Gojo Instigating {20}

The next day Keitaro had to leave his grandma's house to go back to Jujutsu High, he needed to get back in order to not be late for class.

So after eating breakfast with his grandma and being embarrassed by all the teasing and pampering she give him.

He decided to leave.....after finally removing himself from a flurry of kisses from his grandma.

So many kisses and such a strong grip.

She was hella strong for someone so old, she did However tell him to live his best life.

After leaving his grandma's house he walked a couple blocks away from her house and after making sure no nonsorcerer were looking at him.

He used his curse technique's primary function and teleported away

"Yow Minato, where were you"A familiar voice said to which Keitaro looked back to see Gojo and with a light smile he just opened his mouth and said

"Just visiting my grandma"

"Grandma boy" Gojo teased to which Keitaro said nothing.

"Stop it Satoru," Geto said slightly hitting Gojo on the head.

Keitaro smiled upon looking at them interact this was just precious to him.

"By the way, I beat your score" Gojo said with an arrogant grin.

Keitaro looked stunned asGojo puffed his chest before saying

"9.59 second"

".......I lost by a millisecond"Keitaro said looking stun.

"Hehehhe,"Gojo said laughing like an idiot.

Wasn't this just an annoying noise?

"K, then, I will set a score that you won't be able to beat" Keitaro said with a confident to which Gojo just replied.

"Try it Minato"

Keitaro slighly started to move his head to the left and then to the right cracking it up a bit before he looked at Gojo and said.

"I will set a record you wont be able to beat"

"That alot of confidence coming from a walking copyright infringement"Gojo said with a smirk to which Keitaro just reply

"Fuck you"

This was basically their relationship sum up in a few words,it wasnt that hard to get the hang of really.

Just 2 teenager going at each other throat at any chances that they may have received.

Keitaro was usually the calm headed on but Gojo knew exactly how to press his buttons,he didnt like being called Minato.

Sure they may look alike and sure their power may be the same but he wasnt Minato,they were too different people.

One was like in his 20s with a giant hole in his stomach along with having a wife and a monster sealed in his guts.

The other was a teenage boy who was only like 16,started learning curse energy a few month back and most importantly,he didnt have a giant hole in his chest or did he have a wife nor a kid.

2 different people.....that basically look like copy of each other.....that basically use the same technique...they use the same weopon,the only thing that would be missing would probably be the fire head wife and the child.....

There is no way in hell that he will let Gojo theory make sense in his mind,he wasnt a donut right now nor was he missing two of his hands,he should be perfectly fine.

Anyway,he better enjoy the time he spend with them even if he may or may not hate that name from the botttom of his heart,from deepest part of his soul.

"Yow where Shoko"Keitaro added as he noticed that she was nowhere nearby.

"Dont know,she probably at the girl bathroom or something"Gojo replied nonchantly.

"Oh yeah,Geto i forgot to ask but when i asked you what curse tastes like you said it taste like a towel that was used to wipe shit and vomit," Keitaro said looking at Geto who just reply

"Yeah,that what i said"

"How do you know how shit taste like...."Keitaro said looking at Geto.

As Geto looked stunned Gojo decided to chine in saying "I knew you had weird taste Suguru but to think you would actually..."

"I did not eat shit..."Geto replied defending himself.

"So how you know how vomit and shit taste like"Keitaro tease to which Geto look midly annoyed.

hey he had managed to annoy Geto wasnt that just good news.

He then felt it...if he didnt move in the next five minutes,chances are he was probably going to get sent flying by a curse.

"Personally Geto,i wouldnt let that slide,but that just me though"Gojo said with a smiled on his face.

'was this bastard instigating the whole thing,how dare he' Keitaro though to himself as he had to teleport away due to a curse attacking where he currently stood a few seconds ago.

This would be troublesome,a fight with Geto was incredibly annoying,sure he could get close and attack him but there were just so many curse that he needed to pass before reaching Geto.

Plus from what he can sense,he cant teleport to Geto right now because Geto was not wearing the clothes that he had marked so that elimate his earlier win-con.

It wasnt that was his only win con,he had alot more win-con but this was just the fastest and the one that require the least amount of curse energy.

Although,Keitaro didnt feel like actually destroying Geto curse as he knew how much swallowing he must have done to get so much.....ok that sounded so wrong.

Absorbing...yeah that sounded much better than swallowing

A/N....if this get 5 comments by Sunday then next week will also be double upload.