Learning about curse energy {7}

Keitaro was currently walking behind Shoko as she basically showed him around the school.

Keitaro just followed around his eyes going from place to place.

This place was truly large and he wanted to see all of it.

"This is the library," Shoko said nonchalantly pointing at a building.

Keitaro looked at it before nodding his head.


"And apart from the basketball room over there, that's about it, "Shoko said calmly.

"Thank you for guiding me around," Keitaro said politely.

"Don't fret it" Shoko said nonchalantly before shrugging and saying.

"Do you need anything else"

"Oh yeah, do you mind showing me what curse energy looks like"

"Yeah sure," Shoko said as from her hands what seemed to be a red energy form was seen.

After she showcased it to him she stopped flowing the energy to her hands before saying.

"Anyway see ya tomorrow"

Keitaro said goodbye before opening the door to his dorm and entering the room.

He closed the door behind him before seeing the quite bland room he had.

Guess he had to decorate it to his own taste.

As Keitaro entered his assigned room, he took a moment to survey his new living space. With a sense of determination, he placed his belongings on the bed and began the process of making it his own.

Carefully, he unpacked his bag, revealing a mix of personal items and the bag of food his grandmother had prepared. Each item found its place as Keitaro meticulously organized his new surroundings.

After this small session of just putting everything in its spot.

Keitaro walked toward the bathroom where he took a shower and changed clothes.

He then sat on his bed, before he closed his eyes and started to meditate.

From what he got from Yaga, curse energy was born from negative emotion.

He just needs to slowly control his emotions letting them leak out in small portions.

He doesn't want to lose his reasoning while trying to use curse energy.

Plus Gojo and Geto seem to be relatively calm while using curse energy.

He just needs to let his curse energy flow that it.

That is all he needs to do, let his curse energy flow into his body.

After a while, blue energy started to leak from his body, it started to slowly sip outside of his body.

Keitaro then put a hand behind his head saying.

"This is not it"

"When Shoko showed it to me, it was red, not blue," Keitaro said as he looked at the energy swirling in his hands.

Guess he was getting close, he just needed to focus on it for longer than he might be able to master it.

He calmed himself down before taking a deep breath and going back to meditating.

He thought that maybe he was missing something and only got half the result so he tried to add his curse energy to itself which just felt like he was enhancing him.

After hours and hours of work all Keitaro had managed to do was strengthen himself using curse energy and from how he felt right now.

His curse energy pool had just reached its limits so considering curse energy comes from emotions.

Keitaro's eyes landed on the tv infront of him and the remote nearby.


Or he could go on a walk, nothing was stopping him from doing that.

Keitaro looked at the TV one last time before he left the room.

He could clear his mind while going on a walk or better yet, relax a bit.

He got to the part that he wanted to get with his curse energy but it seemed as if he was only halfway there as it wasn't red but instead blueish

Keitaro walked around the school before remembering the library.

Maybe if he goes there he could learn a thing or two about jujutsu.

That seemed like a good place to start.

As Keitaro was walking toward the library he came into contact with Gojo and Geto.

He suddenly had an idea, they were his seniors so he could ask them for help right...

Keitaro walked toward them and when he got decently close Gojo said.

"Hey, isn't it Minato, how are you doing"

Keitaro could tell that Gojo wouldn't let that go for a while but just ignore it.

"I just wanted to learn more about curse energy because it sounds interesting but when I try to use it...it gives me an incomplete version," Keitaro said to which Geto replied.

"What do you mean incomplete"

"I think it's better if I show it," Keitaro said as he channeled his curse energy to his hands.

Geto and Gojo looked at each other and then at Keitaro.

Before Geto looked at Keitaro and said.

"What makes you think it's incomplete," Geto said looking at Keitaro who just replied.

"When Shoko-san showed it to me, it was red, not blue"


Gojo started to laugh as if he had heard the funniest shit ever.

This was hilarious.