Special Chapter XIV - The Conjurer (part 1)

The conjurer grinned rather widely at us, as if he is savoring this very moment to the maximum.


"We'll see about that!"


The conjurer shouted while lifting both of his hands forward. As soon as his hands got taken out from his robes, everyone could see them clearly.


His hands looked like bones... no, more like his hands are in fact bones.


The conjurer shouted a bunch of magic chants, and the shadow in front of him began waving around weirdly. Until one by one, the beings he is summoning rose from the ground, slowly taken in their forms.


The first was a demon tiger, then a whole pack of demon wolves. And it didn't take long before an army of skeletons and zombies rose as well.


"Guys... This might be the most intense battle yet."


The captain said to everyone, who is already quite ready. They all looked worried, because this time the enemy had a much stronger pressure than before.


After conjuring the undead army in front of him, the conjurer ran towards the entrance to another cave behind him and left us all by ourselves to fight the undead.


"Hey! Where are you going!?"


"Tch! He escaped!"


The captain and Gajah were too busy fighting the undead to chase the conjurer. Their hands are full fighting a couple demonized wolves.


Everyone else as well, nobody is having their sweet time. Everyone is fighting multiple undead at the same time while working together. I can see the knights and the rebels working together to fend off these monsters, and they are progressing very slowly.




The captain shouted at me, making Gajah confused about my name. I turned to the captain while a demonized wolf was jumping straight at me.


"Go chase after him! We got this!"


"Are you sure!?"


I slashed the demonized wolf in half vertically while asking. And from the side, a demon bear came to bite me. I ducked and sliced its head off easily, and dodged just in time to avoid the black blood from spraying into me.


Even though I'm wearing waterproof robes, it still doesn't remove the fact that they are very smelly. Plus, I'm not sure if I even want to wash them later on. I might just throw these robes away after this, considering how badly their stench.


"Yes! Just go! We can handle this!!"


The captain shouted as he parried a skeleton and sliced it in half. Gajah who is fighting next to him also nodded at me. I looked to the left, where Kirene is slicing two zombies in one attack using her short dagger. She noticed my glare and gave a thumbs up, also giving me a green light.


"All right... Don't die."


"Same goes for you!"


The captain replied as he continued charging against an undead demonized bear.


I enchanted my legs and leaped away from my position right before a group of zombies charged in to hug me. I landed on a demonized bear and sliced its neck clean before continuing to run and leap forward. 


While running, I sheath my sword back on my hips. I continued running past an entire army of both undead demon beasts and zombies, and arrived at the entrance to the path that leads to another room.


The path to the other room is so much bigger than the previous. I ran through this giant ass cave as quickly as I could. Once I arrived in the other room, I understood why the paths were so huge.


This is the final room, with crystals decorating the room's entire floor. No, this whole room is one huge crystal.


From where I am standing to the end of the room, where the conjurer is standing, is just a hill of crystals. It's the largest room by far, at least three times bigger than the previous room. The ground is made of light crystals, so the room is without a doubt, quite lit up.


Waiting on this crystal hill, are the undead army that the conjurer had summoned. He probably took out his entire stock, and now the room is almost fully covered with undead. If it wasn't for the undead standing above the crystals, this room would have been brighter, but now it's almost quite dim.


Basically, it's one gigantic room where the ground slowly goes upwards, as if it's a super wide staircase. But the staircase was made out of light crystal, and it is being stepped on by a whole army of undead.


The whole undead army was already waiting for me, and I had to look up to stare at the undead king, the conjurer himself.


He stood at the very end of the room, completely protected by his army of undead monsters. A wide grin can be seen on his face as he realizes that I came alone.


"Well, coming alone? Seems to be quite the bold move, isn't it!?"


"I alone is more than enough."


I unsheathed my sword and enchanted it with magic energy. This time, I didn't have a flame sword, so I inserted more magic into the knight sword. As a result, the knight sword is just twice as powerful than previously when I still had my orcish sword.


The conjurer lifted his right hand and pointed at me, and the first wave of demonized beasts and undead zombies were striking forward.


"Let's see how strong you are, darling."


I said to my sword while gripping it harder. I turned my gaze back forward, straight towards my first row of opponents.


The demonized wolf right in front of me already had demonized mode on. In fact, every single demonized beast in front of me had already activated their demon mode. Which means every single one of them is already a Green ranked danger, and there are so many of them.


"Hahaha! Let's see how you can withstand the group of demonized beasts, with their maximum demon mode on!! W-Wha--!?"


His words got cut off as the spot I stood turned into a pool of blood. Specifically, black blood.


All the demon beasts that were rushing towards me fell down to the crystal ground, either in pieces or in juice. I stared at the position I am standing and let out a sigh.


"This is going to get really smelly…"


I turned my sharp glare forward, to the conjurer. He immediately got attacked with the deadly bloodlust and pressure.


I dashed forward with all the energy on my feet, making the crystal ground explode. The next batch of demonized beasts I countered were turned into a massacre in less than a second. And then the second batch, and the third.


They just keep on coming, thanks to their large number. But everywhere I went, they all turned into a pool of black blood immediately. So really, it's just a matter of time.


Everywhere I placed my feet on the ground to step, the ground exploded. Every time I slashed my sword, at least three demon beasts got sliced at once. And I sliced nearly three slashes in a span of a second.


Looks like I have reached another level.


My moves were like a blur. Not even an undead demon mode demonized wolves (long name, I know) could sense my movements, even though they are the fastest monster here by far.


In less than a minute, the gap between me and the conjurer was closed by a huge rate. The conjurer panicked, and commanded all of the rest of the remaining undead to attack. 


"Tch!! An elite!? Fine, I'm going serious now!!!"


All of the demonized beasts that didn't move an inch when the first batch attacked, are now moving to attack. No, more like all the undead present in this giant room is now moving towards me. 


They began to attack at a much higher rate than before. It didn't take long until I couldn't keep up with the number, and my presence was slowly closed out by the undead, who were forcing themselves to pile up on top of me.


The conjurer laughed at the giant mountain of undead in the battlefield. He thought I had already lost, and that I couldn't do anything underneath all these undead.


But a few seconds later, his laughter stopped.


An immense pressure was emitted strongly from the mountain of undead. The source was at the very centre below the mountain, and the conjurer can only open his eyes widely at this pressure.






The dome exploded into a billion droplets of black blood.


In the middle of the black rain, I stood with a giant fireball the size of a basketball on my left hand, and my knight sword that was brightly shining blue on my right hand.


"Yeah? Well I'll go serious as well."


The conjurer stared at me with pure horror, giving me more joy to this battle despite all the horrifyingly smelly black liquid around me.


I threw the fireball at the conjurer, but I didn't throw it fast enough. He was able to leap away, just before the fireball reached him.


After all, throwing it fast simply beats the purpose. Because that fireball isn't just a simple fireball. Fighting against the assassin, Dice, had taught me many things, including that there are more ways a fire magician can use a fireball.


What I thrown, wasn't a simple fire ball. 


It's a fire bomb.




The explosion was multiple times larger than the size of a normal fireball, throwing the conjurer far… far away from the platform he was on previously.


The conjurer fell on the ground face first, and he was welcomed by many sharp shards on the ground. He slowly lifted his body up, and turned to me with his ugly face.


Nearly all of his skin was ripped. One of his eyes is bleeding heavily, and his head is just full of red. But at least he was able to stand back up and stared towards me with horror.


"You... are forcing me to use my cards!!!!"


The conjurer lifted both of his hands again and moved his petty little skeleton fingers again. While his gaze is looking upwards, he chants the spells to summon in his most powerful underlings.


This is why I don't like summoners… they always had multiple annoying trump cards hidden on their sleeves…


From the shadows, more powerful monsters started spawning. Red orcs, hobgoblins, giant spiders, even an emperor serpent.


These undead monsters that he just spawned in are all high-ranking monsters, but there are only a few. Compared to the zombies or the undead demon beasts from before, this number is like a piece of cake. If only he had more, this would have become even more troublesome.


But it looks like I was too early to judge. Suddenly, his chanting became weirder, and the pressure in the air became heavier.


"Now… feast your eyes on the true ability of an undead conjurer!"