Suprise {113}

As Keitaro opened his eyes from his very small slumber...just a small nap that lasted like 10 hours, nothing too big. Keitaro stretched his body a bit, he felt so tired, his curse energy reserve seemingly nowhere full even if he had rested all that time.

Keitaro had a thoughtful look on his face, he knew why he was so drained, it all had to do with his training with Akane. "Note to self, Nature energy is very draining on my Curse energy reserve and my body"

Keitaro looked weakly around his room, it was like 2 pm and he had just woken up from his nap." For fuck sake, I am 19, I should be able to take care of myself" Keitaro said as he looked at his current very messy state, he shouldn't be that tired.

"Get out of bed," Keitaro said as he tried to get out of bed but the bed felt so comfortable, it felt so soft he felt as if he could just sink right into the bed and be home free.

"Just five more minutes" His body seemed to reply to him, his senses were dulled and his body ached for rest.

"Get up," He said trying to pull himself out of bed but his body just refused to listen to his order as if it had a will of his own.

Keitaro layed on the bed completely drained of any energy and he stayed like this for a solid 30 minutes.

Noticing how his body wasn't listening to him, Keitaro had an idea on how to get free, using his teleportation city, a bucket of water appeared above his head as cold water fell on Keitaro.

Time skip.

Keitaro was seen making himself 2:30 in the afternoon, yeah don't question it, Keitaro ate some beef with eggs, a simple breakfast.

His phone suddenly vibrated a bit, he took his phone, he took out his phone from his pocket and noticed he got a message from someone.

A message from if all the energy he was missing was just waiting for this moment, Keitaro found himself full of energy, her message was pretty simple really.

"Want to hang later?"

Straight to the point and no BS, yep that seems about right.

Though what was this feeling in his chest, his cheeks felt warmer for some reason.

Taking a very deep breath, Keitaro replied "Sure, I can be there in 15 minutes." trying to hit the send button felt harder than battling the special grade curse spirit for some reason. What was happening to him, why was he reduced to such a mess of emotion...

"Calm down your mind, Keitaro, it's just hanging out," Keitaro said to himself trying to calm down his mind.

And then the memory of the kiss played in his mind.....he needed to prepare, for no other reason than he felt like prepared...yeah...

He needed to change a bit before then though.

Time skip

Keitaro had finished going through the mess of putting on clothes and putting on some perfumes before going there, a process that usually took him about 5 minutes give or take, now took him double that time, choosing clothes should take him more than 30 seconds so why did it nearly take him 4 minutes to pick his clothes.

Yes, he said he would be there in 15 minutes and in those 15 minutes, he used 10 minutes into trying on clothes and an extra 4 minutes actually choosing the clothes, using like a minute to put on perfumes and all that fancy stuff, he also had time to take a shower during all time, he didnt take he would take that long for a dam shower but here he was.

Thank the gods he had a teleportation Ct because if not he would have been pretty late, as he arrived at the designed spot which was the park where he had waited for her the first time, he found himself being way more nervous than usual.

'For Christ's sake Keitaro, you fought against Shiva, why are you so scared of hanging out with Shoko' Keitaro thought to himself giving himself some confidence, he could do this, there was no way he would fold.

"Earth to Keitaro," A familiar voice that Keitaro recognized said, Keitaro looked up to see Shoko standing in front of him, wearing an all-black dress.

And just like that, he folded, goddam that had to be a record, took him less than a second after he tried to pump himself up to fold like this.

"Yow "Keitaro said greeting her with a smile trying to hide the fact that he had just folded the instant he saw her.

She smiled at was it possible to fold twice in the span of like 5

Time skip.

The date was honestly pretty fun all in all, With Shoko easy easygoing attitude everything was mostly a breeze for Keitaro. He had enjoyed his date very well.

Taking into consideration that Shoko was also a med school student, Keitaro did go to a lot of places where she could probably relax.

Currently, they were seen walking back to Shoko's house, wait wasnt she living in a college dorm before?

"I moved out" Was what he got from Shoko as she saw his stunned look.

As they arrived infront of Shoko's door Keitaro opened his mouth and said "Have a nice night"

"You not coming in, "Shoko said with a thoughtful look on her face, was he being invited inside a girl's house?

A girl for a fact he knew was not living with her parents

....he was not prepared for this at all.

" in," Keitaro said as he looked at Shoko.

"Yeah," Shoko said nonchalantly, Keitaro took in a deep breath calming himself down. There was no need to get nervous.

He was just going inside a girl's house late at night after they finished a date and with no parents in sight.....

As Keitaro entered the house after her, she flicked the light open and before Keitaro could fully get adjusted to the light, Gojo appeared infront of his face saying "Happy birthday, Minato"

Keitaro looked stunned as if his body wasn't able to fully move as if his brain couldn't comprehend what was happening.

As his eyes scanned the room he noticed other people in the room like Utahime senpai, Megumi, and Tsumiki.

"" Keitaro managed to say out loud, how did he not feel their presence?

"Oh, you mean how you weren't able to sense us at all, "Gojo said with a smile.

"Yes.."Keitaro said looking at them.

"It is quite simple really, just a simple sealing barrier to hide the curse energy signature," Gojo said with a soft smile as he ruffled Keitaro's hair.

Keitaro still looked cautious but Gojo leaned in close and whispered "Plus I knew your mind would be a mess near Shoko so there was no need to be extra fancy"

....Oh, it was that simple, he did not even think about it, he thought that maybe he was not as good as he thought because even a sealing barrier made by Ijitchi wouldn't be able to escape his sense, he would be able to sense what was inside no matter what was inside.

What his mind such a mess around Shoko that even a basic barrier managed to get past his senses.

Keitaro looked around the room at the people who had come for his birthday and gave them the brightest of smiles.

"Thank you for all for doing this for me, "Keitaro said

A/N Keitaro current age 19.

Years before JJk Zero. 7

Year before cannon. 8

So Keitaro would be 27 when Canon starts and like 26 by Jjk 0, he is the same age as Geto and one year younger than Gojo.

Is anyone willing to guess how strong he will be by then?