The books lied {140}

As soon as Keitaro looked at the building infront of him, he knew something was up.

The curse inside the house was barely trying to hide its ugly existence, he could feel it from the outside of the house.

This was enough to tell him that the curse was probably a very strong curse.

Considering the look of resentment the citizens of this country seem to have been given the car the whole ride here.

He had a rough idea that Alistair's family was not well-liked by the people living here.

The hatred of everyone living in this town alongside their ancestor should be enough hate in order to produce a special grade.

At a bare minimum, the curse would be a grade one.

'and Alistair wanted Edgar to kill it as a test'

Keitaro looked quite annoyed at the man's methods, this was a special grade curse and here he was about to make his son who was at best, a semi-grade 2 sorcerer fight this creature.

This was a death match, no matter how he looked at Edgar would have died...

Feeling the curse energy spike, Keitaro immediately got to work, without even wasting a second of hesitation, Keitaro created several complex barriers around the curse spirit making sure to make the barrier as sturdy as humanly possible.

Study enough so that it could restrain the curse for at least a month, he could say the chant that imprisoned the curse in a cage but he did not feel like doing that.

If his rough idea of how the curse came to be was as he thought it was, then this curse came into reality due to some abuse of power.

He felt like if he were to put the curse in a chain to suppress it, it would become angrier and stronger over time, it wasn't like he couldn't kill it.

One well-pasted reverse curse energy punch to the curse head would kill it, one infinity piercer to the done could also kill it.

Even Akane could murder that curse with or without her transformation, so to him, the curse posed zero threat.

Edgar and the butler looked amazed as they witnessed the huge barrier shrink down until they could no longer hear the curse scream.

The haunted house was now quiet, you could hear a pin drop if you were to enter it.

Keitaro's eyes then turn around to look at the man next to him.

"I want you to give me all the info you have on Alistair's family got hold of this land"

"Yes sir"

The man bowed his head, he had just witnessed a curse that had caused the death of plenty of high keepers died in this mansion.

Each and every single one of them that had been sent to the house died after a bit of staying in the house.

The curse might be unbelievable and now he had just witnessed this young Japanese-looking man, imprison the curse with such ease.

It looked so easy to him, what kind of actual monster was this guy?

He will do his job and follow this man's order, he will also make sure to report to lord Alistair about this young man's incredible show of skills.

Keitaro's eyes then turned to look at Edgar.

"As for you, we just going to train you, until you are strong enough to fight it okay," Keitaro said with a happy smile on his face.

"o..ok.." The young boy replied shyly, on one hand, he was incredibly scared of that curse.

However, on the other hand, Keitaro would be there and he just watched with how much ease Keitaro placed the curse in chains.

He would be fine as long as his sensei was nearby.....

Time skip.

It's been around a week since Keitaro was in the mansion, and he was currently done reading his thirtieth book about the past of this land.

Frankly, he felt like they were all bullshit, as the way it was written in the book.

It made it sound like Alistair's family were the good guys and won this land fair and square.

For some reason, he could feel the bullshit from the book from miles away

Take for example this part.

"The Irish people, though initially resistant to the benevolent rule of the Worthington family, eventually came to understand the wisdom of our governance. Our investment in infrastructure and education transformed the region, lifting the Irish people out of poverty and into a prosperous future."

What the heck do they mean by benevolent, they had their land taken against their will and the book was making it out to be something else.

"Well I am clearly not getting shit from those books, so I think I am better off getting my info from the people themselves" As those words left Keitaro's mouth he closed the book and started walking toward his room.

Upon entering his room, he changed his clothes to fit in with the locals, yellow hair might be a bit too noticeable and thus he asked Akane to make his hair look black.

After making those quick changes, he placed his hand in his hair before slicking it back, trying to remove the spiky appearance from the air.

And to finish it off, he made Akane use an illusion that changed his face a bit, now all he needed was a camera and a map and he could act like a tourist.

A/N.. the reason why he didnt make Akane also turn to make his hair less spiky is that that would be a bit too complex for current Akane, the way his hair sway in the wind, alongside its texture, if she had to do an illusion of his face and hair, at some points there would be an error even if that error is like one of his hair being spikier than the other.

Keitaro is a bit of a perfectionist so that slight error is something he won't risk.