One Crab

While Meng Lin and Yang JingTian were marveling at Meng Rui's transformation, the young girl laughed gently and urged, "Mother, Brother Yang, why are you both staring? Come in, the meal is ready and I've been waiting for you."

Meng Lin exchanged a glance with Yang JingTian, querying, "You mentioned you gave Rui your blood to drink; was there anything else?"

Yang JingTian simply shook his head, proclaiming, "Nothing. This is miraculous."

Meng Lin suggested, "Perhaps this is just one of your innate gifts. Union with you could unblock the Ren and Du meridians or even all the extraordinary vessels, and as you are impervious to poison, it seems you are a universal antidote in your own right."

Yang JingTian quipped playfully, "If that's the case, does that mean whenever you're ill, you will want me to bleed to heal you?"

Meng Lin laughed affectionately and teased, "Would you not be willing?"

With a chuckle, Yang JingTian replied, "What's there to be unwilling about? I couldn't bear the thought of you two being apart from me."

Meng Rui chimed in, perplexed, "Mother, what are you talking about?"

With a smile, Meng Lin asked her daughter, "Rui, have you looked in the mirror since you got up today?"

Meng Rui, puzzled, responded, "No, after waking up, I found a note from you both informing me of your departure. So, I just warmed up the meal, and just as I finished, you returned."

Meng Lin inquired, "Then do you still feel itchy on your face?"

Shaking her head, Meng Rui answered, "No, Mother. Why do you ask?"

Meng Lin took her daughter's hand gently and smiled, "Rui'er, you've grown up. It's time you learn a bit about dressing up. Even JingTian is mesmerized by you."

Leaning into Meng Lin's embrace, Meng Rui playfully protested, "Mother, you're teasing me again." Her enchanting eyes lingered on Yang JingTian, roving over him.

Guiding her daughter, Meng Lin proposed, "Rui'er, come, let Mother show you some magic."

"Magic?" exclaimed Meng Rui, surprised. Before she could react, Meng Lin had already led her into the room.

As Yang JingTian stepped in, a cry of astonishment from Meng Rui was as expected, followed by her soft weeping.

Consoling her, Meng Lin asked, "Rui'er, why are you crying?"

Meng Rui murmured, "Mother, I'm just so overwhelmed."

Meng Lin smiled warmly, "Rui'er, you are simply too happy. It's because of Brother Yang that you have your beauty today."

"Brother Yang?" repeated Meng Rui, surprised.

Flooded with a sense of reflection, Yang JingTian did not wish to interrupt the heartfelt mother-daughter moment. Quietly, he withdrew and softly closed the door behind him.

Strolling upon the golden sands, Yang JingTian felt an unprecedented ease wash over him. His next step was to leave this place, this beautiful world of Haining, and venture into the jianghu. But would Meng Lin be willing to follow him? This was what troubled him the most.

In his life, Meng Lin's presence had become integral, like a chapter in his story that he couldn't bear to conclude without tremendous courage.

"JingTian, what are you thinking about?" Meng Lin's voice gently interrupted his thoughts as she approached him unnoticed.

Looking at the stunningly beautiful Meng Lin, Yang JingTian was amazed to find that her beauty had been further accentuated by his love. Her every glance and smile radiated a breathtaking allure. The warm sunlight that caressed her face seemed to cast a divine halo around her, enhancing her loveliness.

A breeze stirred, lifting the hem of her skirt and her flowing hair, depicting a figure of lively charm and youthful grace. She appeared as if descended from heavenly realms, untouched by worldly concerns—like a fairy from the mythic Yaochi, gracing the mortal world with her presence, her extraordinary beauty tinged with a surprising brilliance.

Her eyes now sparkled, stealing hearts with each darting glance and exuding a captivating charm. With an air of grace and moral integrity, she still radiated an irresistible allure.

Seeing the woman he loved look so enchanting, Yang JingTian felt a mix of pride and a hint of apprehension. Bringing such a beauty into the jianghu would surely court trouble, yet how could he bear to part with her?

Noticing the entranced look in Yang JingTian's eyes, Meng Lin playfully scolded, "Have you not seen me enough already that you look at me so?"

Yang JingTian, overcome with desire, embraced her tightly, inhaling her intoxicating scent, and tenderly confessed, "Linjie, my treasure, I was thinking of you."

Breaking from his grasp with a shy reprimand, Meng Lin said, "Doing this in broad daylight, on the beach no less, is hardly proper if someone sees us."

Yang JingTian grinned sheepishly, "I just couldn't help myself—you're too beautiful."

Blushing, Meng Lin chided, "Enough flattery, let's go back for the meal."

Nodding, Yang JingTian asked, "After dinner tonight, where shall we go?"

Pretending not to understand his insinuation, Meng Lin answered nonchalantly, "Nowhere, just to sleep."

Caught between happiness and hesitance, JingTian remarked, "I'd like to sleep with you but worry about the influence on Rui'er."

Meng Lin responded firmly, "Who said I'd sleep with you? You'll sleep alone; I'll sleep with Rui'er."

Frustrated, Yang JingTian protested, "But why?"

Her smile unwavering, Meng Lin concluded, "This is my home, I decide. Now, let's eat, and then it's time for bathing and bed."

When Yang JingTian saw Meng Rui again, the young girl had indeed blossomed into an even more captivating beauty. Already naturally tender and lovely, her careful dressing made her seem almost celestial in appearance.

If Sun Manju was considered of high beauty, then Meng Rui was a cut above, and Meng Lin was yet another level higher.

Yang JingTian could hardly believe his fortune with women; it was as if the fates had conspired to bring these exceptionally beautiful women into his life, all harboring deep affection for him.

Dinner had turned into a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach, and Yang JingTian's appetite was so hearty that he managed to eat twelve bowls in one go—a record, of sorts.

Meng Rui, who had initially cooked only six bowls of rice, found herself cooking eight more to satisfy him. Meng Lin was busily adding more dishes in the kitchen. JingTian, meanwhile, rejoiced in the culinary delights prepared by the beauties, savoring every bite.

After dinner, just as Meng Lin had planned, they took turns bathing before retiring to their respective rooms for rest.

Meng Lin gave up her bed for Yang JingTian and chose to sleep with her daughter instead. JingTian had wanted Meng Lin to stay with him but refrained from voicing this wish out of consideration for Meng Rui. It was then he realized he wasn't quite as shameless as he'd thought himself to be.

Lying in bed without the tender embrace and shared passion, Yang JingTian felt something was amiss, and he tossed and turned restlessly. The lingering scent of Meng Lin on the bedding filled his mind with longing and restive thoughts.

The moon had climbed high, its cool illumination spilling through the window. Under this solitary moon's glow, what truly troubled Yang JingTian was the thought of his beautiful wife sleeping just through the wall.

Helplessly drifting into a haze, he resorted to counting "one crab, two crabs, three crabs," a method his parents had taught him to fall asleep.

Usually, he would drift off after counting just over a hundred, but tonight, JingTian counted on to over eighteen hundred before fatigue finally took over, lulling him into a weary slumber.