Chapter CLXIII - Death Scythe (part 3)

It almost looked like a sharp meteor had crashed and sliced everything. 


The destruction caused by the slash simply devours everything in its path… in half.


The ground in right front of me looked melted and very red thanks to the energy. In the far distance, I can see the tall mountain that was on the slash's trajectory split into half forming like a sharp V, and I can see giant boulders are still falling from the top of the mountain. 


The ground was still quite shaky from the attack, but it's not enough to throw someone off their balance. The wind is still trying to calm down, and the dust is just extremely thick. Funny enough, there's not that much smoke, at least not as much as what firebombs would cause.


My eyes kept on looking forward, and found that the slash went through the mountains and ended right at the forest at the very other side of the mountain.


How… thick is this mountain?


I lifted my hand to see exactly how far I slashed it, but not even my eyes can see what is behind the mountains. I just shook my head while my eyes dropped at my scythe.


It looked… perfectly fine.


I checked it for any damages, but no. Aside from the thick layer of dust on it, the scythe still looked perfect.


"Wha… hahah!!!"


Somehow, I am mostly happy because of it being fine… rather than what I just did in front of me.


My friends appeared from behind, and they all glared at me confused.


"It's perfectly fine!!!"


I lifted the scythe up like lifting a baby, and everyone watched me in awe, amazed by how stupid I am.


Seeing how the scythe is not damaged from having done an attack like that, they definitely fear the scythe even more than me.




I can hear a mumbling quite far away from my position. My grin disappeared as I turned around and noticed the dying dragon in the distance.


This dragon was able to dodge the slash from slicing his head. He moved his head just in time for the slash to hit his shoulder, escaping it from splitting his head. Even though this guy managed to stay alive, he still lost half of his body.


He didn't die… but he still wouldn't live for long.


I leaped and arrived just meters away from his face. His blood red eyes turned to me and he spoke.


"What… are you??"


The dragon asked with a really weak and heavy voice. I arrived next to him and shook my head.


"I don't even know. I was hoping you could tell me."

"I... have a guess… High Human."


"Huh…? What's that?"


"Hah… you are going to kill me… aren't you…?"


Well. This guy is already half dead, anyway.


"Of course. I have to, since you tried to hurt my people."

"Then… Let me warn you. Our god… will bring destruction… and you will taste his wrath…"


"Wrath…? Just what exactly are you talking about? Exactly what did we do to piss him off?"


"Haha… Hahaha…"


The dragon became weaker and weaker. 


But suddenly,




It suddenly moved really quick and tried to eat me whole.


Ah shit… 


I wanted to question him more…




I unconsciously moved my scythe, and accidentally killed him.


Half of his head rolled down on the ground after I sliced it in half diagonally.


I jumped away from his body and watched my surroundings. The ground is still melting hot, but the wind pressure is already returning to normal. In the distance, I can see pieces from the mountain falling to the ground after the sudden destruction casted upon it, and I don't even want to look at the other side of the mountain.


I just shook my shoulder and went back to everyone, who seemed to be coming out from the new wall that Brod just made. 


They all looked really worried, but seeing the grin on my face, they became at ease.


"If anyone asks what caused this, tell them it's the dragon."


I quickly said to them, and Fran nodded in agreement.


"Agreed… but you will have to take responsibility for killing it."


"W-What? No way. I'll take responsibility for killing the other dragons. Killing that elder dragon… let's say it's a team effort."


Fran wanted to deny it, but then she agreed anyway. Cane moved forward and quickly said something he will regret.


"You gotta teach me how to do that attack."

"You think you can handle my hellish training?"

I asked him while glaring at him fearsomely, and he quickly swallowed his saliva. I waved my hand, saying it was a joke.


"It's impossible. You need to have limitless energy if you want to do that."

"W-Was it true that your magic energy is limitless?"

Emily asked me, but I don't know if I should tell them. Well they are my team, and I'm guessing it's going to be permanent. So it won't hurt telling them, I guess. 


I can trust them. They are going to be my friends from now on, and they have always been.


I took out a magic tool at the size of a soccer ball, with the shape also quite similar to one. If I used a normal magic tool, it would get busted instantly, so the headmaster gave me an advanced tool that can check my entire magic energy. 


He thought it would be useless, but it's actually useful for me, since most people won't even have to check beyond twenty thousand points.


As for me…






"What is this number!?"


"Is this cheated? No way, right?"


Everyone turned to shock the moment they saw the numbers. But that thing is not showing just numbers. It also shows the tiers of my magic, so they can see that I am the holder of Emperor tier fire magic, King tier healing magic, and Knight tier shadow magic.


It also showed the '???' thing I first saw back at the academy's lobby. I still don't know what that was, but I assume it was probably my devil form.


I took the item back from Cane's hands and inserted it back into my space ring.


"Rize… are you even human!?"

Hearing Cane's question, I suddenly remembered what the dragon said to me.


'High human…'


High human… is still a human, right?

"Huh? What do you think!? A pig like you? Now come on."


Cane got really pissed from that sudden joke, and I don't think he ever stopped wanting revenge for that.