We arrived in the kingdom after the two hours trip, and we went back to the Office to grab our rewards.
"Y-You guys killed all the dragons!?"
Keila screamed at Fran while Fran was telling her what happened. Everyone in the Office overheard the two's conversation and quickly mutters.
Fran returned to our group and split the rewards evenly. I look at the amount of money I have now and I am very much shocked.
Just like I had expected, high ranking missions pay us a ton. Like, an actual ton. This bag is heavy as heck.
Killing a lesser dragon will give us five hundred, while a nearly evolved one worth six hundred. A regular dragon is a White ranked, so it's worth a thousand Jules.
We killed ten lesser dragons, six nearly evolved lesser dragons, and three regular dragons. If you count them all, we got 11600 Jules from the mission, and we split it in five.
Each of us got 2320 Jules…
Looks like I can buy a house easily if I just keep doing this. Come to think of it, I should have enough now, right?
"This is… a ton."
I mumbled, and everyone heard it.
"I know... We should do this more often."
"I'm not doing that life and death situation again!"
"Me too! I'm just kidding!"
Fran said jokingly, but Rath took it a little seriously. Fran turned to me and quickly formed a really fearsome expression. I quickly understood what that face meant, and I let out a sigh.
"Okay, okay. Then let's go to Hod's!"
Everyone else shouted in excitement, and we all moved to Hod's restaurant.
Hod was still a little bit weirded from having a customer on this bright noon, but I told them it is a dessert, so they won't get full from eating.
When I told Hod it could be a new menu for him, he let me use his kitchen. Hod's mother let me borrow her apron and I tied my hair on my back so it doesn't annoy me. Then I went to the back while taking out some of the required materials from his fridge.
"We don't have enough sugar. Go buy some."
"On it!"
"Oh, and get some strawberries if you can."
"What the heck are straw-berries?"
"Small red fruit that tastes really sour."
"Oh… I know those."
Hod ran out of the restaurant and headed to the public market. It wasn't that far from the restaurant, so he returned really quickly.
And that is a ton of strawberries… He must have bought the whole basket or something.
I took only a few of them and placed them on the table. There is no such thing as cream here, so I will just have to make do with the milk.
I only did this once before, and it was quite terribly done. But, at least now I know what I missed back then.
This time, I have to use condensed milk.
I shaped a blender using my shadow magic and mixed in milk and strawberries. And since I have no clue how much I should be adding, I simply put in a little more sugar than what I need.
Then I called Hod to freeze it. He froze the shadow bottle filled with the mix using his small blizzard by dropping it from the top of the lid.
Magic making ice cream, baby… Never thought magic cooking is a thing.
After the mix has been cooled, I cook it with my flames to melt it. And then I cooked it again on the stove.
While it was cooking, I placed the whole cup filled with sugar into the shadow that is now forming a cooking pot. I stirred it with my shadow spoon and tried tasting it.
Too sweet and odd… what am I missing?
I added a little bit of salt in, and a little bit more of the strawberry chops. Then I tried tasting it again, and it is actually a little bit better.
I nodded at Hod behind me and turned off the stove. I picked the shadow pot and turned it into a larger pot. Hod lifted both of his hands and used his ice magic to freeze the mix.
After carefully freezing for a while, the ice cream has been made.
We split them into six different cups, just for me, Hod, and the others waiting on the table. The rest will be given freely to everyone who is currently eating at the restaurant.
Hod and I came to the tables with six glasses filled with the strawberry flavored ice cream. We placed the glasses on the table while sitting down to eat with them.
Hod took a piece from the ice cream using his spoon and prayed before eating.
"Please... Let this be good!"
Hod prayed as he inserted the spoon filled with the ice cream. And he suddenly became insane.
"It's so good!!"
Everyone else became rather curious and quickly placed a sample of the ice cream into their mouths. Without question, everyone jiggles as they wrinkle their bodies around from the sweetness.
"It's so sweet…! And cold!"
"What is this and why is it so sweet!?"
Fran and Brod seemed to be really like this thing, but Emily and Rath somehow stopped eating.
"I can't. This is a food for gods... I am not worthy."
"Same here... I am too sinful for this."
Emily and Rath said while watching the ice slowly melt on the table. While the five were laughing from the taste, I took a bite into my mouth.
Shit, it's nothing like what I expected.
First of all, it's still too sweet. Second of all, I think I placed too many strawberries. Third, it's so god damn crunchy from the ice. And finally, I got a brain freeze so easily?
Maybe it felt wrong to me, but to them who just tasted this for the first time must have been like heaven.
"Is it good?"
I turned to Emily, who seemed to be enjoying the ice cream now.
"Yeah! It's the best thing I have ever tasted!"
"Well, glad you liked it. Because this actually feels odd."
Everyone turned to me suddenly.
"What do you mean odd?"
"Well I expected this to taste so much better, but I guess I could still fix the taste a little bit."
"Y-You can make this even better?"
I nodded, and everyone turned insane.
"Hod, you still have the mix on the back, right?"
"Yeah. We haven't given it to anyone yet."
"Don't give it away yet. I want to edit it a little."
After finishing the ice cream on the glass, me and Hod went back to the kitchen so that I can fix the taste.
Less sugar, less strawberries, more milk.
After a new mix was made, I took a spoonful from the glass first thing, and finally nodded.
"This is much better."
We placed the ice cream into the glasses and decided to give it all to everyone in the restaurant. After tasting the last one, Fran and the others noticed that it became so much better.
Hod gave it to the people sitting on the tables as a free dessert. And when they tried it…
"This is godly!! What is this dessert!?"
"This is so sweet!! It melted in my mouth!!"
"What is this holy taste!?"
Everyone in the restaurant turned insane after tasting the ice cream that I made. Hod told them it was a test for a future menu that will be added, and the people pleaded that it must be added.
Hod returned to our desk and let out a sigh. I tapped him slightly with my shoulder.
"Looks like you will need a third floor."
He formed a pained grin as he took a taste on the new ice cream. His pained expression disappeared immediately.
"I… wanted to ask you this."
He suddenly asked me with a low voice. Immediately, I know he is being careful and serious.
"These menus… they are from your place, aren't it?"
Hod asked me, and I simply placed a spoon to my mouth.
"Do you… ever miss it?
Your home?"
Hod asked me very carefully, as if not wanting me to feel horrible. But, simply the fact that he asked me is already very painful.
It has been about two years ever since I came to this world, and I finally tasted something that originated from my world. Despite it not being original and STILL tasted horrible, it is still something that I have tasted a lot of times in the past.
I… definitely missed it.
"In the future, I might give you more menus to make. Is it okay if you make them for me?"
Hod turned his surprised face to me, and I simply grinned at him.
"So that I don't feel homesick."
He understood my reasoning, and he chuckled right after.
That noon, everyone enjoyed the cold dessert from another world, even though it was nearly winter. The day after, hundreds of people came to taste this new dessert menu.
And I was right, Hod needed a third floor.