The amusement park {99}

Keitaro was seen walking just a few feet away from the two kids, they seemed to have arrived infront of an amusement park. Tsumiki seemed happy to be there as her eyes seemed to go wide, she was seen looking around as if to check the sight around her.

With all the machines that she could see and all the games she could play, this place was like a paradise to her. Keitaro noticed that she looked at the popcorn stand for a bit longer than the other stand.

But apart from that, the only thing Keitaro was able to notice about the two siblings was probably the fact that Tsumiki seemed to be life of the both of them as if she was Megumi's beating heart. She saw a machine that she wanted to play at and without hesitation, she grabbed Megumi's hands and started to drag him around the place.

Keitaro could notice Megumi's willingness to follow her around. No matter how many times he saw it, it still amazes him how Megumi's soul seemed to brighten when she was around.

Keitaro made sure to give them their freedom, after all, they were kids, and he didnt feel like intruding on their fun, it was good for kids to have a nice and happy childhood, and he hoped to at least try and help them have some positive memory of their childhood, He made sure to not be too far behind the kids as he was making sure no threats dare to approach the kids under his careful gaze. He watched as Tsumi dragged Megumi from stand to stand looking extremely happy as Megumi just seemed happy to be there, wait was that a smile, was Megumi smiling.....that was rare.

He joined them as they rode a rickety roller coaster, something that he realized while they were on the roller coaster was the fact that Tsumiki seemed to be more vocal about her emotions, while Megumi just seemed cold...for real not even a hint of fear all that was seen on the child face was just a bland look.


Keitaro then made it his personal goal to try and at least scare Megumi when they entered the haunted house, as soon as they entered the place, Akane had placed everyone under an illusion, which would greatly enhance everything they were going to see.

Maybe then he would get a reaction...

"AHHHHH" Tsumiki said as she clung to Megumi's arm for comfort.....' for real' Keitaro thought with a stunned look, no reaction really, how....maybe he needed to enhance his illusions.

As the day went on, Keitaro noticed that it was getting very dark and the park seemed like it was going to close.

"Want something sweet to eat"Keitaro asked looking at the two kids, Tsumiki's eyes immediately went toward the cotton candy.....

A few minutes later, Megumi, Keitaro, and Tsumiki were seen with cotton candy in their hands.

Megumi ate his food with short bites which Keitaro didnt mind, he had gotten a full mental image of this kid in his mind so everything for now should be fine.

As they left, they walked by a store, which seemed to sell oversized animal plushies...

Keitaro couldn't help but notice how Megumi gaze lingered on the wolf plushie and Tsumiki's gaze seemed to linger on the insect one..,

Time skip...

"I didnt ask for it, "Megumi said as currently he was seen having an oversized plushie in his hand.

"You may have not said it, but I could tell," Keitaro said with a soft expression on his face.

To that, Megumi just grunted before looking away.

The three of them peacefully walked back toward their house and Keitaro made sure to be pretty close to them to keep an eye on them.

He didnt mind having small talks with the kids, he didnt mind them at all and found them quite adorable at times.

Handling kids wasn't as hard as he expected it to be and he seemed to have a natural affinity for it....the only thing he may have against it is the small fact that his kid may be born with whiskers which may not seem like much but if they do.

There is a 50/50 chance he becomes a nail holder and a donut on the same day...

And there was a 100% chance that Satoru would never let him live that down, he could hear the jokes from here...

They were irritating but frankly, there was no way to avoid it, he was basically a carbon copy of Minato, for fuck sake he was Minato's reincarnation.

Though that begs to differ, was the reason he was able to learn those moves so easily because his soul was that of Minato.

But going through Samsara should have fully cleared his soul so why did it feel like some part of the original Minato remained...they were some exercises he was doing for the first time but to him, for some reason, they felt like muscle the hand signs and the Rasengan.

Even that pure energy...was his body remembering what his soul knew....that could work as the body and the soul are one, one cannot exist without the other, while the body was the host, the soul was what inhabited the body if one of they were to be damaged, the other will follow, though the soul was a lot harder to damage then the body as to damage the soul one must meet very high requirements.

Or just have a curse technique that directly targets the soul.