I'm Right Here

"Where are you, Yang JingTian?"

Before Yang JingTian could catch his breath while holding onto Bai Yun, Ziyan's voice clamored from outside.

Annoyed, Bai Yun pushed Yang JingTian away, asserting, "It's either that vixen or me; make your choice, do you want her or me?"

Caught in a dilemma, Yang JingTian pleaded, "Bai Yun, my love, why must you make it so hard? Both of you are my cherished ones; to lose either would cause me unbearable pain."

As Bai Yun dressed, she retorted firmly, "You can't have the best of both worlds with me; I won't accept it."

Unyielding, Ziyan entered, saying, "Even if you're willing, I certainly am not."

Yang Jingtian, observing the defiant expressions of the two women, stood tall with an air of arrogance. Completely naked, he confronted them and said, "Can't you two stop arguing?"

"Impossible!" both Ziyan and Bai Yun exclaimed in unison.

Yang JingTian countered fiercely, "It's common for a man to have several wives and concubines – I won't belong to just one of you."

"I don't care about other women, but I absolutely refuse to share you with her," Bai Yun stated firmly.

Ziyan interjected, "See, JingTian? It's not that I'm unwilling, but some people clearly have no intention to commit to you."

Unwavering, Yang JingTian declared, "If I can't have you both devoted to me, how can Yang JingTian continue to walk in the martial world with his head held high?"

Amidst saying these words, Yang JingTian embraced Bai Yun with one arm while grabbing Ziyan with the other, pressing both women against the wooden deck simultaneously.

Polished translation:

"No way!" Ziyan and Bai Yun exclaimed simultaneously.

Yang JingTian, with a hint of anger, declared, "For a man to have multiple wives and concubines is perfectly normal; I shall not be exclusive to just one of you."

Bai Yun retorted, "I don't mind other women, but to share you with her is something I simply won't consent to."

Ziyan promptly responded, "Look, JingTian, it's not that I'm unwilling. It's that someone lacks the sincerity to be wedded to you."

Yang JingTian confidently uttered, "If I don't have both of you fully committed to me, how can I, Yang JingTian, continue to hold my stature within the rivers and lakes?"

Speaking forthrightly, Yang JingTian swept Bai Yun into an embrace and, with his other hand, pulled Ziyan in, pinning both women down on the wooden deck.

"Ah!" The two women exclaimed simultaneously, but it was too late. Yang Jingtian held Bai Yun down with one hand, while his body was already straddling Zi Yan's abdomen. He quickly tore off the women's clothes. As they looked at Yang Jingtian's robust and erect manhood, fear gripped them.

Yang Jingtian wasted no time, without any foreplay, and swiftly entered Zi Yan's body.

Zi Yan and Bai Yun, in their dual anguish, moaned and screamed in pleasure as he thrust into them. The two women, who were once adversaries, now united against the man before them, their actions remarkably synchronized.

Sweat glistened on Yang Jingtian's entire body, accentuating his muscular physique. Zi Yan and Bai Yun moaned beneath him, with each of his thrusts hitting their deepest depths.

"Tell me, do you love me or not?" Yang Jingtian angrily shouted.

"Ah, I love you!" Zi Yan moaned, her eyes filled with desire, gazing at him.

Yang Jingtian grabbed Bai Yun, who was beside them, and asked, "And you?"

Bai Yun's alluring eyes flickered with a profound sense of shyness as she said, "Mmm, how could I not love you?"

"Do you still want to argue?" Yang Jingtian said while forcefully thrusting.

"Ah, be gentle!" Zi Yan complained, "No, we sisters must unite and fight against you, you scoundrel."

"Yes, we must show you that our sisterhood is not to be trifled with," Bai Yun added, panting and gasping for breath.

Seeing the two women standing together against him, Yang Jingtian couldn't help but feel an extreme excitement.

Zi Yan looked at Bai Yun beside her, seeing her genitals crimson and feeling the intense soreness in her own, but amidst Yang Jingtian's thrusts, she experienced an unparalleled pleasure, a mix of embarrassment and satisfaction.

This was the man they both loved, engaged in the most intimate act with them. Although he was usually shameless, in this moment, he was utterly wild, driving them to madness with his passion.

"Oh, oh, Jingtian, I love you!"

"I want more, I want it!"

Yang Jingtian ravaged Bai Yun and Zi Yan amid the storm of pleasure, as if they were riding the crest of ecstasy.

"I aspire to roam the martial world, to make my name known far and wide. No matter how time may change, no matter the tricks of fate. I remain myself, undeterred by an unpredictable future or the loftiest of skies. I am determined to soar to the heavens."

Early in the morning, Yang JingTian, filled with zeal, belted out a song from the top level of the ship, expressing his boundless spirit.

Facing the brisk sea breeze and the morning sun, Yang JingTian felt immensely pleased with himself. Contemplating Ziyan and Bai Yun, still lost in their fragrant dreams, he felt even more elated. He took pride in his accomplishments from the previous night, gratifying both women to their utmost, nine times each, all within a single night. And yet, he remained vigorous and bursting with energy.

Any man would revel in such pride, especially when witnessing the unparalleled satisfaction of the women he loves. Such a profound sense of fulfillment and pride inherently rises from within.

Yang JingTian couldn't contain his excitement thinking of the wider world, full of adventure and beauty. That's why he felt compelled to sing at dawn, standing at the highest point, announcing to the world that he, Yang JingTian, was on his way.

His singing best expressed his mood.

"It's so annoying, who's singing this atrocious song so early in the morning?" came a petulant scold from below.

Looking down, Yang JingTian saw the defiant Sun Manju and greeted her with a smile, "Miss, it's you. Do you like my singing?"

Sun Manju replied indignantly, "In my life, I've never heard anything so unpleasant and revolting."

It was rare for Sun Manju to raise her voice in anger like that, which revealed the true quality of Yang JingTian's singing.

Incensed, Yang JingTian challenged, "What? You think my singing is terrible? Why don't you sing a few songs; I bet you couldn't sound any better."

"I don't share your trivial amusement of disturbing others' peaceful dreams so early in the morning," huffed Sun Manju.

"What's so good about sleeping? It wastes time. Look how fresh the air is in the morning; it's the perfect time for exercising. Singing can improve lung capacity and benefit health," Yang JingTian argued.

Bristling with rage, Sun Manju snapped, "I do not need your lessons; I want you to shut up now."

"You want me to shut up? How then can I make my way in the martial world? After all, I am also a dashing and skilled young hero," Yang JingTian boasted.

Even though Yang JingTian spoke the truth, his self-aggrandizing manner was without parallel.

Never having encountered such shamelessness, Sun Manju threatened, "Believe it or not, I'll throw you into the sea."

Yang JingTian replied playfully, "Aren't we already in the sea? The ship is on the ocean, and we're on the ship, so technically, we're already at sea."

"Yang JingTian," Sun Manju bellowed, each word seething with fury.

"Comparing vocal strength? I'll show you what I'm made of," Yang JingTian declared, channeling his internal power and bellowing to the sky, "I am right here!"

The roar was like thunder, its waves expanding in all directions, shaking the heavens.

The ship quivered as if caught in a tempest, the calm sea now undulating with waves surging towards the ship.

Fish and shrimp leapt from the water while those with weaker constitutions felt dizzy and overwhelmed as if struck by lightning.

A tsunami

A tsunami caused by a single person's voice

Everyone was struck by amazement and fear, overwhelmed by the turn of events.

Beyond shock was sheer terror.