utter cries of pain, only able to groan in agony.

With quivering voice, Guo Zhen asked, "What do you plan to do?"

Yang Jing Tian effortlessly hoisted Guo Zhen's diminutive frame, replying coolly, "I've never been afraid of a fight. Let's go. Take me to your master."

Guo Zhen, in no position to object, reluctantly led the way.

Yang Jing Tian's actions had set the entire village abuzz. The villagers were accustomed to turning a blind eye to his regular scuffles, particularly with Da Gou (Big Dog) Guo Wu, but this time was different; Yang Jing Tian had knocked down the Guo family's eight elite guardians.

Outside the Guo residence, over five hundred villagers had gathered. Guo Lin made an appearance, flanked by some twenty guardians, the strength by which the Guo family had long dominated Jinsha Village. For years, the villagers had cowered under the Guo family's tyranny—the Guos didn't have to farm or fish but still consumed the best rice and fish, and forcibly married the village's most beautiful women.

The villagers were not fools; they resented being trampled on but lacked the unity to confront the Guo's brutality, and feared the henchmen above all.

Today, as Yang Jing Tian toppled the Guo's eight guardians, the villagers felt a collective sense of liberation. They had already found pleasure in seeing Da Gou Guo Wu beaten by Yang Jing Tian in the past.

The previous night, Da Gou had claimed Yang Jing Tian violated He Zhuofang in the forest. Guo Lin, infuriated, had mobilized the villagers to capture Yang Jing Tian, sparking the night's chase.

A fruitless night led many to assume that both Yang Jing Tian and He Zhuofang had fallen off a cliff, but against expectations, Yang Jing Tian appeared unharmed and victorious over the Guo guardians.

Driven by curiosity, villagers crowded to witness the spectacle.

"Yang Jing Tian, where have you taken Zhuofang?" Guo Lin demanded furiously.

Yang Jing Tian just smiled, "Lord Guo, what makes you say that? Did anyone here see me taking He Zhuofang?"

Fuming, Guo Lin ordered, "Wu, come out and tell them."

Da Gou Guo Wu reluctantly emerged, saying, "With my own eyes I saw, in the forest last night, it was Yang Jing Tian who took away my second wife."

Yang Jing Tian coolly responded, "Your word is no proof."

"Yang Jing Tian, enough with your excuses," Guo Lin shot back.

Smiling, Yang Jing Tian said, "Let me tell you all the truth. It's Da Gou who last night, attempted to violate his stepmother in the forest and upon being discovered, pushed Zhuofang off the cliff and framed me. He's been harboring resentment after repeatedly losing fights to me and concocted this lie to seek revenge."

Guo Wu's face turned alternately green and white with rage, "You're talking nonsense!"

"It's no nonsense, I saw it all too," Lin Hao stood up and spoke loudly.

Trembling, Guo Wu accused, "You're in cahoots!"

Yang Jing Tian bellowed, "If you're innocent, Guo Wu, let us all swear at the Mazu Temple. If you lie, you shall meet a terrible fate—struck by lightning, ripped apart by horses, sent to the eighteenth level of hell..."

Panicked, Guo Wu blurted out, "No, I won't go, I don't want to be struck down..."

Yang Jing Tian declared, "See everyone? This is the panic of a guilty conscience."

Guo Lin spat out blood in his rage and rebuked Guo Wu, "You disgraceful son, you've caused all this trouble. If you speak out again, I'll kill you!"

Guo Wu didn't dare make another peep. Guo Lin turned to Yang Jing Tian, trying to retain his dignity, "Yang Jing Tian, don't create a disturbance. This is a matter for the Guo family and doesn't concern outsiders."

Yang Jing Tian retorted, "Even a father murdering his son is unlawful, let alone your son taking the life of your daughter's father. Aren't you going to seek justice for your daughter?"

He Hong, He Zhuofang's father, outraged by the conversation, demanded, "Guo Lin, return my daughter to me!"

Old Master Mo, having observed everything, covertly communicated to Yang Jing Tian, "Young man, what's this drama you're enacting?"

Proudly, Yang Jing Tian replied in kind, "Master, it's Yang Jing Tian pitting his wits against the Guo father and son, standing up for justice for the people."

Thus, the first storm of Jinsha Village was set off by Yang Jing Tian's intervention.