Meeting a new creature {73}

Keitaro closed his eyes and envisioned the pristine Gokyo Lake, which he had heard about from the chief's daughter. Akane, who was holding his arm, understood what he was doing and stood still.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar tingling sensation and the world around him warped. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing on a rocky outcrop overlooking a beautiful scenery.

Gokyo Lake shone like a jewel amidst the snow-capped peaks, and its clear water reflected the blue sky and the drifting clouds. This place felt incredibly peaceful to him for some reason, he felt as if he could fall asleep there.

A voice interrupted his thoughts. "Impressive, isn't it?" Keitaro turned around and saw a creature unlike anything he had ever seen before. It had an ethereal beauty, with skin shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. Its garment was woven from what appeared to be moonlight and stardust, and its head adorned with a crown of lotus flowers, each petal glowing with a soft inner light.

Keitaro felt wary and instinctively reached for the cursed energy holster strapped to his thigh, but something about the creature quelled his urge to attack. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I am a Kannon, Guardian of this sacred lake," the creature replied.

Keitaro recalled Tenzin mentioning the Kannon in his lessons - they were Bodhisattvas, enlightened beings who chose to remain in the physical realm to help others achieve enlightenment. "This lake holds potent healing properties, a gift from the divine. But it is also a place of peace and reflection," the Kannon said, its gaze fixed on the shimmering water.

Keitaro's initial purpose, to collect some of the water, was temporarily forgotten as he felt a newfound respect for the guardian. "I came here to collect some of the water," he admitted, feeling curious.

He didnt sense any curse energy from the being whatsoever as if he didnt possess any of it, to begin with, that was a scary thought to think about, looking at the creature reminded him of 'that' guy.

Keitaro's eyes examined the being, for some reason he felt like nature was all around them but at the same time, the being didnt feel like that at all.

Keitaro's eyes widen a bit upon looking at the creature further, was this perhaps someone's soul?

He could perceive the soul alright....he could see it now and see it clearly but he still couldn't do much else with it.

Unlike Panditji or Tenzin, he couldn't purify someone's soul yet, he couldn't attack the soul, he could only defend his soul and reinforce it.

Though considering his soul went through the whole process of Samsara already, did that make his soul stronger than a normal person as he was the reincarnation of Minato...

Speaking of that, he wonders what else he inherited from his last life.

Guess he didnt learn politeness from Minato as here he was demanding water from this creature he had just met like few seconds ago, he was sounding way too arrogant and prideful for his liking.

Keitaro felt a wave of shame wash over him. He realized that he had been disrespectful to the magnificent being in front of him, who seemed to radiate peace and serenity. He straightened up, forcing himself to put aside his initial bravado and take on a more respectful posture.

"I'm sorry for my haste," he said, his voice sincere. "I came here out of curiosity, searching for answers about the water's unique properties. However, having caught sight of your presence, I understand that there's far more to this place than meets the eye."

He gestured towards the vials at his side, silently apologizing for his earlier intrusion. "May I collect a small sample of the water? I assure you, it wouldn't be used for malicious purposes. My goal is to understand and learn from this powerful source."

His eyes remained fixed on the Kannon, searching those ethereal eyes for a hint of approval. He knew this was a gamble, a plea to a being whose power and purpose remained a mystery. But for the first time in a long time, Keitaro wasn't approaching a situation with the intention of fighting. He was here to learn, to bridge the gap between his world of cursed energy and this realm of untainted power. The outcome, much like the water itself, remained refreshingly unclear.

A gentle chuckle came from the Kannon, sounding like the dancing of wind chimes in a calm breeze. "You are a peculiar human," it said, its voice filled with amusement yet free of malice. The creature moved closer to Keitaro, its form shimmering as it approached him. It stopped a few inches from his face, its otherworldly beauty both captivating and unnerving.

"Most who come here are driven by fear or greed," the Kannon continued its voice a soothing melody. "But you, human, possess a rare combination of curiosity and thirst for knowledge."

Keitaro held his breath, the proximity of the Kannon both exhilarating and intimidating. He met its gaze, his determination unwavering. "I want to understand," he stammered, his voice barely audible. "The water, the cursed energy, it all seems connected somehow. I want to find the missing pieces."

The Kannon observed him for a while, its eyes seemingly delving into his soul. Then, a gentle smile graced its ethereal face. "You asked so politely," it said, its voice carrying a promise. "Yes, you may take your water."

It stepped aside, its wings rustling gently. The path to the lake was clear. Keitaro felt a surge of relief wash over him, mixed with newfound respect for this mysterious being. He bowed deeply, a gesture of gratitude and humility. "Thank you," he said, sincerity filling his voice. "I won't misuse your gift."

He walked to the water's edge, his steps light. He knelt down and cupped his hands, scooping up the clear liquid. This time, the water felt different. It was not just refreshing but almost alive, pulsing with a subtle energy that resonated with something deep within him.

As he filled his vials, a question bloomed in his mind. "May I ask," he began hesitantly, "what is this place? And what are you?"

The Kannon turned, its form shimmering once more. "This is Gokyo Lake," it said, its voice echoing across the water. "A place where the veil between the material world and the spiritual realm is thin. As for me," it continued, a playful glint in its eyes, "I am a guardian, a keeper of balance. Some call me a Kannon, a protector of those seeking enlightenment."