Akane illusion {71}

The cool water invigorated Keitaro, and he felt a refreshing surge of energy coursing through him. He noticed that his depleted reserves of cursed energy started to replenish, which was a phenomenon that normally only occurred after spending time near Akane. This was peculiar, and a curious wrinkle formed on his brow. The well water was different; it had a subtle energy to it, a soft hum that resonated within him. It wasn't the sharp, chaotic thrum of cursed energy, but something gentler and almost healing.

Intrigued, he looked towards the girl who had offered him the drink and asked, "May I know where did you get this water?" He was curious about the source of the water.The girl, with bright eyes and a child's innocent wisdom, met his gaze. For a moment, something ancient seemed to shimmer in her depths, a connection to a world beyond the ordinary. Then, in a clear, lilting voice, she replied, "Gokyo Lake," the name rolling off her tongue.

Keitaro's eyes widened in surprise. Gokyo Lake was a legendary location in the Himalayas, a high-altitude lake system revered for its pristine waters and spiritual significance. "Gokyo Lake?" he repeated. "But how? This village isn't anywhere near the Himalayas." The logistics didn't make sense, as there was no way this well, carved from solid rock just hours ago, could be connected to a lake miles away.

No..there more likely option was the fact that they had probably had this water in this village for a while and offer it to him...but why.

"Thank you for helping our village" The chief of the village said to which Keitaro just gave the man a cheap grin before saying.

"Its not big deal really i just help out a bit?" As those words left his mouth he scratched the back of his head a bit and had what seemed to be a goofy smile on his face.

The man looked at Keitaro dumbfounded, this teenage boy who had done so much acting as if he barely had done anything, what kind of foreigner was he.

The man eyes looked at Keitaro before landing on his daughter....

Though before he could think of anything else, Keitaro stood up and started walking away.

"I have to go or Tenzin might kill me,bye" As those words left Keitaro lips he was seen dashing outside the village at full speed as the people in the village were seen waving the boy goodbye.

A determined glint shone in the eyes of the chief's daughter as she set off on a long journey to the sacred lake, a forty-mile trek to bring back water even more potent than that of the newly discovered well. She shouldered a sturdy backpack and imagined the villagers' faces lighting up with gratitude as she returned, a conquering heroine laden with the purest, most healing water imaginable.

Days passed, and the journey became more demanding. The sun beat down mercilessly, and her once-ample provisions dwindled with alarming rapidity. Fueled by sheer willpower and the image of the grateful village, she pushed on. However, on the second day, exhaustion gnawed at her. Her legs ached with every step, her throat parched, her stomach a hollow cavern. She cursed her forgetfulness of not bringing any water bottle or food, just relying on her foolish confidence of youth and a misplaced sense of urgency.

Just as despair threatened to engulf her, a shimmering mirage materialized in the distance. She saw a pristine lake, its surface reflecting the endless blue sky, and hope surged through her. Stumbling towards the lake, she envisioned a cool, invigorating drink, a respite from her ordeal. Reaching the water's edge, she fell to her knees, cupping her hands to scoop up the life-giving liquid. But as the water touched her lips, a horrifying transformation occurred. The crystal-clear liquid turned to ash, a mocking reminder of her thirst.

The mirage dissolved, replaced by a grotesquely grinning figure. A Rakshasa, a malevolent demon from legend, materialized before her, its eyes gleaming with sadistic amusement. The chief's daughter, caught off guard and weakened by her journey, could only stare in terror as the cruel creature advanced, ready to make her another victim of its twisted games.

Panic gripped the chief's daughter as she faced the Rakshasa demon. She had heard stories of their illusory tricks and insatiable hunger for human flesh, but the grotesque reality of the creature looming over her left her paralyzed with fear. Despite her desperate pleas for movement, her drained and dehydrated body refused to obey. As the Rakshasa's foot descended and its fetid breath washed over her face, she closed her eyes and whispered goodbyes to her loved ones, accepting her grim fate.

Suddenly, a blinding yellow flash tore through the air. The Rakshasa roared in pain as Keitaro appeared, kneeling beside her with a look of deep concern. The girl's relief was palpable as she lost consciousness and darkness claimed her tired body.

From Keitaro's perspective, he had arrived at a curse hotspot identified by the Jujutsu society. He hadn't expected to find the chief's daughter in such dire straits. It wasn't a simple curse spirit he was dealing with, but a Rakshasa, a monstrous being known for its deceptive illusions and insatiable hunger. He scooped the girl into his arms and blurred back to a safe distance.

After placing the girl gently on the ground, Keitaro turned his attention to the demon. A quick analysis confirmed his suspicions. The ashen flecks on the girl's lips were a telltale sign of the Rakshasa's illusionary attack. This creature relied on deception, warping reality to lure unsuspecting victims. However, Keitaro was not fooled.

"Akane," he murmured, summoning his fox companion. Akane materialized with a purr, her golden eyes glinting with understanding. The Rakshasa, oblivious to the silent communication, misinterpreted the gesture and launched into its manipulative routine. It conjured illusions of Keitaro's surrender and submission to the Rakshasa's will, then focused on the Vajra gloves, a treasure beyond measure for a demon of this type.

The Rakshasa reached for the gloves, but before it could grasp them, a kunai materialized in Keitaro's hand. The cursed blade sliced through the demon's neck, dissipating the illusion in a burst of mist. The Rakshasa stumbled back, clutching at its wound as its regenerative abilities kicked in to mend the gash. But Keitaro was ready for a brutal battle, devoid of illusions or deception. This was a fight for survival.

"Domain Expansion: Endless Hunger," the Rakshasa said, making a handsign. "For real," Keitaro exclaimed with excitement, feeling his voice as he watched the curse open its domain. However, before the domain could be completed, Keitaro's simple domain was up.The curse's eyes landed on Keitaro before a maniacal grin appeared on his face.

Keitaro noticed countless Illusions being showed by the creature...though he noticed a lack of a sure hit.

Probably due to the fact that he had open a simple domain.

Suddenly the creature conjure a fire illusion before throwing toward Keitaro, Keitaro didnt jump away and thought to himself.

'is this an illusion'

Although his thought process was immediately halted when he felt the heat coming from the flames.


As those though floated through his mind, he managed to dodge the fire ball

As Keitaro turn his eyes to look at the creature, it had a smug grin on his face as it summon what seemed to be the soul of everyone he had tricked.

Upon conjuring them,he made them attack Keitaro causing him to be on the defensive.

He didnt want to hurt them but at the same time they were his enemy.

Keitaro was on the backfoot and the monster seemed to be really enjoying himself.

POV change to the real world:

Keitaro watched as the Rakshasa smiled from ear to ear. "Akane, what kind of illusion did you put him under?" Keitaro asked his kitsune companion, to which all he got in response was a giggle. He sighed to himself before walking toward the creature and proceeded to seal it.

As he placed down the seal, he began to chant. "Hear my rhythm, a cleansing beat, Warding circle, make it complete. Light's embrace, banish the night, Seal the darkness, with sacred might. Cleansing pulse, banish the stain, Here no evil shall remain."

As those words left his mouth, the curse was sealed inside what seemed to be a talisman. Keitaro's eyes then landed on the girl. He grabbed her, teleported to a nearby lake, made her drink some water while she was asleep, and then filled her gourd with water before returning her to her village. If he remembered correctly, her name was Priya. "Sleep tight, Priya," he said softly as he laid her on her bed and teleported away.