Lan Mei Feng’s Confession

Yang JingTian consoled the villagers, and after they dispersed, he returned with Meng Lin and Meng Rui.

Gazing up at the blue sky, JingTian said, "Lin Jie, we can't stay here anymore."

Meng Lin replied quietly, "You want to leave?"

Yang JingTian sighed deeply, "The pugilistic world has always been my dream."

Meng Rui pleaded anxiously, "Big Brother Yang, don't you want Mother and me anymore?"

"I want to take you with me," affirmed Yang JingTian.

After some time, Meng Lin spoke softly, "JingTian, as we discussed yesterday, can you build me a house halfway up the hillside?"

Yang JingTian nodded understandingly.

"Meng Rui suddenly exclaimed, "Lan Mei Feng!"

Looking up, indeed, the stunning beauty Lan Mei Feng was approaching them.

Yang JingTian found amusement in Lan Mei Feng's eyes, which lacked any killing intent or hatred but instead held a bashful charm.

He reminded himself that this woman was now taken with him. If he couldn't conquer another, he would be the conquered one.

This was a rule of the hierarchy among the strong and a principle of the martial world.

In their recent duel, Lan Mei Feng had utterly lost to Yang JingTian—unable to conquer him, she was left to be conquered by him.

"You dare to come back?" Meng Rui questioned, but Meng Lin held her back.

Lan Mei Feng ignored Meng Rui and said to JingTian, "You must know why I've returned."

"I already have many women," JingTian replied with a smile.

"That doesn't bother me," Lan Mei Feng stated faintly.

Yang JingTian said lightly, "I am now her husband. Everything I do must consider her feelings," indicating Meng Lin.

Taken aback, Meng Lin had not expected such words from Yang JingTian.

Meng Rui was speechless, realizing the unusual relationship between Yang JingTian and her mother, but not expecting him to become her 'father.'

Lan Mei Feng knelt before Meng Lin, pleading, "Elder sister, please allow Mei Feng to stay. I wish to be your sister and JingTian's concubine."

Such a forthright confession was starkly honest and sincere.

Meng Lin, unsure how to respond, hurriedly helped her up, "Miss Lan, please don't do this."

But Lan Mei Feng insisted, "I will not rise unless you agree."

Meng Lin, perplexed, looked to Yang JingTian, "You've caused this, now help resolve it."

Yang JingTian chuckled, "She's asking you, not me."

Meng Lin huffed, "But you are the man she wants to marry."

JingTian smirked, "Still, it requires your consent. I won't rashly marry to disrupt our harmony."

Seeing JingTian's smugness left Meng Lin fuming with anger but turned compassionately to Lan Mei Feng, "Do you truly wish to follow JingTian?"

Lan Mei Feng nodded affirmatively.

"Isn't such a decision too impulsive?" Meng Lin inquired.

Lan Mei Feng explained, "I'm fully aware of it, and do not regret it. Besides, I'm beyond the impulsive age."

"You wish to remarry when your husband's body is barely cold. That makes me question your motives. Is this to seek proximity to JingTian and avenge your husband?" asked Meng Lin skeptically.

Lan Mei Feng replied candidly, "Though we pirates may be loathed, I have not stooped to such lows."

"Tell me why you want to marry JingTian," asked Meng Lin.

Lan Mei Feng declared, "He defeated me, and I am captivated by him. Only a man like him is worthy of me. My body may not be pure, but my heart is. I felt no love for Chen Ba; it was a marriage of necessity."

"So, you wish to marry JingTian because he defeated you. What if another man defeats JingTian, will you propose to him just as you have now?" pressed Meng Lin.

Lan Mei Feng answered earnestly, "It will not happen."

Meng Lin smiled, "Are you saying you won't change your mind, or do you believe JingTian cannot be beaten?"

"Neither will occur," Lan Mei Feng insisted.

Meng Lin said slowly, "Nothing is absolute. While I also have great confidence in JingTian, there are always greater powers out there. I disagree with your stance; therefore, I cannot agree to your request."

Meng Lin released Lan Mei Feng and was about to step away when Lan Mei Feng suddenly pulled a dagger from her bosom and aimed it at her own chest.

"Don't do it," Meng Lin screamed in alarm.

Yang JingTian, with quick reflexes, slapped the dagger from her grasp.

"Miss Lan, why pursue such a dire course?" Meng Lin questioned.

Tears streamed down Lan Mei Feng's cheeks as she lamented, "Without your acceptance, I have nowhere in this vast world to belong."

"You could always return to Pirate Island," Meng Lin suggested.

Lan Mei Feng cried, "With Chen Ba dead and the crew scattering, Pirate Island no longer exists. Where can a lone woman like me go?"

Yang JingTian chimed in, "With your beauty, you could find a man far better than Chen Ba."

Lan Mei Feng confessed, "You are the one I seek. The moment I laid eyes on you, my heart was filled with regret for not having met you before I was married."

JingTian replied teasingly, "Back then, I was still too young."

Blushing, Lan Mei Feng added, "I've been married only half a year."

"Miss Lan, do you have no other kin?" Meng Lin inquired.

"All relatives have passed since my father died. Elder sister, please allow me to stay. I am willing to do anything for you," pleaded Lan Mei Feng.

Meng Lin helped her up, assuring, "Stand up; I grant your request."

Lan Mei Feng stood up joyously, "Thank you, elder sister."

Meng Lin shot Yang JingTian a look, "Stop calling me elder sister; I'm not his woman yet."

JingTian smirked, "We're just one ceremony away from being official. Let's hold it tonight."

Meng Lin spat at JingTian disdainfully and pulling Lan Mei Feng's hand said, "Let's go, sister Lan. Ignore him."

Yang JingTian followed behind, finding delight in Meng Lin warmly addressing Lan Mei Feng.

With just two rooms in the narrow house for four people, the arrangement was tight; co-sleeping for three was not practical.

Yang JingTian pondered with whom he would share the night, Meng Lin or Lan Mei Feng, looking forward to either.

In terms of beauty, Meng Lin was unparalleled in JingTian's experience, with Lan Mei Feng a close second. Yet, for sheer allure, Lan Mei Feng stood unmatched, her every move laden with seductive charm irresistible to any man.

Admiring Lan Mei Feng's enchanting silhouette, JingTian mused inwardly at her natural grace.

The addition of Lan Mei Feng brought an unprecedented lightness and humor to their home. As the sole man in the house, hunting and fishing duties naturally fell upon JingTian, tasks he excelled at, always returning bountifully.

This time, his catch was not just the fish in the sea, the boars and wolves in the forest, or the eagles in the sky, but the captivating mermaids of his home: Meng Lin, Lan Mei Feng, and Meng Rui.