Super pill {147}

Keitaro was seen sitting in his room cross cross-legged on his bed. He had a thoughtful expression on his face as he was pondering on something.

"Having to heal him with reverse curse technique every 5 or 10 minutes or so is pretty tedious"

Keitar had a thoughtful look on his face as he uttered those words, he knew with the way that thing was going the boy was sure to become a grade one by the end of the year.

At the bare minimum, he could make the boy reach a semi-grade one, around the same level as the boy's father.

Keitaro's only problem was the fact that he liked maximizing anything that he could put his hands on, he wanted to minimize absolutely anything he could get his hand on.

There had to be a way where Keitaro would not be required to heal the boy and the boy could just get healed by eating a magic bean or something...





A lightbulb was turned on inside of Keitaro's mind. Keitaro without wasting any second opened his notebook and started to sketch out the prototype for his new idea.

This idea would kill 2 birds with one stop and he just liked it.

First, the material that he will need to use will have to not be toxic to humans, something that could be ingested without harm would do.

Once inside the body then the energy stored within the pills would be released into the body.

The challenge was immense but Keitaro was never anyone to back out from a challenge.

Due to being created by negative emotion curse energy could be quite volatile and unpredictable.

The thing he liked about curse energy however was the fact that as much as it could be used for destruction, it could also be used for creating things, it could be used to preserve something precious in the world.

Keitaro took on a thoughtful look as he began considering the basic components of the pills: binder, filler, and active ingredient.

The binder and the filler needed to be passive or inactive, either one could work. They should be at least a bit incapable of reacting to curse energy but should be able to contain it.

The active ingredient would be the crux of everything.

He thought about some herbs he could use, herbs that were known for their medicinal properties. Perhaps a combination of ginseng and goji berries could serve as a suitable base.

The question now is, how would he infuse them with curse energy without compromising their properties?

That was his question.

Keitaro used his technique and from his seals a bunch of herbs with medicinal properties pop out, considering how long he has been researching he had a shit tone of them.

There was also the matter of dosage. If he put too little curse energy then the pill would be ineffective. Too much, and it could be lethal. It was a very delicate balance that required precision and a bunch of experimentation.

"What if I infuse it with natural energy?"

Keitaro pondered on that thought, sure nature energy was lethal to basically all jujutsu sorcerer if they were taken too much but at the same time it could be used to bring back their strength.

He could use just a tiny amount of it, enough so that it does some changes but not enough so that his patients become stone.

Keitaro placed a warning sign infront of his room saying he would be unavailable for the rest of the week.

He did leave a book of instruction for Edgar and with Akane's help he was able to create an illusion of himself that the young boy could learn from.

He would continue on his research for a bit.

Day one.

Keitaro intended to blend his curse energy and alchemy together in order to create the perfect mix of what would be needed for the healing pill.

However, upon testing the pills on his unwilling lab rats, they died soon after due to the natural energy turning them into stone.

That was frustrating.

Day 2.

Apparently mixing random herbs together and hoping for the best was not the best of strategies, 10 of his lab rats were dead, granted he still had about 50 more but still, that was no good progress.

Hopefully, Peta doesn't come hunting his ass down for the amount of animals that were being sacrificed.

Heh not really they may have 'died' but he was able to bring them back, they were still healing though so he couldn't use them as a dummy, and thus why he considered them 'dead'.

Day 3.

Made some progress, the pills would rapidly dissolve in the rat's stomach before releasing the curse into their bloodstream. That energy, unlike the raw and uncontrolled curse energy that would be usually seen, was controlled, refined, and stabilized which made itself for consumption.

The problem came in 5 hours later when the rats almost turned to stone due to the amount of natural energy in there.

Day 4.

Everything seemed to have gone fine, he had gotten the dose correctly and now he was watching as the rat healing was faster, the curse energy within the pill would stimulate the creature's cells making it so that their wounds would heal quicker.

With the natural energy added into the mix, the mice and rats looked to be more lively and had even more energy than normal.

Their curse energy amount increased by 10%, though the increase was temporary.

Day 5.

He might have been the first man to have created curse energy drugs, no you heard him correctly.

Curse energy drugs, he had conducted another experiment the day before, the experiment was he would take a certain group of rats and mice and feed them the pills after the last one was worn out, and what he figured out from this was the simple fact that they became addicted.

No addicted was not the right word, he just watched a rat eat a pill through another rat's ass, to say he felt disgusted would be an understatement.


Day 6.

He was mostly able to get them back under control, although he was now forever scarred by the image of rat prostitution for pills.

Ew, ew, ew.

On a good note, he tested the newest prototype on himself, as he was the only person who could regulate his own natural energy amount in his body.

The results were a bit underwhelming, he would have to increase the amount in order to match what a human male would need.

Day. 7.

The first curse energy pill was created, it was perfect just like he wanted.

He could do some upgrades to the pills as creating a pill that would increase someone's combat power or curse energy amount tremendously but he was satisfied for now.

With this, he now had something he could give jujutsu high in exchange for taking Shoko away for a whole year.

A/N.....yeah that was his main reason, it may seem like because he didnt want to heal a kid over and over again but he doesn't mind that, matter of fact he views it as training.

The main reason was Shoko.

I did mean it when I said, his love interest would shape his future build.

If Yuki had won, he would have never invented that.

He would have instead invented something that strengthened someone's defense without slowing them down.

Or something to upgrade someone's battle power.