Seals {96}

The clock was ticking towards eleven, its hands casting an accusatory glow across the room. Keitaro stole a glance at it, a silent reminder tugging at him. He had been lost in conversation with his friend and the kids, now that he got to know them, he realized that they were indeed very good kids.

As Tsumiki was finishing doing his hair, Keitaro's eyes went to the clock, its was already 11 pm, he must not have seen the time passing by him as he was having so much fun.

And also attached to those kids....curse you Satoru, now because he got attached to them it meant that he had fallen into Gojo trap....fuck

"Well," Keitaro stretched, a yawn escaping his lips, "I guess this is where I make my escape. Gotta get some beauty sleep, you know the drill."

A chorus of farewells rose around him. "Later, Keitaro!" "See you tomorrow!" There were promises of picking up right where they left off, of continuing the fun another night. A smile tugged at Keitaro's lips. "Definitely," he promised, waving goodbye.He stepped out into the night, the cool air a welcome change after the warmth of their gathering. Streetlights cast a golden sheen on the sidewalk, guiding his way home.

He wouldn't mind playing with those kids once again, but now his main purpose was pretty simple, all he had to do was get home, catch some Z, wake up tomorrow and work on his sealing proficiency along with his barrier proficiency.

He wonders, what should he focus on mastering, getting a better hang for his curse technique and further refining his curse energy.

Or learning how to do a domain...


Keitaro seemed to be in deep thought as he walked his way back into his house, the ideas were just flooding his mind.

Though better curse energy control means he could spam his technique more.

But couldn't he just multi-task though, he could refine his control over his curse energy while also enhancing his barriers and seals.

There was no rule against it and he found no reason not to do it,

Keitaro's eyelids drooped as he reached his house. The strategic gears in his mind shutting down, replaced by nothing more than pure sleepiness. He shuffled through his nightly routine—a blur of brushing teeth, changing into pajamas, and collapsing into bed. The gentle hum of the refrigerator lulled him to sleep, with dreams of perfected seals and boundless cursed energy dancing in his head.

He truly was a fanatic....

The blaring sound of his alarm woke him at exactly 6:00 AM. He got up, feeling determined after making plans the previous night. After a quick breakfast and a refreshing shower, Keitaro went down the familiar steps to his basement.

Here, in the shadows with the hum of the furnace, was his personal training area. A single bare bulb cast a harsh light on a workbench stacked with supplies. Four neat piles, each containing twelve pristine sheets of white paper, awaited his touch. Ink bottles of various shades lined up like soldiers, ready to be used.

Today's mission wasn't about summoning a powerful Shikigami. No, Keitaro had a more ambitious goal in mind. He envisioned a seal, a repository for his techniques; a place where he could store the blueprints of his cursed abilities. His theory was elegant in its simplicity. These techniques required a constant flow of cursed energy to function. So, why not etch the design, the blueprint itself, onto a seal? Then, he could seal the technique within – a dormant weapon waiting to be unleashed. Imagine the battlefield advantage! In the heat of combat, a flick of the wrist, a broken seal, and a devastating technique unleashed with lightning speed.

A small worry nagged at the edge of his excitement. What about his promise? Would this exception avoid the limits he had imposed on himself? He concluded that it was better to be safe than sorry. The potential advantages were clear, but caution was crucial. With a determined look in his eye, Keitaro dipped his brush into the ink, prepared to experiment and perfect his groundbreaking idea.

Though as he did this, the feeling that he felt before, he felt again....something was telling him that he would still need to the hand sign part....He wasn't necessarily against the idea of using hand sign.

He had mostly master them by now and could print out a bunch of them in a second, he probably was relying on seals a bit to much but he had to make up for his lack of fire power with his versatility.

Sure, he had the lightning arrow and Kirin...but the charge up time for it is ridiculous....

Any good sensor or half decent jujutsu sorcerer could know something is wrong and stop him before he finish the preparations.

Sure they were his final move but....what is the use of final move if you never even get to use them.

By the time it would take to fully charge them, his opponent could have done so many stuff to his body...

So.....that why....he plan to...