Last day {83}

Keitaro was seen speaking with Tenzin,this was his last day in Nepal and he had to go back home for a bit.

He would have to go back to Japan, he didn't know which country he would have to visit next, but he was excited at the idea of any country he might go through later would be fun.

His short stay in India taught him a lot of stuff that previously were unknown to him and for that simple fact, he would like to thank anyone that had taught him anything.

This was probably why right now, he was speaking next to Tenzin as he was listening to his last lecture.

This scene that he had grown used to felt so nice, so serene....he didn't know what to think but this felt so nice to him.

He had firmly grasp the belief of Buddhism and had learn a lot from it, from being able to see his Atman to being able to interact with it.

His next step would be how to heal it if anything does happen to it, his study from jujutsu was long from over but to him, that what made jujutsu fun.

The endless possibility, everything that could be achieve by jujutsu was exciting to him, to him jujutsu was only limited to the user imagination.

If someone was creative and innovative enough, even the simplest and weakest curse technique could be quite useful, take his curse technique for example, the simplest way to explain would be that he can create dots and he can teleport to those dots.

At first glance one might think that this technique was only meant for support, it didn't offer much in the destructive nor power department, just a boost in speed.

Plus the technique was a bit disorientating, as instantly teleporting somewhere is a very sudden change of perspective and if the user is not used to it, it kind of useless in a fight.

At the beginning there was also a lag to the technique, along with the fact that the user need to be able to move and react as such fast speed, his technique look like it was way to much work for just an increase in speed.

Comparing his technique to Satoru or even Geto, it wasn't a competition, at best if he got lucky his technique would be place and B tier or C tier, while his two friends curse techniques would comfortably sit somewhere in S tier.

He was not going to lie, at some point he did feel jealous of them, the ability to be able to summon curse and the ability to bring infinity into existence surely was broken but that was okay.

He had his own ability, his own curse technique, he did not have to envy them, all he had to do was train his reaction time in order to negate most of his technique downside, the rest was fixed using seals, barriers and some binding vow here and there.

There was also some digging into the fundamentals of his technique but hey that was for another time, for now all Keitaro new was the simple fact that even if his technique was not a cheat code, he would make people think it is.

He would use it so well that he would make people think its busted and he would keep Satoru in check.

Was that his purpose in life though, was he born in order to keep the strongest sorcerer alive in check or was he born for another reason.

What was his purpose in this life..?

"Ah,fuck it,I will just do whatever i feel like doing" Keitaro said with a smile on his face.

Keitaro then looked at Tenzin before bowing down and saying "Thank you for your help Venerable lord Tenzin"

"You do not need to thank me child, i am but a humble monk" Tenzin said gently bowing his head alongside Keitaro much to his confusement.


Keitaro had a dumbfounded look on his face as he notice what Tenzin had done.

"Oh and thank you for granting his wish" Tenzin said as he started walking way, Keitaro stood there looking befuddled, what did he mean by granting his wish....

Suddenly realization appeared on Keitaro face,...Wait, was he talking about Shiva?

How did he come to know of this?

Before Keitaro could ask any question, The monk had already walked away...

Guess he wasn't as subtle as he would like to think that he was....Keitaro sigh to himself.

He decided to walk back toward the room that he was staying in up until now, the room felt so warm and he felt some form of sadness build up in his chest as he started to pack up his stuff to leave.

'so this was it huh' Keitaro thought to himself, today was the day he would leave to go back to Japan.

He should arrive there on his birthday....

He felt soft fur against his skin as what seemed to be a Kitsune was seen puring close to him, her five tail majestically following behind her, The kitsune seem pretty happy to be so close to him, eventually she jumped on his head and decided to make his head, the place where she would take a nap.