But after seeing their reactions, I simply chuckled. I took out the scythe from my space ring and played around with it to show them that I am confident.
"Looks like it's the perfect time to see what this baby can do… I am curious about just how many dragons I can kill with one slash."
I said with an evil grin on my face, which scared the others successfully. But, at least it lifted their spirits.
"Guys, come on! We are the strongest squad, damn it! Lift your heads up. Dragons are nothing!"
My words made it through their hearts, and they became even more motivated.
"Right. Mere dragons. Plus, we have the Dragon Slayer Cane with us."
Brod said, and Cane shook the back of his head.
"I rather not say this, but I'm not exactly a professional dragon slayer... At least not compared to her."
Everyone else nodded grimly, and I can't help but laugh.
"But, yeah... I know the weaknesses of the dragons. I studied them detailly, after all."
Cane said with a grin, and we began our little discussion.
He told everyone the weaknesses that the dragons have, the stuff he studied very deeply in order to avenge his friends for the past months. At least now, that knowledge became more useful since he shared it with people just as strong as him.
That's how he was able to kill all twenty dragons back during that first incident… Because he learned the dragon's weaknesses and used them perfectly with his own strength.
Cane, you smart bastard… you fooled us all with your dumbass behaviour.
The team decided to prepare for the upcoming long battle, because this time, we won't be dealing with just a simple pack.
Emily secluded herself and meditated, Brod covered the entire village with some large walls, Rath helped the villagers set up some insanely strong machinery that shoots powerful arrows, while Fran, Cane, and I discussed some details about the battle.
Rath also began teaching the villagers regarding the dragons' weaknesses, such as where to fire the arrows or when they should fire it. Learning the weaknesses of the dragons will allow the villagers to take down at least two or three dragons all by themselves, despite not having any experience, skill, nor magic.
"You two will handle the ground unit. I will take care of the flying ones, but if the ones on the ground are all dead, do start attacking the flying ones too, please."
I said to Fran and Cane, and they understood my plan easily.
"Yeah, you can leave it to us. Just don't kill too much before we can start ourselves."
Cane said with a grin, and I noticed that he really is the dragon slayer for a reason. Fran thought about the village's defences as she studied the map of the village on the ground.
They will be coming from the south, while we will be fighting around the forest. The trees might get in the way, but since the dragons are huge, using the trees might actually be an advantage.
"It's possible that there might be an Elder dragon. If a thing like that actually comes, leave it to me."
"Yeah, that goes without saying. No one can handle a Black ranked dragon…"
Fran said while pondering. If a Black ranked Elder dragon actually came, then their only chance of defeating it is me. But, even I am not entirely certain.
Between an elder dragon and me… which one is more powerful?
I've never really met one before, and the closest to an elder dragon that I've seen was that mutant back at Xyphon. And even then, that mutant's pressure was probably only slightly higher than a genuine regular dragon.
After a while, we finally had the plans set up. I will handle the airspace while slashing some of the wings of the dragons. After they fall to the ground, Fran and Cane will kill them the moment they are in the ground.
It's possible that the leader is an Elder dragon, so they will have to leave that thing to me.
We waited for another half an hour, waiting for a dragon army to come. Help from the adventurers came around this time, filled with some high-ranking adventurer teams, like Emlar. We might need their help on securing the villagers.
The team regrouped on top of the wall on the southern side, the most front line of the battle that will happen. Except for Emily, because she is still practicing.
I hope it goes all well for her. She is training quite a lot outside my watch, hopefully she is reaching higher levels very soon.
As we chatted on top of the wall, Rath and I occasionally took turns in detecting.
And finally, they came.
"They're here."
Rath suddenly said coldly, and I nodded. The two of us were using our insanely sharp senses to smell out those dragons whenever they came. And both our senses finally pick something up.
One hour after I kicked the two dragons asses, they came.
Unfortunately, they also came with a plan.
Using our super senses, we can finally detect the dragons that are coming. But, something feels odd.
"Wait… this is…"
Rath got frozen by the sudden realization, while everybody else could only look confused by what was happening.
"What? What's wrong??"
Fran tried asking after looking at both our faces, but neither Rath nor I could say anything.
We can tell a group of dragons is flying from the south, but there are also plenty of them coming from the west. They are splitting up to take us from both sides, completely taking us by surprise. And combining both sides, the number is much larger than any of the dragon attacks in the past.
We were right, but they were also more intelligent. There are over fifty of them.
They are… splitting up…
"Change of plans!! All of you handle this side, I'll go to the west!!!"
I barked at Fran and Cane before leaving them above the wall and flew away as quickly as I could.
Fran and Cane can only stare at one another worriedly before turning towards the army of dragons coming far in front of them, from the south. There were at least twenty six of them in the distance, and they all looked very big and fearsome.
Flying from the southern side right in front of them are thirteen lesser dragons, eight nearly evolved lesser dragons, and five regular dragons. It doesn't seem like there are any stronger dragons, but it could be possible that they just haven't shown themselves yet.
"Get ready!! They are coming!"
Fran said to the army behind her, and the villagers and adventurers quickly prepared their weapons. Those arrow shooting weapons might actually penetrate the dragon's skin, thanks to Rath's upgrades. And thanks to Brod's walls, we now have a clear line of defences for the village.
Rath and Brod went to their positions, leaving only Cane with Fran.
Cane stared into the distance, and noticed the tens of dragons coming to their position at high speed. He let out a pissed sound, which made Fran notice him.
"Damn it… is it going to be like that time again?"
Fran turned her sorry gaze at Cane, and she knew what Cane was talking about.
But before she can say anything, Emily landed right next to them above the wall.
As her foot landed on the ground, the two White ranked adventurers stared at her with wide eyes. The two didn't even feel her coming. Her presence had become completely hidden from them, and she was landing from the air just now.
The two turned with a surprised face towards Emily, while the little mage lady simply grinned at them.
"E-Emily! Your pressure is--"
"Yeah, thanks to Rize's training… Killing those dragons shouldn't be an issue for me."
Emily said with a scary grin, and she suddenly started floating upwards. Both Fran and Cane can only watch as she reaches tens of meters in the air, slowly releasing her pressure as she goes.
As she rose higher, multiple forms of circles and blades made out of wind can be seen floating at her back. On top of her head, a single wind circle is also forming, as if decorating her appearance to look holy.
She lifted her hand, and sparks of blue lightning can be seen.
Slowly, the skies far in front of them turned slightly darker, and a large blue lightning struck down from heaven.
It was in the distance, and the sound of explosion can be heard from way over the front line as a large powerful blue lightning struck a regular dragon down.
Fran and Cane can only watch as Emily floated back down and landed next to them.
"See? It wasn't that hard."
Emily said with a grin, completely surprising the two White ranked adventurers that are no longer superior to her.
She has advanced to Knight tier lightning magic… despite it being impossible just a few days ago. Now, her lightning magic is on the same tier as Fran.
Fran turned to Cane with a mad grin.
"No… It won't be like that time again."
Hearing that, Cane grinned madly as well before turning his attention back to the dragons.
Meanwhile, the dragons stopped their march and realized that they are not going against random humans. They saw the regular dragon that was taken down, and noticed that it got killed rather easily.
They can sense a bunch of heavy pressures coming from the village, and they realize that it's no longer lunch time…
It's an all out war.