Unlocking more {34}

Keitaro slammed a rasengan straight through the curse back,the spiraling ball of curse energy drilled into the curse cutting through it skin like a hot knife through butter.

It didnt take that long for the curse to get exorciced,as the curse body slowly started vanish,Keitaro opened his mouth and said "Eat up buddy"

As those words left his mouth,a white fox jumped out his necklace and walked toward the body of the dying curse.

Keitaro watched as his shikigami started to devour the curse body or whatever what remain of it,he could feel it absorbing the curse,curse energy and adding it into his own pool.

After a few seconds,the curse was completly absorbed,the fox then trotted back toward him before jumping back inside his necklase.

As soon as the shikigami was in his necklase Keitaro felt something was happening,upon focusing further,he soon realized that he was feeling his shikigami fully integrate the curse,curse energy into its own.

That process was probably going to take a bit, he had gotten the gist of it by now.

His shikigami would feel on curse energy, digest it and store it somewhere.

He also had to take care of it as it seem to be very weak and fragile right now.

Kind of like a child,he must protect it no matter what, this little guy would become his ticket into fixing his curse energy pool being just above average.

He will use it in order to grow his own curse energy pool by slowly pouring more and more curse energy into his own body everyday.

Artificial growing his curse energy pool to a much greater level,but until now he had to feed it some curse.

The curse he had just kill was a grade 1 curse,that was the fifth grade curse he had killed this week.

Which meant his little foxy had about 10 grade one worth of curse energy,this reading wasnt fully accurate thought,somewhere around 6 or 5 would be a better reading as not all of the curse,curse energy finish the process.

Something has to be used in order to do the process in the first place

Keitaro blink a bit as the little fox came out of his necklase and went sat on his shoulder a bit while yawning.

"Is something wrong Akane"Keitaro mutter as he patted the head of the fox sitting on his shoulder.

The fox just licked Keitaro cheek before yawning a bit.

"Arent you feeling playful today"Keitaro added as the fox gave him a big smile.

Keitaro sigh to himself a bit,this was nice,Akane seem to really like him,he gently carress her head before placing her on his head.

"Better now"He asked the fox to which he received a very pleased sound from the fox.

It seem as if Akane wanted to see the world while sitting on his head,wasnt this just nice.

Some stuff that he learned about the fox were for one, it was very affectionate and for two, it had decently powerful sense of smell.

Though it was still a kid,that seem to not have been born long before Keitaro contracted him.

He will probably study domain expansion later with the fox because why not, it will probably be a good bonding experience, studying while taking care of his pet.

He may learn alot more about curse energy.

Time skip

Keitaro was seen inside his room meditating and on his head a small white fox could be seen taking a nap.

Keitaro eyes were shut close,his breathing seem relax and his curse energy control seem to be top notch.

Keitaro took in a deep breath before breathing out and repeating the same process over and over again

As Keitaro reopen his eyes,he was somewhere else,Keitaro was seen floating in space,as his eyes darted around he could see countless galaxies,countless stars,countless solar system.

Something else was amiss,time seem to be moving different as in some area time seem to be slowed while in some other it seemed to be incredibly fast.

His eyes wandered around from place to places before eventually landing on what he came here for,in the middle of it all he saw it,on the floor,it was a Kunai.

Keitaro walked toward the kunai,nor walk but more like floated there.

This was his mind scape after all,he could do this.

He walked toward the kunai and reached it for it,his hads grabbed the kunai and as soon as it did,everything went silent.

It felt so calm,before suddenly the place was overwhelm by some sort of energy.

Keitaro was used to that energy thought he had zero control over it.

The energy bashed into his body at full force,Keitaro barely managed to hold unto his conscionous as he could feel himself slipping.

Meanwhile in the real world.

Some markings begin to appeared all over Keitaro face,as those marking appeared though,they seemed to have awaken Akane.

Noticing the change on her master body,Akane immediatly started to absorb the excess amount of energy that was leaking out of Keitaro body.

In 30 seconds the overwhelming amount of energy that was seemingly leaking out of Keitaro body stopped flowing out and Akane stop absorbing it.

She jump from his head to his lap before climbing unto his chest and procceding to lick his face to wake him up.

Keitaro eyes flutter open and as they open for the first time,Akane noticed that his eyes seem to have changed but not before returning back to normal.

She licked his face again which gain a small smile from him that she enjoyed.