Getting bamboozle {11}

"Minato come here, "Gojo said upon seeing Keitaro.

"For the last time Satoru my name is not Minato," Keitaro said looking back at Gojo.

"Yeah, Yeah, anyway we have been grouped together for a mission," Gojo said as he suddenly pulled Keitaro toward him.

"Have you ever heard of the word consent before? "Keitaro said as he was suddenly in Gojo's palm.

"Heh, does it matter, you are weak so you don't have a choice," Gojo said nonchalantly as Keitaro teleported away.

"I however can teleport away from ya," Keitaro said looking at Gojo who just replied.

"Do you think you can hide from my sight"

"I mean what so special about your eyes anyway," Keitaro said nonchalantly

'Oh wow, you are dumb but let me enlighten you, my eyes are an innate gift rarely inherited within the Gojo clan. It grants me immense perception and unrivaled visual prowess far beyond that of any other sorcerer. My eyesight is comparable to a high-definition infrared camera, allowing them to see even when my eyes are covered. They can easily see things from several kilometers away and distinctly tell apart different figures within that range."Gojo said with a cocky grin at Keitaro started to sweat a bit. hum that was busted but such a large amount of information must be frying his brain constantly, so he would need a way to limit them to not constantly be absorbing so much info 24/7.

So those eyes must exhaust him, Keitaro looked at Gojo's completely dark sunglasses before smiling and saying "I am sure I can teleport out of your range"

"I dare you to try it, "Gojo said before suddenly Keitaro appeared infront of him stealing his glasses and teleporting away.

"I am just going to be taking this from you, "Keitaro said with a smile as he was getting himself ready for the most intense game of tag in his life.

"Hand them over, "Gojo said to which Keitaro just reply


Keitaro was suddenly being pulled toward Gojo to which he just teleported away, he knew he couldn't keep this up for long before his reserve emptied so he decided to find any spot he could hide and only teleport when necessary as he avoided Gojo waiting for the strain of his eyes to make him stop.

Suddenly a huge pulling force was felt as suddenly Keitaro was pulled toward Gojo and he just teleported away once again.

This blue was being very annoying right now as he couldn't do anything but stay away.

Eventually, he ran out of curse energy and this time when Gojo pulled him closer to him, he couldn't teleport away as his reserves were bottomed out.

"Did you think you could escape me?"Gojo said staring straight daggers into Keitaro's soul.

"Unfortunately yes, "Keitaro said as he felt the very firm grasp that Gojo had on him.

"Satoru are you picking on Keitaro again"A voice suddenly said to which Keitaro looked up to see Geto, oh may the heaven be praised, he was saved.

"He started it, "Gojo said to which Keitaro immediately replied

"No, he started it by dragging me against my will, "Keitaro said defending himself.

"Satoru it's not right to pick on the weak"Geto said to which Keitaro felt a stabbing sensation in his chest.

Ouch was that brutal, he knew he wasn't that strong, grade 3 give or take but still ouch, they may be a grade above him but still, it kind of hurt to be called weak like that.

That was painful.

As Geto and Gojo were arguing Geto was winning due to him not believing that Keitaro started it which he was fair to think as Gojo did start it.

Eventually, Keitaro was let go of his cage which was in Gojo's hands before he had to go on a mission with him.

"So who making the curtain" Keitaro said looking at Gojo who just said "You do it, isn't that why you're here, to begin with"

"I haven't fully mastered it yet so it's still a bit weak, "Keitaro said to which Gojo said "Fine I will set one"

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."Keitaro said as he made the curtain as he knew full well Satoru wouldn't do it.

"See you could make it, "Gojo said with a grin which Keitaro just looked annoyed at.

Keitaro followed after Gojo as the man found the curse extremely easily, buff of having the six eyes I guess....wait hold up Gojo had given him an extremely detailed explanation of how the six eyes work.

So when Gojo was hunting him down back at the school did that mean that he was buffed under the revealing hand's binding vow?

Wasn't this just perfect?

Keitaro watched in disbelief as Gojo killed the curse with one well-placed blu.... the curse stood no chance as it couldn't bypass the infinity between them.

"Alright let's go get some food, I am starving," Gojo said nonchalantly as he had destroyed the curse.

"And who paying"Keitaro said looking at Gojo who just replied

"I will"

"yeah sure," Keitaro said as they walked to the nearby McDonald's.

They entered the places and ordered some food to eat, Gojo was surprisingly not so arrogant during that time which made Keitaro think that maybe he wasn't so bad.

However, all that good thinking went out the window the second that Gojo went to the bathroom and never came back leaving him with a bill to pay.....