Improvement {28}

Dust motes danced in the slanted rays of sunlight filtering through a high window, illuminating a whirlwind of activity. Keitaro, a blur of focused energy, navigated the labyrinthine shelves of the Gojo clan library. Unlike the stoic silence that usually cloaked these halls, his determined muttering echoed softly: "Where is it...where is it..."

He finally skidded to a halt before a towering bookshelf, his hand trailing across worn leather spines. A triumphant grin split his face as he plucked out a hefty tome titled "Psychology of Cursed Energy." Settling himself at a nearby oak table, scarred with the whispers of past studies, Keitaro eagerly cracked open the book.

The scent of aged paper tickled his nose as he devoured the first lines. This wasn't your typical Jujutsu textbook filled with dry techniques and historical battles. This delved deeper, exploring the very essence of cursed energy, its connection to human emotions, and how those emotions could shape its form and function.

Intrigue flickered in his eyes. This wasn't just about raw power or intricate hand signs. It spoke of a deeper interplay between the user and their cursed energy, a dance of will and emotion. Leaning forward, Keitaro absorbed each word, his mind a sponge soaking up knowledge.

He read about how overwhelming rage could manifest in a cursed technique as a devastating explosion of power. Conversely, unwavering focus could channel cursed energy into a laser-like beam of precision. The more he read, the more Keitaro understood the untapped potential within him. He wasn't just a sorcerer with a cool teleporting technique; he was a conduit, a vessel shaping the very fabric of reality with his will.

Keitaro furrowed his brow, the weight of the ancient library pressing down on him as he wrestled with a new idea. He was well aware of the standard understanding of cursed techniques - a mystery locked away in the prefrontal cortex, a black box no one fully understood. But a nagging suspicion gnawed at him. Was it truly just a random quirk of the brain?

His gaze drifted to the book he'd been studying, "Psychology of Cursed Energy." It spoke of emotions fueling cursed energy, a connection deeper than mere biology. This resonated with him. What if, he thought, the soul was the true source, a vast reservoir of negative emotions constantly churning and converting into cursed energy? Like a solar panel, the soul absorbed negativity and transformed it into a dark power source.

A shiver ran down his spine. This theory had disturbing implications. If the soul housed cursed energy, any damage inflicted upon it would surely affect the user's body, their cursed energy output, and potentially even their technique itself. It was a terrifying dance, manipulating such a core aspect of a person.

But then, a spark of opportunity ignited in his mind. If his theory held water, then perhaps a sorcerer with a soul-manipulating technique could theoretically force a non-sorcerer to develop a cursed technique! The implications were staggering. It could be a way to identify potential allies among the cursed-energy-sensitive population, or even a horrifying method to create a personal army.

Suddenly, the seemingly impossible task of capturing a special-grade cursed spirit for his battery felt less daunting.

Keitaro slammed his notebook shut, the sharp crack echoing through the silent library. He scribbled the last sentence with a flourish, the weight of his theory both exhilarating and unsettling. Manipulating souls? It was a dark path, but the potential for a controllable power source was undeniable. Yet, for now, he pushed those thoughts aside. He had a more immediate task – improving his Unseen Storm.

His eyes scanned the shelves, landing on a weathered tome titled "Advanced Barrier Techniques." A grin flickered across his face. Perhaps the secrets to enhancing his technique lay not just in manipulating emotions, but also in mastering the very foundation of his power – barriers.

He settled back in, flipping through the pages. Diagrams of complex barrier formations danced before him, each symbol promising a new layer of control. He devoured the information, learning about nested barriers, conditional barriers that activated based on specific triggers, and even barriers that amplified cursed energy within their confines.

An idea sparked in his mind. What if he could integrate these advanced concepts into his Unseen Storm? Could he create nested layers of darkness, with an inner sanctum where his control over cursed energy was absolute? Or perhaps he could set up conditional triggers, manipulating the environment within the Storm based on the enemy's movements.

The possibilities were endless. He sketched furiously in his notebook, visualizing elaborate barrier formations interwoven with his darkness. He saw himself teleporting not just within the Storm, but manipulating its very fabric, creating pockets of amplified cursed energy or even deadly traps that would ensnare his foes.

A new level of excitement coursed through him. It wasn't just about raw power; it was about tactical brilliance. With these advanced barriers, he could transform the Unseen Storm from a simple cage into a dynamic battlefield, a playground where he dictated the rules.

He spent the rest of the day lost in creation. Formulas danced across the pages, alongside intricate diagrams that resembled constellations woven from darkness. By the time the library doors creaked shut, signaling closing time, Keitaro emerged with a renewed sense of purpose.

He wasn't just chasing strength; he was crafting a symphony of darkness, a testament to his mastery over cursed energy.

As the last rays of sunlight bled through the library windows, casting long shadows across the worn oak tables, Keitaro knew it was time to call it a day. His brain buzzed with newfound knowledge about advanced barrier techniques and the potential to transform his Unseen Storm. However, there was one more piece to the puzzle.

He rose with a satisfied sigh, stretching his stiff muscles from hours of hunched research. A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes as he scanned the distant shelves. "Talismens," he muttered, the word a promise on his lips.

With renewed purpose, Keitaro navigated the labyrinthine aisles, his steps lighter despite the day's intellectual marathon. He finally reached a section adorned with intricate symbols and paper scrolls tied with vibrant ribbons. Talisman magic – a potent yet often overlooked aspect of Jujutsu sorcery.

He plucked a dusty tome titled "The Art of Talisman Creation." Eager hands flipped the brittle pages, his eyes devouring the intricate diagrams and formulas.  Here, within these aged scrolls, lay the secrets to imbuing paper with cursed energy, transforming it into potent tools for offense, defense, and even amplification.

Keitaro scribbled furiously in his notebook, capturing everything from basic warding talismans to complex constructs capable of channeling specific cursed techniques. He learned about imbuing talismans with specific intentions, creating triggers activated upon touch or proximity.

The possibilities were vast. Could he create talismans that amplified the cursed energy within his Unseen Storm? Perhaps even talismans that mirrored his illusion clones, confusing opponents with a flurry of deceptive appearances? His mind buzzed with ideas.

By the time the final flicker of sunlight faded from the library, Keitaro emerged with a notebook overflowing with notes and a mischievous grin plastered on his face. The day's research had been a revelation. Not only was he unlocking the full potential of his Unseen Storm, but he was also unlocking the power of talismans, a versatile tool that could become a crucial arsenal in his quest for ultimate power.

He walked towards his quarters, the weight of his notebook a comforting reminder of his progress. Tonight, his dreams wouldn't be filled with distant battles and fearsome opponents. Tonight, they would be filled with intricate diagrams, crackling with cursed energy, as Keitaro envisioned a future where his mastery of talismans and barriers wo

A/N over all, he is a strong grade one but his speed alone is special grade.