Jujutsu high (3)

Once he reached Gojo, Keitaro found himself face to face with the strange man, why were his blue eyes glowing like that? Gojo wore a sly smile, his words cutting through the tension in the air. "Hello there, little spy. Did you think you wouldn't be noticed?" he quipped, his tone both teasing and amused.

For some reason, he seemed to be getting a kick out of this all.

Keitaro, caught off guard by the direct confrontation, stammered in response, "I... I didn't mean to intrude. I just... I didn't want to intrude on you two, I swear." His eyes darted nervously between Gojo and Geto, seeking some sign of leeway to escape this situation.

Just his luck exploring a black barrier he should have stayed mind his own business.

Gojo's playful demeanor damped slightly as he exchanged a glance with Geto, who maintained a stern expression. "Well, you've got my attention now. What did you see that piqued your curiosity?" Geto inquired, his tone indicating that he expected a reasonable explanation.

'Why do I feel like I am about to die' Keitaro mutters to himself.

Keitaro, feeling the weight of their gaze mostly on the white hair one, hesitated before cautiously explaining, "I saw a huge black barrier while walking home from school, and I was just confused why no one seemed to go near it. So, I got curious and, well, I touched it. And then, I found myself here."

Gojo raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Who the heck sees a black ominous barrier and decides to touch it," Gojo said looking at Keitaro.

Geto's expression remained serious. "Not everyone can see those barriers, let alone think about touching them, you do know curiosity kills the cat right"

Keitaro felt a wave of unease as those words left the white hair man's mouth.

"Gojo don't go too hard on him, he doesn't know much," The other teenage boy said looking at the shite hair teen that Keitaro now recognizes as Gojo.

"What can't I fuck with him a bit more, his reaction is a nice change of pace," Gojo said with a smile on his face

"Huh," Keitaro said, his confusion lingering. Before he could process the situation further, Gojo suggested, "Why don't we just knock him out? He'll just wake up the next day thinking all of this was a dream."

"No," Geto responded firmly, cutting off Gojo before he could elaborate.

"Why not? It's such a hassle to deal with such a weakling," Gojo retorted, his nonchalant demeanor not changing.

Keitaro stood there, a silent observer of the discourse about his fate, feeling like a pawn in a game played by individuals seemingly around his age. He couldn't help but wonder, 'How the heck did I even get myself stuck in this situation?'

"We probably have to tell Principal Yaga about him," Geto said while looking at him.

"Do we really have to? "Gojo said to which Geto replied "Yes, it's the right thing to do"

Keitaro observed the ongoing argument between Gojo and Geto, feeling a peculiar sensation as if he were stuck to Gojo's palm. The surreal nature of the situation intensified as he became an unwitting spectator to the deliberations that would shape his destiny.

"You're in luck—you are a Jujutsu Sorcerer," Gojo declared, looking at Keitaro with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I don't have a choice in this, do I?" Keitaro responded, his realization evident in his tone as he observed Gojo's demeanor.

Gojo chuckled, the grin on his face widening. "I mean, it's either that or getting knocked out," he added with a nonchalant shrug as if presenting Keitaro with the most straightforward and, perhaps, the only option.

Keitaro took a deep breath, a mix of resignation and curiosity settling within him. "Fine, I guess I'm a Jujutsu Sorcerer now," he conceded, his voice laced with a hint of reluctance.

As he accepted his fate, the invisible force binding him to Gojo's palm seemed to loosen, and he stood on his own, albeit with a newfound awareness of the supernatural intricacies surrounding him. Gojo's grin widened, pleased with Keitaro's decision.

"That's the spirit! Welcome to the world of curses, where things get weird, dangerous, and oddly exciting. and remember I won't babysit you" Geto, who had been observing the exchange with a more composed demeanor, nodded approvingly.

"Alright now that this is taken care of let's return to school without a new classmate" As Keitaro absorbed the reality of his situation, he couldn't help but wonder about the challenges and adventures that awaited him as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Little did he know, this decision marked the beginning of a journey into a realm filled with curses, mysteries, and the uncharted territories of his own abilities.