Chapter CLXII - All Out War (part 2)

The size alone is easily three times a regular dragon, and the force of pressure it is emitting is no less than a higher White rank. The scales are dark grey, while some streaks of red can be seen on its face.


This guy is as powerful as the dungeon boss they fought a few days ago… Possibly more powerful.


Behind the dragon are all the other dragons, flying at the same spot and not doing anything, following their leader. They simply watched the two humans on the ground and studied their movements.


Fran turned around to see the castle walls, and also noticed that the fighting there had been halted. But, something else was rather odd.


The entirety of the top of the wall was in flames, and there was no sighting of a single person above the wall.


Fran panicked, but she checked the wall with her senses, and was able to sense the people that were hiding right behind the wall. They probably jumped down to escape the flames that the dragons were firing, and it was probably a good idea to hide for now.


Because, things went rather south so suddenly when this dragon appeared.


Fran turned to Brod, and finally turned back to the dragon.


The dragon stared down at them, studying them. After a while, a grin formed on the dragon's face and it laughed.


"HAHAHAH!!! Puny humans, dare to go against the great dragon race!? What a laugh!!"


Fran's eyes turned wide when the dragon leader laughed and mocked them loudly. She thought Rize was crazy for talking to a dragon, but then exactly right now in front of her, a dragon is speaking her language.


Another… talking dragon?


The dragons behind the dark grey dragon started making some weird sounds, and it doesn't take one to speak the dragon tongue to understand that they are laughing.




Fran grabbed her sword from the ground and formed a stance. Brod knows that Fran is already close to her limit. She was wounded, and her mind is definitely filled with the screaming pain around her body. From her expression, he knows that Fran is forcing to stay standing and proud in front of the dragons.


Knowing this, Brod simply chuckled. He turned his fearsome glare as well, and faced them towards the dragons and also prepared.


"Oh, how cute!! The puny humans thought they could fight us!"


The dragons laughed again from the leader's joke. Fran and Brod have truly become a show to them.


Just when things get bleak, a small murmur comes from inside Brod's pocket. It was rather loud, so even in this odd environment, Brod can still hear it.


He took it out and Fran turned to see. It's the team's communication crystal.


"Fran!--Brod! Are you--there? Anyone listening!?"


Brod and Fran looked at each other and quickly found hope. Fran took the crystal from Brod's hand and spoke to it.

"Rize! Are you okay!?"


"Yeah,--I'm on my wa-- there now.--Where is everyone--lse?"


My voice was rather static due to the sound of wind, making Fran and Brod understand that I am currently flying. Though imperfect, they can still understand what I was saying.


"Everyone is inside the walls. Rath is there, and so are the villagers. They should be safe for now… But, we have a problem."


Fran said to the crystal, and I put on my confused look whilst flying.


"What problem?"


"There's a nearly evolved regular dragon... Along with the 17 other dragons behind it. It's a lockdown… we couldn't do anything. They are toying with us."

"… got it. Stay--put, don't d-- anything stup--d."


After hearing that, I immediately used my rockets and flew even faster towards them. 




Please… let me make it in time.


Fran turned back to the dragon after returning the crystal to Brod. While Brod was putting the crystal back, Rath somehow came from the top of the walls and jumped down behind them.




Brod turned surprised, but before the hunter could say anything, the dragons began to act.


"Ah, this is getting boring... Some of you, grab the corpses of our brethren. We can eat them later. The rest of you, go and have fun with the humans!"

The dragon leader commanded the other dragons, and a bunch of them quickly went to attack. The dragons flew closer and shot fire blazes towards the large wall that the people used for defenses. 


Brod once again used his all to create another giant wall to protect the main walls from the flames.


The fire blazes in front of them combined from five dragons at the same time, and the wall doesn't hold long.




After a while, the wall exploded, showing a large open path and what is behind the wall.


"Rath!! The villagers!?"


"Cane and Emily are protecting them!! We just have to think for ourselves for now!!"


Fran and Rath shouted as they converse, since the situation has become so loud and dire. The dragons are attacking all at once, and nothing can be worse than having to fight all seventeen dragons at once.




Three regular dragons landed right in front of them, throwing wind force everywhere. The three were able to recover pretty quickly and dodge the dragon's attacks, but they won't be able to hold out for long.


The grip over Fran's sword becomes stronger, while Rath and Brod are already slowly forming the courage to fight and die.


In the skies, five lesser dragons on the left and three nearly evolved lesser on the right are flying towards the village. The two groups of dragons are separating, possibly to cover an even larger area to conquer.

The three humans outside can only watch as these lesser dragons entered the village's airspace with ease and no issue at all.


No matter how strong Emily and Cane are, they can't fight that many dragons all at once while protecting the villagers. Obviously, they can't rely on the other adventurers, since not even the White ranked adventurers can win.


The villagers… everyone… is in trouble.


Cane, Emily, and the others are currently running away from the walls at the main road, but the dragons are already entering the village's airspace. 


They are beginning to get in range.


Above the village's airspace, the lesser dragons were about to fire away their flames. The ones on the ground panicked, and they were about to cast any form of defenses that they could put up. Emily and Cane too, panicked and immediately charged whatever defensive magic that they have.


But before the dragons could fire the sea of flames, a quick object flew very quickly from the side and landed perfectly on the most front lesser dragon.




A gigantic purplish explosion occurred on the most front lesser dragon. 


The rest of the lesser dragon stopped their move and became confused seeing the corpse of the charred lesser dragon fell from the large mushroom cloud of smoke to the ground.


The dragon was… dead?




The corpse fell to the ground, and the flying dragons can't help but notice the condition of the corpse. The said dragon was flying in front of them two seconds ago, but now its condition is not only charred to coal but also in pieces.


It's like the dead dragon received a heavy explosion head on.


Every single living being on the battlefield, including the dragons, felt the shockwave and heard the loud explosion, and they all turned their gazes towards the source. The skies are now covered in a large cloud of smoke, and they all knew that the source of the explosion was there.


The group of people running in the village quickly stopped running and turned to see what just happened. That explosion was really huge and powerful, like a quarter of an atomic bomb. 


The villagers and adventurers noticed what happened, and they could only watch in awe as the black eagle flew very quickly on the skies above them, creating a high pitched sound as it flew at supersonic speed.


The moment the heavy and deadly pressure thins the air, Fran chuckled softly.

