Keitaro (1){REWRITTEN}

Keitaro Namikaze slowly opened his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtain of his room.

He still felt pretty tired, he really wanted to sleep for a while longer or so, however, he had school to attend in a few minutes or so.

He opened his mouth and yawned, stretching his body as he currently felt very stiff.

' Another day,' he thought to himself as he pushed himself out of his bed, even though he felt like he didn't want to do anything at all, he wanted to spend the whole day in bed.

He was pretty lazy.

After taking a quick shower, Keitaro dressed himself in his school uniform, the dark color of his uniform made his yellow hair stick out a lot more.

He lazily checked his reflection in the mirror, he wanted to see if he had done a half-decent job at getting dressed before starting off the day.

He felt extremely tired as if he was hit by a bus but he ignored the pain currently present in his body and continued to move forward.

He looked at his bright blond hair that seemed to resemble a porcupine, Luckily for him, his hair gel had run out and thus he would have to rock a natural look that day, spiky hair and all.

His bright blue eyes stared into the mirror as he checked himself out, he took in a deep breath, he needed to get ready for school.

He then headed downstairs toward the kitchen, he grabbed a piece of toast and a glass of water, eating what he needed to eat for the day. 

His grandma was already in the kitchen cooking up the best food in the whole world, that was his completely unbiased opinion of it.

She was the one who took care of him after his parent's death.

"Keitaro, don't forget your lunch," she reminded him with a bright smile on her face, she then gently handed him a Bento box that he took from her hand and handled with care.

He loved it when she did that, she truly cared about him.

"Thanks, Grandma," he replied, giving her a quick hug before rushing out the door.

Keitaro Namikaze walked along the busy streets, his hands currently tucked into the pockets of his uniform.

He was on his way to Fujikawa High School, his high school or as he liked to put it his hell.

His eyes wandered from store to store, his eyes looking at the strange energy in the air, it wasn't dark, it felt natural in a sense that brought him warmth.

He continued his walk toward the school both of his hands in his pockets as suddenly from the corner of his eyes he saw it.

Keitaro furrowed his brows, a feeling of curiosity and unease had washed over him. What exactly did he see?

He wondered if it was a trick of the light or his imagination playing tricks on him. 

It was probably just his imagination but he swore he saw something move in the corner of his eyes.

He just continued his road toward the school with no care in the world, he did not feel like worrying much about it.

After all the creatures seem harmless enough for now.

However something in his guts did tell him that those guys were pretty dangerous, their presence felt dark, unlike that calming essence that he could feel anytime he went to the park with his grandma.

Something deep within his gut was telling him that those guys were incredibly dangerous.

He did at some point in his life try to approach them and figure out what their whole deal was, but they always avoided him as if he were the plague, they almost seemed scared of him. He did not even know why but those creatures did not like being near him in the slightest.

As he continue his walk toward his school, he could notice the creatures all around him, he saw a bunch of them around school areas and the hospital, they were a shit tone of them near the graveyards, something he figure out all those places had in common was the fact that all of them was a place that some people did not like.

For school, students didnt like the school, for hospital people may have bad memories of the hospital, or a loved one may have died in a hospital and thus bad memory of this place.

As for the graveyard, that was self-explanatory, nobody wanted to end up in that place.

They felt mysterious to him and he wanted to learn more about those creatures, no matter how he looked at them they were interesting.

Keitaro opened his notebook on the way to his school and started to sketch the monster he saw This atrocity.

After carefully sketching down the atrocity in his notebook.

Keitaro closes his notebook before walking toward his same old boring class.

He arrived in class on time and he proceeded to find his seat and just chill in the back.

He better pay attention to his classes as he doesn't want to fail.

Keitaro focused on his class but he kept doozing off, he kept having visions of himself doing stuff that he had never done before.

He saw himself, walking up a tree while on his using his feet and even walking on water.

Something about chakra.

Keitaro Namikaze

A/N before anyone comments he will use curse energy and not chakra, unlike Kenzo who will use the power system of the world he is in.

And yes, I did decide to make a curse technique that fits him, yes he will use binding vows, and yes he will be good at barriers.