It would be fun {94}

Gojo raised his hands in mock surrender. "Fine, fine. But seriously, that Mirage Projection idea... it has merit. You've got a good head on your shoulders when you're not busy concocting crazy potions in your lab."

A faint blush crept onto Keitaro's cheeks. "It's not that crazy," he mumbled, looking away.

Gojo nudged him playfully. "Sure, sure. Now, back to the matter at hand. Two kids, huh? You gonna be the cool uncle or the scary one?"

Keitaro scoffed. "As if I have any experience with children. I'll probably be the weird uncle who spouts scientific jargon and confuses them with crazy experiments."

Gojo laughed. "Sounds about right. But hey, maybe you'll surprise yourself. Kids are surprisingly adaptable. They might even rub off on you, teach you how to loosen up a bit."

Keitaro gave him a sidelong glance. "Don't hold your breath, Gojo."

They continued walking, a comfortable silence settling between them once more. The weight of Gojo's unexpected situation hung in the air, a stark contrast to their usual banter.

As they walked a bit, Keitaro's gaze seemed to wander from place to place, this serene scene felt very nice to him.

He felt so good so well, this familiar feeling of the breeze hitting him in his face was so good.

"Come on Keitaro, please do tell me "Gojo upon looking at Keitaro.

"Are you really that curious" Keitaro said as his gaze went to Gojo.

Gojo's head was seen nodding up and down....

"Fine," Keitaro said as he scratched the back.

"Long story short, visited her, and her dorm room was not that tidy, to be honest"

"As expected" Gojo added as if he expected this part.

"Then, I realize I may have come at a bad time as she was still in her undergarment," Gojo said the last part scratching his cheek a little bit.

"And she didnt kick you or yell at you, or even punch you" Gojo added with a questioning look.

"No...why" Keitaro said with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"It's either you are very dense or she is that nonchalant....."Gojo said with a thoughtful expression.

"Nope, you are just dense" Gojo added with a smile on their face.

"What do you mean by that"

Keitaro's face looked to be confused as if he didnt know what Gojo meant when he said that he was dense.

" are denser than your son..."Gojo added looking at Keitaro.

"My son?" Keitaro said looking confused.


"Gojo I don't know if you have noticed but I am a 19-year-old teen with no kids," Keitaro said as he was seen wearing a confused expression on his face.

"You sure"Gojo added as if making sure that he heard it right.

"Yes," Keitaro said with a serious look

"Dattebayo..."Gojo teased as he looked at Keitaro.

Keitaro raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

Gojo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is a disaster. A complete and utter disaster."

Keitaro's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about now? Did you have some secret bet with yourself about my nonexistent family life?"

Gojo avoided his gaze, a sheepish grin returning to his face. "Maybe. Just a little one. You see, I was under the impression that you were a single dad, juggling jujutsu sorcery with raising a kid."

Keitaro's jaw drop, the absolute fuck, did Gojo really just....aint no way, did he really call him a goddam single dad.

"Hey don't get pissed off about it, it's just a joke, it's not like you are actually Minato..."Gojo said with a smile on his face.

Keitaro twitched upon hearing those words from Gojo, if only he knew how right he was, however, no matter what happened Gojo must not learn the truth.

Under no circumstances must he learn that Keitaro was Minato's reincarnation as if this happened...the jokes....he could see them now.

This was not a future he wanted to be part of...

He could see it now, if Gojo ever became a teacher and he were to visit he could see how he would be introduced.

"And for our guest today we have Minato-Namikaze in the flesh"...

The mere thought of it made him shiver, his bones were definitely shaking, he might be quivering in his boots at the mere prospect of him doing that.

Under no fucking circumstance must Gojo figure that out.

"Yeah..jokes" Keitaro replied with a nervous smile.

"You hiding something aren't you," Gojo said as if picking up on something.

'Oh, I forgot he was very perceptive' Keitaro thought to himself, Gojo may have noticed the subtle shift of his body which was probably why he was asking those questions.

"I am just dreading the reality where me being Minato is the truth..... just thinking of it sent a shiver down my spine" Keitaro explained as his gaze met Gojo's vibrant blue eyes.

"It would be fun," Gojo said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hm!" Keitaro looked at Gojo with a look that seemed to say.

'how would it be fun'

"It would be fun meeting him, "Gojo said seriously before suddenly his serious demeanor vanished before he said "I mean who else could say that they meant Minato in the flesh"
