The unseen side {53}

Keitaro was seen walking around the streets of india,the scent of gas along side fruits and maybe a stench of sweat were linguering in the air.

However this wasnt something that bother him to much,he looked all around him to see how people were living their day to day life.

The area appeared to be full of people ad seem to be rather lively,Keitaro had a soft smile on his face as he looked around,he was amazed as he was looking around and felt himself being amaze at what he was seing.

Infront of his very eyes he saw it.

The honking of rickshaws managed to weaved through the colorful crowds, their drivers yelling greetings in a language Keitaro somewhat understood.

Everywhere Keitaro looked, there was something new to take in. Women in vibrantly colored saris glided past with their arms adorned with sparkling bangles.

Men wearing neatly tied turbans sat sipping chai at open-air cafes, the sweet, spicy aroma filling the air. Children, barefooted and carefree, chased each other around a makeshift cricket pitch, their laughter echoing all around them.

Keitaro felt a wide grin stretch across his face. This place was 100% different from japan it was like and day, and yet he didnt feel homsick he just felt excited at the idea of the new thing he could find here.

He spent plenty of time trying to find his Atman and spent way to much time meditating,today was the day that he planned to treat himself and take in the sight.

He would make sure to absorb as much info as possible.

Walking around he eventually stopped in front of a small fruit stand, he was mesmerized by the dazzling array of colors. Towering piles of mangoes, their green skins tinged with red and yellow, sat next to baskets overflowing with ruby red pomegranates and plump purple eggplants.

A friendly vendor, his face etched with laugh lines, beckoned him to come closer. Keitaro being the very curious man that he was pointed at the bumpy green fruit He had never seen before.

The vendor chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Ah, that's a custard apple, Sir," he explained in heavily accented English. "Sweet and creamy, like nothing you've ever tasted."

Keitaro decided to buy one, its  had a bumpy exterior and it felt cool against his palm. As Keitaro wandered deeper into the market, he sampled bite-sized pieces of warm samosas, their crispy exteriors hiding a burst of savory potato filling. The sweet, syrupy jalebis he tried next were a sugary explosion in his mouth, making him wanting to eat a lot more.

Everywhere he turned, there was something new to experience, a new flavor to discover. It was a sensory feast, a world so different from his own that it felt both exciting and strangely familiar.

So many thing to eat...there was also the fact that he had barely taken that much money from his pretty budget over the last month that he could afford to go on a spending spree today.

Though he wonder could he make money by being a doctor here or something, that would save him from his financial problem.

Though he had already brough his tickets to go to Nepal,so his problem would start once he was there thus why he need to find a money making scheme.

Keitaro savored the sweet spicy explosion of a samosa, the perfect afternoon snack amidst the bustling marketplace. The vibrant colors and sounds were intoxicating – a cacophony of honking rickshaws, haggling vendors, and the melodic calls of unseen birds. But as he turned a corner, he suddenly realize that this place was no sunshine.

A young boy, no older than eight, darted out of a narrow alleyway, his clothes hanging loosely on his skeletal frame. His eyes, large and sunken, held a desperate glint. He slammed into Keitaro, his tiny hand brushing against his wallet.

Instinctively, Keitaro felt it and thus reached out,  "Hey!" He exclaimed,As he reached out to the boy,he managed to grab him before the boy could realize it.

Though once he made contact he realize that the boy was more bony then anything.

But before he could finish her thought, the boy bolted, weaving through the crowd like a phantom. Keitaro didnt feel worry at all,he had placed a mark on the boy after all so he just needed to follow him.

Deciding to follow the boy had a leisurely pace Keitaro eyes wandered around from house to house,the more he walk the more he realize he was walking toward the slumms.

Wasnt this just great.

Taking a deep breath, Keitaro approached cautiously. The stench of garbage and stale urine hit himfirst, followed by the sight of several ragged figures huddled together in the darkness. The boy was there, his back pressed against the wall, his eyes wide with fear.

Keitaro eventually found the boy,pretty easy considering he was a walking.....

"Hey," he said softly, his voice gentle. "I just wanted to talk."

The boy flinched but didn't move. Keitaro reached into his bag and pulled out the bumpy green custard apple He had bought earlier.

"This is for you," He said, holding it out. "It's really sweet, you might like it."

The boy's eyes flickered between the fruit and Keitaro face. Hesitantly, he emerged from the shadows, his thinness even more pronounced in the dim light. He looked at the fruit, then back at Keitaro, a question lingering in his gaze.

"I won't call the police," Keitaro said, understanding dawning on him. "Just give me my wallet back, okay?"

For a long moment, they stood there in a silent negotiation. Finally, the boy reached into his ragged shirt and produced a worn leather wallet. He tossed it towards Keitaro, then snatched the custard apple and scurried back into the darkness.

Keitaro eyes looked around him before noticing that they were probably thousands of people out there in need of help.

So many of them, even though he felt like their live didnt affect his own at all and that he should continue living as if he had seen it.

He just couldnt bring himself to,he could help them...

A/N.....side story part 3.

"Gojo you cant use infinity and an attack on the same turn,you have to choose wheater to block or get attack"Keitaro said a bit annoyed as he looked at Gojo blocking all the incoming hits coming toward him using Infinity.

" someone a sore loser" Gojo said with a cheesy smile on his face.

"What cant you take a blow...i thought you were the stronguest,what are you scared or something" Keitaro added with a sarcastic undertone.

"The stronguest doesnt mean i have to get fisted by that thing,its 20 feet tall beheamout,i would rather not have my guts reaarange"Gojo said with a smile on his face.

"Heh,you wont be able to spam infinity for long remember you can only use it like 5 time and you already used it 4 time"Keitaro added with a smile on his face as Gojo looked annoyed.

Geto threw a punch at Gojo that landed straight in his gut sending him flying a few meter back.

Gojo cough up something before reappering back at his spot.

"Aight now my turn to attack"Gojo said to which Keitaro said "Nu-huh...remmeber i decide what move you use"

Gojo froze for a second as Keitaro opened his mouth and said "Remember when i got hit by that thing so hard,that i almost puke"

" couldnt be that hard"Gojo said shrugging a bit.

"Use reinforcement"Keitaro said with a smile on his face to which Gojo smirk vanish

"You wouldnt"He said looking at Keitaro to which he just grinned.

"Like a wise man once said Thug it out" Keitaro said with a smirk on his face.