Backstory {142}

After buying some unnecessary items and storing them in his backpack, Keitaro made his way toward the Tavern.

From the info he had gathered, this tavern should have been the most popular tavern in town.

This was his best way to find out the true history of this place.

This was it, no more reading diluted stories through the books, he better get the real version right there.

If he didnt get the real version then well, he would just try and see which part of both stories sticks and do some research of his own to see which story is more likely.

Basically, he would have to do a bunch of research that he was in no mood to be doing right now.

He was busy doing side quests, he did not want to waste his time doing more and more side quests.

His main quest here was to learn more about curse energy, so far he hadn't learned much more apart from the simple fact that the British renamed jujutsu sorcerer to something else.

Though considering this country's history this shouldn't have been a shocker for him when he found out the truth.

As Keitaro turned around the corner he finally saw it, standing there in all of its glory, it was the tavern that he was looking for.

"Here goes nothing" Looking at the sign infront of the tavern, Keitaro took in a deep breath before he walked inside the place.

As he stepped into the tavern, the first thing he noticed was the fact that the place seemed to be dimly lit, the other was the fact that he could smell wood smoke and Ale.

The place also seemed to possess a warm presence to it, something that he did find quite relaxing about this place.

It was the lack of curse spirits, this place seemed to lack them but he did not care much, he was here for answers and nothing more.

As his eyes scanned the room, something he was sure of immediately was the fact that this place was filled with Farmers, fishermen, and tradesmen.

And they all drank about the same amount of alcohol... He walked toward the bartender before saying.

"I would like a Pint of Guinness,"

The man nodded his head before starting to make his drink, Keitaro made sure to have his RCT on standby, the second the alcohol entered his system he would clear it out in order to remain sober.

"Here you go"

Keitaro paid for his drink as he took a sip of the bear, yeah this was about as well as he thought it would go.

"A light drinker huh"

The man sitting next to him said upon noticing Keitaro's facial expression as he drank the bear.

"I am a visiting tourist, and I did plan to experience everything this country had to offer, including the bear"

'dam Keitaro you are good at coming up with stuff like this' Keitaro was honestly amazed at himself considering how fast he was able to come up with that.

" A tourist heh"

The man had a questioning look as he looked at Keitaro.

"Welcome to Ireland"

The man seemed overly friendly as he patted Keitaro's back.

"SO how are you enjoying your stay?"

"It's been good, the only thing I am curious about is this weird mansion in the middle of the town, it wasn't on the map"

Keitaro swore he could hear a pin drop as he had dared utter those words, every eye in the room seemed to land on him.

Oh, so they hated that land.

"Some things are better left unexplained"

"I will pay for everyone's drinks in the bar"

The man gave him a questioning look, Keitaro took out his wallet, took out some bills, and paid the bartender.

The man sitting next to him sigh before saying "Tourist..."

He then took a deep breath before saying "That place," his voice sounded heavy "is a blight on our land."

The man took a very long and slow sip of his pint, his eyes looking like they had been lost in thoughts "You wouldn't believe the stories about that house. They say it's cursed, that the souls of those who built it still wander its halls."

'why does this feel personal'

"It wasn't always like that," The man said continuing his story, Keitaro couldn't help but notice that the man's voice was getting low. "There was a man, a good man, who owned that land before the Worthingtons. He was a pillar of the community. But then, the famine hit, hard. People were starving, desperate. That's when the Worthington came, offering help, food, and shelter. They seemed like angels, didn't they? But it was a wolf in sheep's clothing, that lot."

'the only famine I can think of is like the potato famine which occurred from 1845 to 1849'

The man took another sip of his beer.

"The man, the real owner, he tried to resist. But how could he, with people starving at his door? He was forced to sell, or worse, they'd have taken it by force. And then, just like that, he vanished. Some say he was murdered, others say he just disappeared, never to be seen again."

'oh, yeah that would explain the special grade curse underneath the house'

So first we have



