Experiment {62}

Keitaro was taken aback as the Jikininki failed to stay down despite the gaping hole in its head caused by his lightning strike. A sickly green light was pulsing from the wound, with tendrils of energy weaving and knitting the flesh back together. This was regeneration - an ability the creature possessed that he hadn't anticipated. Given this unexpected development, he knew he couldn't afford to waste any time.

With a snarl, Keitaro channeled even more cursed energy into his gloves, the electricity crackling with a even more intensity.  He launched himself at the regenerating beast, a blur of blue light.  His fist, encased in the charged glove, connected squarely with the Jikiniki's face in a bone-shattering crunch.  This time, the impact was far more devastating.  The creature's head exploded in a grisly shower of gore and bone, a grotesque display of its warped nature.

Keitaro knew better than to celebrate just yet. He knew it wasn't over. The Jikiniki's body twitched on the ground, making a final effort to take control again. But Keitaro was determined to prevent this from happening. Without wasting any time, he took out a pre-prepared seal from his pocket. The seal had a complex design, etched with intricate symbols that pulsed faintly with a binding energy.

Keitaro slammed the seal onto the twitching body with practiced ease. He then began chanting with a resonating voice that filled the confined space. The words activated the binding properties of the seal.

"By the power of binding, I command you to halt! Walls of stone, rise from the earth! Chains of iron, bind their worth! Cursed energy, weave a cage so tight that no darkness escapes and no evil takes flight!"

As soon as the last word was uttered, the ground shook beneath the Jikiniki's corpse. Sharp black rocks emerged from the earth, creating a barrier around the creature's remains. Chains made of cursed energy, glowing blue eerily, extended from the walls of the rocks, locking the Jikiniki's soul inside. A final, otherworldly scream was heard from the newly formed prison before a heavy silence fell.

A flicker of concern crossed Keitaro's face as he observed the Jikininki's prison. The creature was writhing within its bonds, and its dark essence was straining against the walls of cursed energy. It was clear that the initial seal, designed for pure containment, wasn't enough.

Taking a deep breath, Keitaro approached the pulsating seal with renewed determination. He needed to learn more about this Jikininki's unique abilities and perhaps even find a way to purify it. Or better yet, learn how it could handle having more than 4 curse technique store in his body.

With practiced movements, Keitaro began altering the intricate symbols etched onto the seal. He weaved in new patterns, channeling a different kind of cursed energy - one imbued with the principles of cleansing and purification. As he worked, he chanted a new incantation, his voice ringing out with a newfound purpose.

"Hear my rhythm, a cleansing beat," he boomed, his voice echoing within the barrier. "Warding circle, make it complete. Light's embrace, banish the night, Seal the darkness, with sacred might."

With the final word, the seal pulsed with a brilliant white light, a stark contrast to the ominous blue that had emanated from it before. This light, infused with positive cursed energy, began to seep into the Jikininki's prison, burning into the creature's essence.

Following the chant, Keitaro formed another hand sign, a complex sequence designed to modulate the flow of cursed energy. He lowered the intensity of the reverse cursed technique, ensuring it wouldn't obliterate the Jikininki but rather weaken it enough to make it more susceptible to the purification process.

This was a delicate dance, a first for Keitaro. He had never encountered a curse spirit quite like this one, and the stakes were high. But his curiosity, fueled by his desire to understand and potentially help this twisted creature, propelled him forward.As the white light continued to bathe the Jikininki, the creature's screams transformed into pained shrieks. Its form flickered and wavered, and the darkness within it visibly receded. Keitaro watched intently, his own energy reserves starting to dwindle.

"Akane" Ketairo said before suddenly his dwindeling curse energy resserve went back to being full.

"I will treat you later" he said with a soft smile as a small white fox was seen looking very content with her work.

With a determined look on his face, Keitaro sat down next to the curse and startd analysing it...Chances are he wouldnt get the chance back at the buddhism temple so he would do it now.

The creature looked to be violent but with the chains wrapped around its body, it was like a puppy in chain trying to bark.

All bark but no bites, Keitaro sat down before teleporting a nearby mouse to his hand, he then looked at the creature before placing the mouse inside the seal and watched the creature devour the soul of the mouse....

The mouse body was just there but its soul was gone, it had been completly devour leaving behind an empty husk of a creature.

"Facsinating" Keitaro said to no one in particular....

This creature would be fun to study.

A/N he is a curse energy geek...