Mei Feng Strikes

Lan Mei Feng was fixated on Yang JingTian, and despite the tremors within her, her demeanor exuded astonishing calmness.

"Everyone, step back," she commanded with a dispassionate tone.

The pirates, as if finding their lifesaver, quickly retreated, and the inhabitants of Haining Village followed suit, leaving the field.

With her fighting stance ready, an air of solemnity filled the environment.

There was Yang JingTian, smiling, for he couldn't fathom what exceptional skill Lan Mei Feng could still possess. Could she be more formidable than the dozens of men combined?

An eerie silence fell; one could hear a pin drop.

The sun was slowly climbing along the horizon over the sea, brightening the land.

Yang JingTian had his back to the sun, giving the illusion that the sun was rising from him. He smiled, "A woman shouldn't be engaging in such violence."

Lan Mei Feng responded coolly, "I, Lan Mei Feng, have never considered myself as just a woman."

Yang JingTian smiled, "Yet, you're more feminine than any woman I've encountered. If you were not a woman, you would not have a husband. Why then, would you seek vengeance today?"

"Concerning martial skills, I do not regard myself as a woman." Indeed, she had been training in martial arts since the age of three and never conceded to any man, not even her husband who was a defeated opponent. She retained a customary disdain and condescension towards men.

For twenty-three years, she had not met a man to whom she could willingly bow. Her marriage to Chen Ba was a reluctant choice. Even the strongest of women can't live without a man.

Lan Mei Feng's competitive spirit was ignited witnessing Yang JingTian's move against Chen Zhai, yet the stronger her opponent, the more fierce her desire to triumph. Despite her uncertainties, she still yearned to try.

Yang JingTian stood still, just within striking distance from Lan Mei Feng, and chuckled, "Looks like you've seldom been reprimanded by men. But I like your spirit."

Lan Mei Feng laughed heartily, "Quite frank, but you underestimate me." Before she had finished speaking, she lunged forward, sword drawn, aiming straight for Yang JingTian.

The assault was swift and abrupt. By the time Yang JingTian realized her move, her long sword was merely five feet from his chest.

Five feet.

Against such a skilled adversary, it was a death sentence for the average person.

The force of her strike lifted the sand from the earth, and everyone present felt an overwhelming pressure despite keeping at least fifty feet away from the duel. One could only imagine the crushing force bearing down on Yang JingTian at the epicenter.

But Yang JingTian did not budge, not even a hair.

Everyone present was astonished, including Lan Mei Feng herself, wielding her sword. She could not discern his strategy.

Now, the sword was only four feet away.

With a spirited war cry, Lan Mei Feng harnessed all her energy for a full-speed thrust.

Regardless of Yang JingTian's mysterious tactic, she could not retract her attack; it was a point of no return.

This was the essence of Lan Mei Feng's lifelong mastery with the sword. The velocity, angle, and momentum of this strike were incredibly fierce.

Mei Feng's Strike.

Named after herself, it was her proudest and most deadly technique.

The heavens seemed to shift.

The long sword emitted a silvery brilliance, rivaling even the sun's rays and refusing to be overshadowed.

"JingTian, no!"

"Brother Yang!"

Unbeknownst to the onlookers, Meng Lin and Meng Rui had emerged within the crowd. Facing this perilous exchange, they couldn't help but cry out.

The onlookers ceased breathing, their hearts beating with tense anxiety.

A hushed anticipation fell across the crowd as they witnessed their gravest fear: the long sword impaling Yang JingTian's chest.

Yang JingTian had no time to evade—Lan Mei Feng's sword had reached his chest. He let out a muffled grunt, anger flaring in his eyes as he met Lan Mei Feng's gaze, then looked down at the blade buried within him.

"Ah!" Yang JingTian bellowed.

Everyone thought that the sword had cleaved through his heart, Lan Mei Feng included.

Yet amidst Yang JingTian's roar, Lan Mei Feng's expression turned to one of shock. She had intended for the sword to pierce through him completely, but after tearing only slightly into his clothes, it advanced no further.

When her sword met Yang JingTian's muscle, she felt an incredibly powerful recoil.

The inner energy within Yang JingTian was astoundingly formidable.

Yang JingTian's shout sent out shockwaves, which pained those untrained in martial arts and left even the martial practitioners agitated.

Finding her sword did not harm Yang JingTian, Lan Mei Feng knew things were amiss. She tried to shake free her sword to attack again, but before she could, Yang JingTian suddenly reached out and drew her into his embrace.

That moment ignited a fierce desire in Yang JingTian, while Lan Mei Feng, now in his grasp, felt bewildered and unsure.

Yang JingTian's potent strength and virile essence rendered her helplessly seduced. She allowed him to hold her tightly as her sword clattered to the ground, her eyes wide with alarm gazing into the mischievous eyes of Yang JingTian.

This man, at this very moment, shook her to the core.

Yang JingTian sneered, "You missed the best chance to avenge your husband. It's a pity I cannot grant you another."

"Just kill me and quit the chatter," Lan Mei Feng responded, her voice quivering yet melodious.

"If you agree to marry me, I'll let you go right now," Yang JingTian jested with a wicked smile.

Lan Mei Feng, summoning a courage from within, retorted angrily, "Never!"

"Believe it or not, I could take you right now," Yang JingTian said darkly.

"Yang JingTian, let our boss go, or I'll end her," intoned a pirate unexpectedly holding a blade to Meng Rui's neck, while Meng Lin stood by worried.

Yang JingTian, fueled by rage, flung Lan Mei Feng aside, bellowing, "Release Rui'er!"

"Kill him!"

At that command, several pirates disregarded their own lives and charged at Yang JingTian.

Perhaps they thought that if they did not defeat Yang JingTian now, they would be slain by him later. Better to fight than await death.

Meng Lin cried out in the midst of the chaos, "Don't!" Her cry was for the sake of those pirates.

Before Meng Lin could finish shouting and before the pirates could move, Yang JingTian had already dashed amongst them. Screams ensued.

"JingTian, no!" cried Meng Lin, tears moistening her eyes.

Within moments, Yang JingTian, amidst the crowd, grabbed and struck anyone in sight. Not a single pirate's blade could touch him, only his fists reaching their bodies.

"Stop!" boomed Lan Mei Feng's voice.

Everything halted at her command, leaving a field of pirates writhing in pain. None were dead or maimed, though the worst off was the one who had held the blade to Meng Rui's neck, whose face was now a bloodied mess.

More than thirty people were downed without exception.

Yang JingTian slowly said to Meng Lin, "This time, I did not kill anyone."

Meng Lin, moved, nodded and replied, "I know."

Yang JingTian turned to Lan Mei Feng and the others, "Leave now. If you seek revenge, you can find me any time. But do not dare harm anyone here again, or I will show no mercy."

All eyes were upon Lan Mei Feng, silent, awaiting her decision that would seal their fates.

As dawn broke and tranquility enveloped the land, Lan Mei Feng spoke slowly, "Let's go." With that, she led her band away.

Peace returned to Haining Village once more.