"Good, Emily! That's how you do it!"
Brod opened his eyes slowly to see that the three dragons coming at him were already dead. He turned his gaze towards the right, where Emily is being praised by me.
"Brod! Why did you close your eyes!? You missed Emily's greatest shot!"
I shouted at Brod, and he scratched the back of his head, looking more confused than ever.
I gave Emily some tips on how to make a fire blaze more powerful than those dragons, and as a result, her Intermediate tier fire blaze was able to kill three lesser dragons in an instant.
I did pour in some of my magic just in case, but it looks like it worked.
It was all thanks to my broken technique called 'Peer Pressuring'. Heheh.
I simply gave her the tips and tricks on how to make a pressured fire blaze, which has the same techniques as a firebomb. And for a magician, gaining a broken ability like that… is priceless.
"Wooooo!!!!! Everything is okay!!!"
Emily grinned at the fact that she became insanely powerful in an instant. She shouted at Brod, saying everything is okay while laughing.
While she was too focused on talking with Brod, the other dragons are coming towards us now.
The first fireball made its way at high speed and exploded at the ground where we were standing. But before that happened, I was able to grab Emily and leaped away.
We landed very far away from that original position. And upon landing, I talked with Emily.
"Emily, don't turn away from your enemies."
"Ah, right… Say Rize, how... powerful are you?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
While the two of us are talking, two dragons are coming to approach us. Once again, I leaped away with Emily in my arms.
"I mean, I am a mage, so I can tell if someone is super strong or not. And from your aura... I can't sense a thing."
"Oh. It's because I am keeping my pressure down."
"No, it's not from the pressure. It's the aura. A person's aura cannot be hidden, it will always appear, but you have to be very close to feel them. And I have learned to see other people's aura a long time ago, but… I couldn't feel your aura at all."
We landed on the ground and leaped again when a fireball nearly cooked us into coal. Brod can only watch when I leap here and there with Emily on my hands while trying to dodge the attacks from the dragons.
Aura, huh…?
She's not wrong. Aura is something that can never be hidden. But, it is very difficult to determine one's strength with just aura alone.
Because unlike a person's magical pressure, an aura is based on their emotions. Magical pressures are based on magic energy, so the stronger the magic intensity, the stronger the pressure. As for aura, the stronger their emotions are, the rowdier the aura gets.
So for her to be able to tell the level of my aura… Perhaps she wasn't untalented like I thought she was.
"Hmm... I'm not sure, Emily. But are you curious?"
"Y-Yes! I'm very curious!"
We stopped on a spot a little bit close to a dragon. I let Emily down from my arms while the dragon moved its large hand high and slammed down to us.
Seeing that we suddenly stopped, Brod immediately panicked.
Emily ducked very quickly while Brod shouted from afar when the dragon slammed its hand to us. But when Emily opened her eyes, the surroundings simply became dark.
I lifted my right hand up, and using only one hand, I stopped the dragon's slam completely.
"Wha... Wow..."
"You said you wanted to see... Well, this is how powerful I am."
I pushed the hand upwards and threw the dragon backwards before leaping towards it. I enchanted a ton of magic energy to my right fist and punched the nearly evolved lesser dragon on the chest.
The punch threw the dragon at high speed, making it fly towards the cliff of the mountain on the other side of the pit like a bullet. The crash collapsed the cliff, completely squashing the dragon with the giant rubbles.
The heavy pressure coming from the dragon is gone, and everyone is sure that the dragon is dead.
"Whew, I haven't punched a thing that sturdy in a while!"
I turned to face Emily while flapping my hand around, and she looked quite frightened. I chuckled seeing her in that state.
"Okay, if you don't mind, I'll finish this quickly. We need to help Fran and Rath too. Try to stay near Brod, because things might get a little bit destructive."
I turned my back and faced the pit, where all the dragons were screaming at me. Emily stood back up and ran towards Brod.
All the dragons rushed forward, while some shot a fire blaze and fireballs at me.
I formed a long shadow scythe on my right hand while my left hand pointed towards the dragon. A shadow dome quickly formed in front of me, and the dragons' attacks exploded when it impacted on my shadow dome.
The smoke clears very quickly, and it shows that the dome is still fine.
That's Knight tier shadow magic for ya!
I took off the dome and immediately charged my legs. Then I leaped forward towards the first batch of lesser dragons coming at me.
With multiple strikes, I swung my scythe around while still being in the air and jumping here and there. The dragons died one by one after they got either beheaded or sliced in half.
The two regular dragons started to act as well. The two of them shot an incredibly powerful fire blaze at me from the bottom of the pit. The two fire blazes merged into one and formed one gigantic fire blaze.
While still falling in the air, I pointed my right hand down and quickly blasted a dark purple fire blaze. The fire blaze from the dragons got completely shut down by the dark purple flames, and it kept on going until it exploded when it impacted with the lava ground.
The explosion killed both of the two White ranked regular dragons, completely stunning the other three dragons in the skies.
Seeing that their two strongest comrades are killed, the three quickly hesitate. But, it's too late.
I leaped towards them at high speed and swung my fire augmented shadow scythe.
The scythe cleanly sliced their necks, and their dead bodies dropped to the lava pit.
Now, all thirteen dragons have died easily, and their deaths were fairly quick.
I dropped down to Brod and Emily. While Brod looked very frightened, Emily on the other hand was really happy to see the spectacle of the magic battle between me and the dragons.
"That was amazing, Rize!! As expected of a student from the academy!"
"Sorry to say, but I'm no longer a student. I got kicked out."
I turned to Brod who was approaching us with a firm expression.
"We should get to Fran and Rath... The two are definitely having a tough time."
He is not wrong. While I was in the air, I could hear some explosions very far away in the distance where Fran and Rath are probably at.
We all know that Fran and Rath are probably fighting all the dragons there by themselves, and they might be in trouble.
The three of us quickly made our way towards Fran and Rath, who were barely staying alive.