Bai Yun and Zi Yan

Yang Jingtian stood on the ship's deck, unintentionally transforming into a spectacle as the entire crew's curious eyes were fixed upon him.

With an awkward chuckle, Yang Jingtian stated, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Yang Jingtian. As you see, my clothes are in tatters. Could anyone offer me a change of attire?"

At this moment, a young girl, likely seventeen or eighteen years of age, stepped forward and said, "Follow me."

Yang Jingtian glanced at the girl and noted her striking features: long, glossy black hair; round cheeks; a pointed chin; large, lively eyes; a delicate nose; and full, soft lips, a portrait of beauty and charm.

She stood tall, approximately 178 centimeters, a graceful visage framed by a slender waist and well-shaped hips. Her long legs moved with a fluid elegance, a testament to youthful vigor and beauty.

Equally captivating was the way her well-endowed figure was accentuated by her clothing, which, despite its coverage, suggested a playful restlessness as she moved.

This beauty, to Yang's astonishment, rivaled even the leading beauty of Gold Sand Village, He Zhuofang, but with a lively youthfulness that He Zhuofang lacked. It's no wonder Old Master Mo claimed that the jianghu was teeming with beauties, and that He Zhuofang's appearance wouldn't rank in the top hundred in jianghu. Now, seeing the girl before him, who was dressed as a maidservant but possessed such enchanting beauty, Yang Jingtian began to believe that Old Master Mo's words were more than just idle boasts.

Walking behind the lovely girl, Yang inquired, "Fairy-like sister, may I have the honor of knowing your exquisite name?"

The beauty shot Yang Jingtian a glance and retorted with a hint of irritation, "Who's your sister?"

Yang Jingtian joked with a cheeky grin, "Of course, you couldn't be my sister. You are more akin to the elder sister of the seven fairy maidens in heaven. Your radiant beauty is nothing short of a celestial descent."

Observing Yang Jingtian portray her as extraordinarily resplendent, she couldn't help but be swept up by the sweet talk, a charming smile gracing her lips, "Who's the elder sister of celestial beings? Do I look that old to you?"

Seeing her smile reveal two captivating dimples, Yang couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, "I misspoke, you must be the younger celestial sister. You, my dear, are the most beautiful woman I have ever encountered. If you were to tell me you're not a heavenly maiden on earth, I would find it hard to believe."

Yang Jingtian hadn't exaggerated in his praise. Indeed, within Gold Sand Village, no one could compare to the stunning beauty standing before him. Thus, his claim that she was the most beautiful woman he had encountered in this world wasn't an overstatement—at least, until now.

The young beauty, flattered by Yang Jingtian's continuous compliments, chuckled and lightly scolded, "You flatterer."

Yang Jingtian put on an innocently wronged expression, asserting, "This comes from the bottom of my heart, truly. I swear to the heavens; I'm not just making this up."

The beauty replied, "That's because you haven't seen our miss. She is the epitome of celestial beauty."

Yang Jingtian countered, "That's not necessarily the case. Who says a lady must be more beautiful than her maids? From what I've seen, maids are often more beautiful than their mistresses."

The young woman laughed, amused, "You sure have a way with words."

Proudly, Yang Jingtian introduced himself, "My name is Yang Jingtian. May I have the honor of knowing your esteemed name?"

The young woman answered, "I am Bai Yun, a maid serving by my lady's side."

Yang Jingtian commented, "Bai Yun, what a nice name."

Bai Yun corrected him, "It's Yun as in 'amongst all beings'."

Yang Jingtian praised, "That sounds even lovelier. Among all beings, you are like a distinguished cloud, standing aloof from the mundane world."

Bai Yun smiled knowingly, "The one who truly stands above all is our miss."

Yang Jingtian persisted, "You keep mentioning your miss as if she's unparalleled. Is she truly that beautiful?"

Bai Yun didn't respond to Yang Jingtian's question. Instead, she led him into a changing room, fetched a set of sailor's attire, and handed it to him, saying, "Change into these. Don't worry about anything else for now."

Without a second thought, Yang Jingtian began to strip off his tattered clothes. As Bai Yun turned around, she caught a glimpse of his nearly naked body and exclaimed in shock, "What are you doing?"

Embarrassed, with a flushed face, Yang Jingtian stuttered, "Changing clothes."

Accustomed to changing in front of He Zhuofang, Yang Jingtian had momentarily forgotten that Bai Yun was still a young maiden.

Bai Yun, with eyes tightly shut, scolded, "You pervert! Change in the inner changing room. How could you undress here?"

After hastily changing, Yang Jingtian noticed Bai Yun's bashfully blushing demeanor—she looked utterly adorable. He protested, "How was I supposed to know where the changing room was? You didn't say."

Stamping her foot in frustration, Bai Yun retorted, "Couldn't you ask? You have no manners."

Yang Jingtian, growing agitated, replied, "Hey, what do you mean by no manners? Fairy sister, your words should reflect your conscience."

Bai Yun abruptly cut the conversation short, "No more talk, are you done changing?"

"Yes, I'm done," Yang Jingtian replied.

After a moment's hesitation, Bai Yun finally opened her eyes. Yang Jingtian, now dressed in fresh attire, looked exceptionally dashing; his radiant smile was disarmingly charming.

Yang Jingtian declared, "I do not wish to be a freeloader aboard your vessel. Please assign me some work; I'm ready to help with anything."

Bai Yun insisted, "I will report to my lady first and see what tasks we might have for you." She turned to leave but not without reminding him, "Don't wander off unnecessarily."

With a cocky tilt of his mouth, Yang Jingtian acknowledged, "I understand, this place has strict rules."

Casting him a sideways glance, Bai Yun admonished, "Good that you do. Otherwise, you might end up being thrown to the sharks and won't even know why."

Yang Jingtian chuckled, "You forget, my lady, sharks are my friends."

Annoyed, Bai Yun retorted, "It's after we chop you up and throw you overboard that they'll be your 'friends'."

Rendered speechless by the remark, Yang Jingtian watched Bai Yun leave with a triumphant swish of her garment.

No sooner had Bai Yun departed than another beauty made her entrance. With her sultry curves and alluring attire, this new woman's ravishing allure set her apart from Bai Yun's innocent charm, radiating a mature sophistication.

The flamboyant woman breezed in and cooed, "Handsome, are you Yang Jingtian?"

Surprised by the unexpected greeting, Yang Jingtian wondered if he was on the cusp of a romantic entanglement. He couldn't help but muse this might be a vessel of romance. Responding, he said, "Indeed, I am Yang Jingtian. May I know your name, miss?"

She answered, "I'm Zi Yan, the personal guard captain to our miss."

Yang Jingtian was taken aback, "You know martial arts?"

"Who among the Fengshen Gang doesn't?" Zi Yan retorted.

"The Fengshen Gang?" Yang Jingtian echoed.

"Precisely. Though Fengshen Island is far from the Central Plains, we are one of the eight major factions in the martial arts world," Zi Yan informed.

Excitedly, Yang Jingtian exclaimed, "Really? You're also part of the jianghu?"

Zi Yan appeared puzzled, "Is that so strange? Do we not look like people of jianghu to you?"

Captivated by the thought of wandering the jianghu, Yang Jingtian couldn't suppress his excitement. Seizing Zi Yan's wrist, he asserted, "That's fantastic, I want to join you on adventures across the jianghu."

Zi Yan, stunned by his eagerness, inquired, "Do you long for the jianghu?"

With earnest and fervent anticipation, Yang Jingtian professed, "It is not mere longing but a pursuit. The jianghu is my life's greatest endeavour."

In Yang Jingtian's resolute gaze, Zi Yan discerned a maturity and determination far beyond his sixteen years—a magnetic kingliness that could overpower any challenge.

In that fleeting moment, Zi Yan was deeply captivated by the commanding aura emanating from Yang Jingtian.

The force of Yang's presence was intoxicating, spellbinding her in a way she could not resist.