
By the time Yang JingTian awoke, the hour was already deep into the third watch of the night.

Meng Lin had left his freshly dried clothes at the head of his bed, but there were no signs of her presence in the house. Could she have ventured out?

Yang JingTian swiftly got up, changed into the clothes, and stepped outside only to find Meng Lin absent, replaced by a table laden with a hearty meal.

There was also a note.

Upon reading it, Yang JingTian found written: "JingTian, your meal is ready, please enjoy it leisurely. Rui'er has feverishly fallen ill; I've gone out to gather herbs. Please take good care of Rui'er."

Darting into Meng Rui's room, Yang JingTian felt her forehead; her fever was alarmingly high, and in her delirious state, she murmured, "Big Brother Yang, don't leave... Mother, please don't send Yang away, I like him..."

Shaking his head, Yang JingTian thought if they were to wait for Meng Lin's return with the herbs, Meng Rui might be in a life-threatening condition.

What to do now?

Using his internal energy to treat superficial ailments had worked before, but a fever was not the same as poisoning.

Suddenly, Yang JingTian recalled how he'd been nurtured since childhood by the elder Mo, consuming all types of medicinal supplements. Not only was he immune to all poisons, but he also remained untouched by illnesses — his body was a vessel of remedies. Surely Meng Rui's fever had been exacerbated by the previous night's rain, a chill compounded by her pre-existing condition.

Thinking himself akin to a walking apothecary, Yang JingTian surmised his blood could be medicinal too. Without hesitation, he grabbed a kitchen knife and slashed at his wrist.

A bowl was ready to catch the blood, but the initial cut didn't even scratch his skin, negating any possibility of bleeding.

Startled, he wondered whether he had become impervious to blades.

Taking the knife again more calmly, Yang JingTian managed a fine cut, allowing a thin stream of blood to emerge. It seemed his sheer nervousness the first time had unconsciously activated his ability to ward off external forces through Qi, sparing his skin from injury — an art of protecting the body he had cultivated over the years. Only in a relaxed state could he bleed like any ordinary man.

When a third of the bowl filled with fresh blood, the wound healed spontaneously, no longer a surprise to Yang JingTian; his injuries often vanished without a trace in short periods.

Feeding the blood to Meng Rui, the young girl drank it and fell into a peaceful rest.

Feeling her forehead again, Yang JingTian was relieved to find the fever subsided and focused on devouring the meal before him. What was called a dining table was actually a small desk, the actual table having been shattered by Yang JingTian's palm the previous night.

After eating, Yang JingTian checked on Meng Rui to find her fever had indeed receded. But with Meng Lin still absent, concern began to build within him. It made no sense for Meng Lin to have been gone this long, especially since Rui'er's condition was so dire.

Assured that Meng Rui was out of danger for the moment, he closed the doors and ventured outside to seek out Meng Lin.

Haining Village was small, and after inquiring with the villagers, Yang JingTian learned that Meng Lin usually gathered herbs alone on the western peak. Deciding on his course, he set out towards the mountain.

The trail became steeper as he ascended. Concerned that Meng Lin might be in danger, Yang JingTian quickened his pace, heading deeper into the dense forest.

"Boss, this chick is something else. We've never seen a woman as stunning as her on Evil Men Island."

"Indeed, she's like a heavenly beauty."

Yang JingTian, a distance away, heard the disrespectful banter and rushed towards the source.

Arriving at the scene, the sight that greeted him boiled his blood.

He saw a group of burly men encircling a figure in the woods. An uglmidized and muscular man was atop Meng Lin, tearing at her clothes with a lewd laugh, while she wept and struggled futilely. Her outer garments were ripped, revealing a lake-blue bodice and pink undergarments. Patches of her porcelain skin were exposed.

The onlookers watched with the rapacious gaze of wolves.

Startled by the arrival of someone unexpected, the crowd froze.

With her hair cascading down her shoulders, a tearful Meng Lin lifted her face, "JingTian, save me."

"Fools, release her!" Seeing Meng Lin's plight, Yang JingTian's heart tore with agonizing pain.

With a furious cry, he charged like a gust of wind, his left fist striking the chin of one of the hulking men.

With a crack, the man's face spun back, and his neck broke instantly.

The rest of the ruffians jumped up in alarm, realizing the newcomer's might.

Yang JingTian, without slowing, delivered a knee blow to the groin of another thug. The impact was so intense it caused the man to double over, trembling violently, mouth agape with no sound escaping.

Yang JingTian wanted to roar so loudly it would deafen them all, but with Meng Lin nearby, he restrained his anger.

The bandits, stunned by Yang JingTian's valor, hesitated.

Seeing Yang JingTian rush to her aid, Meng Lin somehow found the strength to shove her assailant off. Crying, she ran into Yang JingTian's arms, unable to hold back her tears.

Yang JingTian, filled with boundless compassion and aching with her pain, tenderly embraced her, his right hand gently stroking her back, whispering, "Aunt Meng, don't be afraid. I'm here, you're safe."

With that, he fiercely turned his gaze towards the group of scoundrels, his eyes blazing with a severe cold light.

The ruffians regained their senses, angrily shouting as they drew their sharp blades.

The would-be rapist rose, his eyes flashing murderously, face darkened with malice as he fixed his stare on Yang JingTian, ready to devour, "Little brat, daring to compete with me over a woman? State your name. I, Chen Ba, do not kill the nameless."

Turns out, these men were a band of pirates from the sinister Evil Men Island, lost at sea during the previous night's storm, blown ashore near Haining Village. Planning to forage and rob upon disembarking at dawn, they encountered Meng Lin gathering herbs and were overcome with lust, attempting to assault her.

Just then, a thug bellowed and with a "clang" drew his curved blade, swinging it viciously at Yang JingTian's head, the sword slicing through the air with ferocious might.

"Ah!" Meng Lin screamed in terror, her face drained of color.

With a derisive chuckle, Yang JingTian patted her hand reassuringly, then suddenly leaped, poised to intercept the incoming curved blade with his bare fist.


Like a flash of lightning.

The curved blade had yet to meet its mark.

Yang JingTian's fist heavily struck the chin of the blade-wielding thug with a thunderous "bang", sending him flying with blood spurting from his mouth.

Another resounding "boom" followed as the thug crashed to the ground, the sound of shattering bones filling the air.

Yang JingTian nonchalantly seized the thug's knife, bringing it down onto another aggressor's head with such force that the blade sank deep into the skull.

The thug let out a earth-shattering scream as the upper part of his head was nearly cleaved in half, blood spurting out like a geyser, the ghastly wound resembling a pomegranate split open, revealing the crimson rent flesh within.

Fueled by righteous fury, Yang JingTian declared, "Aunt Meng, no matter how you condemn me, I cannot allow them to live and leave this forest. Nobody can tarnish your honor, for you are my beloved."

Meng Lin was utterly astounded to hear such words from Yang JingTian amidst this violent ordeal. Her heart surged with a mix of shock and elation, as the blood-soaked battle was only just beginning.