New move {68}

Keitaro settled into his room, breathing in the familiar scent of aged paper and ink emanating from the book nestled in his lap. Akane, his loyal kitsune companion, curled up contentedly beside him, her rhythmic purrs lulling him to a peaceful state. As he turned the final page, he let out a soft sigh of satisfaction.

Closing his eyes, he allowed the knowledge he had just absorbed to sink in. The book he had been reading was a treatise on advanced domain expansions. He had learned that these powerful techniques, often associated with destructive force, could be more than just weapons of mass destruction. A domain expansion could also be a tool, a carefully crafted environment tailored to achieve a specific goal. In fact, a non-lethal domain might even be easier to execute, as it required intricate manipulation of cursed energy instead of pure power.

This realization sparked an idea within Keitaro. His own Unseen Storm technique, a potent barrier infused with his cursed energy, already possessed some domain-like qualities. Although it wasn't a full-fledged domain expansion, it hinted at the potential within him. With his superior understanding of barriers compared to even Gojo, and his ever-expanding knowledge base, creating a true domain expansion might not be as far-fetched as he initially thought.

"Two months," he murmured, tracing a finger along the worn cover of the book. "With dedicated focus, I could probably pull it off in two months."He glanced at Akane, her golden fur catching the soft glow of the lamplight. It felt like just yesterday he was a wide-eyed teenager, thrust into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Now, on the cusp of nineteen, he was a seasoned exorcist, his skills honed through relentless training and countless battles. The graduation from Jujutsu society felt like a distant memory, a mere stepping stone on his ever-evolving journey.

The past three months in Nepal had been a period of immense growth for Keitaro. He had diligently expanded his cursed energy reserves, pushing his limits and refining his control. His techniques, once rough and unpolished, were now honed to a razor's edge. He visualized himself facing his younger self, a confident smirk replacing the initial contemplation. There was no doubt in his mind – the current Keitaro would triumph nine times out of ten.

But a nagging question still lingered in the back of his mind. The technique he had been meticulously developing, the one he hoped would give him an edge against Gojo – would it be ready in time for their inevitable encounter? Only time, and relentless effort, would tell. Keitaro closed his book with a decisive snap, the sound echoing in the quiet room.

Keitaro stretched, the pre-dawn light filtering through his window and casting long shadows across the room. Akane, ever vigilant, stirred on his shoulder, her amber eyes blinking sleepily. "Time to see if this crazy idea works," he declared, a determined glint in his eyes.

Akane perked up, her ears twitching with curiosity. She had a front-row seat to Keitaro's relentless pursuit of power, witnessing countless failed attempts and frustrating dead ends. Yet, his spirit remained unbroken, his thirst for knowledge unquenched.

He stepped outside, the crisp mountain air invigorating his senses. Today was the day he'd test his most audacious theory yet – a technique designed to bypass Gojo's seemingly impenetrable Infinity.

The concept, on paper at least, was deceptively simple.  He envisioned a deadly dance between two of his skills – the raw destructive power of a cursed energy infused Rasengan and his lightning-fast Cursed Flash Step.

The intricate choreography:

Rasengan with a Twist:  He would begin by channeling his cursed energy into a swirling vortex, mimicking the iconic Rasengan technique.  However, unlike a standard Rasengan, his would flicker in and out of existence with alarming rapidity, mirroring the elusive nature of his mirage afterimages.

Disrupting Infinity:  This rapid flickering, fueled by cursed energy, would theoretically disrupt the automatic activation of Gojo's Infinity in a localized area around the Rasengan. This disruption would create a temporary "blind spot" in Gojo's defense, a window of vulnerability.

Teleporting Blitz:  Just before the Rasengan made physical contact with Gojo, Keitaro planned to unleash his Cursed Flash Step. But with a twist. He wouldn't teleport himself – he would teleport the Rasengan itself!  Imagine Gojo raising his hand in defense, only to have the cursed energy projectile vanish mere inches away.

Delivering the Blow:  The teleportation, timed with exquisite precision, would bring the Rasengan back into existence within Gojo's disrupted Infinity zone, effectively bypassing his initial barrier. This surprise attack would then explode with devastating force, the power dependent on the amount of cursed energy infused and the accuracy of the teleportation.

Simple, right? Not a chance.

Keitaro chuckled to himself, the absurdity of the plan washing over him. Coordinating two powerful techniques with such pinpoint accuracy, not to mention disrupting Gojo's Infinity – it was a gamble, a Hail Mary pass against an opponent seemingly invincible.  But Keitaro wasn't known for shying away from challenges.  He took a deep breath, focusing his cursed energy.  Akane, sensing his resolve, let out a sharp bark, a silent encouragement.

With a battle cry that echoed through the serene mountains, Keitaro launched into his attempt. The air crackled with raw power as he formed the cursed Rasengan, the flickering effect growing more pronounced with each passing second.  He could almost hear Gojo's bewildered expression as the Rasengan vanished mere inches from an imaginary barrier.  Then came the crucial moment – teleporting the projectile itself.

A grimace contorted Keitaro's face as he strained every fiber of his being.  Sweat beaded on his forehead, the effort immense.  There was a flash, a flicker of blue energy reappearing... but not quite where he intended. The Rasengan slammed harmlessly into the ground, a testament to his imperfect execution.

Akane tilted her head, her amber eyes gleaming with curiosity as the dust settled around Keitaro's failed attempt. The frustration was evident on his face, a grimace etched into his features. Yet, even in his disappointment, a spark of determination flickered, refusing to be extinguished.

"So," she spoke in his mind, her voice laced with youthful enthusiasm, "what shall we call this dazzling new technique, Master?"

Keitaro chuckled, a hint of self-deprecation tinging his voice. "Dazzling? More like 'dud' at this point. But hey, gotta give it a name. How about... Spiralling Ball Version 2: Infinity Breaker Edition?"

Akane's expression, if a kitsune could be said to have one, went deadpan. A single, unimpressed blink followed by a sigh echoed within his head. "Master, you truly are..." she paused, searching for the right word, "unimaginative" wasn't harsh enough, "horrible at giving names."

Keitaro raised an eyebrow, a playful glint returning to his eyes. "Hey, it's catchy! Functional, even."

Akane snorted. "Fine, fine. If you won't take naming seriously, then I shall bestow a title upon your technique myself." She paused for dramatic effect, her voice taking on a regal air. "Behold! The Mirage Rasengan: Infinity Piercer!"

The name hung in the air, a stark contrast to Keitaro's clunky attempt. It was elegant, descriptive, and evoked a sense of power and precision that resonated with the technique's intended purpose. A sheepish grin spread across Keitaro's face.

"Alright, alright," he conceded, "you win. Mirage Rasengan: Infinity Piercer it is. Though," he added with a teasing nudge, "maybe we can work on your overly dramatic delivery?"

A/N i wonder where he get his naming sense from.