The temple {47}

Keitaro turned his gaze from the cacophony outside, the honking horns and bustling crowds momentarily forgotten. Rahul's explanation of Hinduism, with its stories of mischievous gods and epic battles, was captivating. Keitaro noticed the excitement in Rahul's face as he spoke about his country's culture.

Outside the car window, the urban landscape gave way to a more suburban scene. Rows of brightly colored houses, some with prayer flags strung across balconies, lined the dusty streets. Women in saris watered vibrant flower gardens, their laughter carried on the warm breeze. Men in lungis sat on stoops, sipping chai from steaming cups and watching the world go by.

Occasionally he would see a majestic banyan tree, its branches sprawling like a giant's arms, would fill his eyes with something new to look at.

He even saw monkeys and they look quite mischievous The air was still thick with the exhaust fumes of the city, was now tinged with the sweet scent of jasmine and the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil.

As they neared the temple, the honking horns subsided, replaced by the rhythmic chanting of devotees. Billowing smoke from burning incense drifted across the road, carrying with it the promise of a sacred space.

Thought as he was getting there he noticed an entity looking at him from afar,he knew it was a curse from just looking at it.

Thought it look and felt different,noticing the way he was looking at window.

"Oh this is just a atman"Rahul added.

"What that"Keitaro asked looking confused to which Rahul seem thoughful for a bit.

He seem like he was trying to tell him how exactly to say it to him.

Rahul tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, explaining Atman can be tricky," he admitted. "To put it simply, it's the soul, the essence of a living being." He hesitated, then added with a slight smile, "Though, to you, I suppose it would be more like a... spirit."

As in curse spirits...wait this was his chance to ask about the jujutsu sorcerer of this place.

Keitaro feeling excited at the prospect of learning how stuff worked here wanted to ask a multitude of question "So, these Atmans," he began excitedly, his voice barely a whisper over the traffic noise, "do they... exercise their spirits?"

Rahul chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. "Not exactly exercise, Minato," he explained, glancing at him"In Hinduism, we believe in the concept of Atma shuddhi, which translates to 'purification of the soul.'"

He gestured out the window at the bustling street scene. "Everything you see here, the people, the animals, even the honking cars, all have an Atman," he said. "The goal is to purify this Atman, to free it from negative karma and attachments that prevent it from achieving moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth."

Intrigued, Keitaro leaned forward in her seat. "How do they do that?" he pressed, the image of the curse spirit he had seen momentarily fading from his mind.

Rahul's eyes gleamed with a quiet fervor. "There are many paths to Atma shuddhi," he explained. "Some practice yoga, which focuses on physical and mental discipline to achieve a state of inner peace. Others follow the path of bhakti, or devotion, by chanting mantras and worshipping deities like Lord Krishna."

He pointed towards a towering temple dome visible in the distance. "Temples like the one we're going to, the Jagannath Temple, are considered sacred spaces that can help purify the Atman. Offering prayers, participating in rituals, even simply being present in such a holy place can contribute to spiritual cleansing."

Keitaro pondered this, the sound outside now a backdrop to a deeper conversation. "So, it's not about getting rid of the Atman, but making it... better?" He asked tentatively.

"Also my name is Keitaro...not Minato"Keitaro clarify as he looked at the man to which Rahul nodded.

The car finally pulled up to a majestic sight - the Jagannath Temple.

Its towering whitewashed walls were adorned with intricate carvings depicting gods and mythical creatures. A vibrant red flag, emblazoned with a golden wheel, fluttered atop the main entrance, a beacon against the clear blue sky.

As soon as he walked outside the car,he felt something was different something in here was kuch different. As they approached the entrance, a man dressed in pristine white dhoti and angavastra, with a sandalwood paste mark adorning his forehead, greeted them with a warm smile and a slight bow.

"Keitaro," Rahul said, gesturing towards the man, "this is Panditji, the Pujari here at the Jagannath Temple. He's a kind soul and will be happy to answer any questions you have about the temple and its rituals."

Keitaro returned the bow, a flicker of curiosity sparking in her eyes. "Pujari," he repeated, the word foreign on his tongue yet strangely comforting in this sacred space. Perhaps this Panditji, this Hindu priest, could offer a deeper understanding of the world he just stepped into, a world filled with honking horns, Atmans, and the promise of spiritual purification.

Maybe here he would learn something new...he wanted to learn more about that Atmans stuff,he wouldnt mind having more info on it

A/N my poor head its hurt so much....though i hope i am not messing up Hinduism. made sure to do my research.