Miracles {55}

A wave of nausea slammed into Keitaro as the polluted water entered his system. His stomach lurched, churning violently as if rebelling against the toxic intrusion. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to remain still, focusing on the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. This was the hard part, the initial shock to his body as it absorbed the very toxins he intended to cleanse.

His vision swam, the once vibrant world outside the car window blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors. Beads of sweat erupted on his forehead, each one a testament to the internal battle raging within him. His cells, normally abuzz with life, felt sluggish, bogged down by the alien invaders.

But Keitaro was no stranger to discomfort. He had endured far worse in his pursuit of mastering RCT. He pushed through the churning in his gut, the dizziness threatening to overwhelm him. This was a necessary step, a baptism of sorts, before he could begin the true healing process.

With a deep, shuddering breath, Keitaro shifted his focus inwards. He closed his eyes, shutting out the concerned gaze of Rahul and the oppressive stench of the polluted river. He delved deep within himself, seeking the wellspring of his own Atman, the essence of his soul.

As if he was right,being able to use his Atman as the guideline he will be able to tell between what belong and what doesnt belong in his whole body.

He envisioned it as a radiant core, a pulsating sphere of pure energy that resided at the very center of his being. This was the source of his power, the well from which he drew the strength to manipulate reality at a fundamental level.

As he focused on his Atman, a new sensation arose – a dull ache, a dissonance within the otherwise harmonious energy. It was the foreign toxins, the unwelcome guests clinging to his cells, disrupting the natural flow of his life force.

A determined glint flickered in Keitaro's eyes, even though they remained shut. He would use his newfound knowledge in order to purge it from his body.

With his newfound knowledge about the soul and how the body and soul coexist together as one.

Keitaro started to look for the intruder as any intruder will not feel nor resonate the same as his actual organ and soul.

He could find them pretty easily now.

With meticulous focus, Keitaro directed a tendril of pure Atmanic energy towards the first cluster of toxins. It was like trying to separate oil from water, a delicate dance of rejection and purification. The toxins recoiled, sensing the encroaching purity, attempting to burrow deeper into his cells.

But Keitaro persevered. He visualized his Atman as a cleansing flame, burning away the impurities, leaving only his own healthy essence behind. It was a slow, painstaking process, akin to weeding a garden choked with invasive vines. But with each tendril of energy he sent forth, a tiny bit of the pollution yielded, dissolving back into the murky water it originated from.

As he continued the cleansing process, a sense of relief washed over him. The nausea subsided, replaced by a dull ache that was far more manageable. The dizziness faded, replaced by a renewed sense of clarity.

Opening his eyes, Keitaro met Rahul's gaze, a tired but triumphant smile gracing his lips. "There," he rasped, his voice weak but resolute. "That's the first step. Now, for the river itself."

Rahul stared at Keitaro, his jaw slack and eyes wide as saucers. The man had just ingested a a huge amount of polluted water, and then went through a process that looked like pure torture and emerged with a triumphant smile. Logic, Rahul's usual companion, had abandoned him entirely. This was beyond anything he'd ever encountered, anything his science textbooks had prepared him for.

Was this Jujutsu and what this how insane every jujutsu sorcerer was.

Before Rahul could stammer out a question, Keitaro spoke, his voice hoarse but firm. "Akane... I need your help here."

As the words left his lips, a flicker of pure white light materialized on Keitaro's shoulder. It solidified into a breathtaking creature - a three-tailed fox, its fur as white as fresh snow. Her intelligent eyes, the color of polished amber, met Rahul's for a fleeting moment before settling on Keitaro.

A surge of energy coursed through Keitaro, replenishing his reserves. Keitaro stretched out his hand, palm facing the polluted river. Focusing all his concentration, he channeled his RCT through his body, directing it towards the murky water.

Rahul watched, mesmerized, as the river responded. It was as if someone had hit a fast-forward button on a purification process. The once opaque, fetid water began to shimmer. A swirling vortex of colors, a dance of cleansing energy, erupted within the riverbed.

Slowly, but surely, the transformation began. The murky brown gave way to a clearer, greenish-blue hue. The stench, replaced by a faint, earthy smell. Debris and garbage, caught in the swirling vortex, began to disintegrate and dissolve.

Bystanders, who had initially stopped to gawk at the strange duo by the river especially that yellow hair one, they thought he might just be a crazy foreigner as they saw him drink the water.

However they were proven wrong,not about the crazy part that part was 100% right, the part they werent right about was about how he might have been doing it for the experience i a sense.

Gasps filled the air, followed by hushed whispers of magic and what looked to be a divine intervention. An old woman, tears welling in her eyes, muttered a prayer of gratitude. A young boy, wide-eyed with wonder, pointed at the rapidly clearing water, babbling excitedly to his mother.

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Within minutes, the river that had been a symbol of neglect and pollution was reborn. Crystal clear water flowed gently, reflecting the clear blue sky above. Fish, previously hidden in the murky depths, darted playfully near the surface. It was a scene of breathtaking beauty, a testament to the power of unconventional methods.

As The river was fully clear,Keitaro patted Akane head saying "You did a good job girl"

To which Akane just smile upon hearing those words purring a bit upon hearing his words.

Keitaro then looked at Rahul dumbfounded face.

"Alright let go heal the other rivers" Keitaro said with a smile on his face.

A/N…5 comments for double upload next week.