We arrived back at the kingdom, and it almost looked like the kingdom was going to war.
Our carriage arrived at the front gate, to be checked by multiple knights at the same time. It's like the kingdom is put on such a high alert, that there are three knights checking a single carriage.
"What is going on?"
Since I was the one who sat by the door, I asked the knight outside in charge, and he quickly answered.
"There was a report that a whole pack of dragons was sighted in the south. We are just doing preparations in case the dragons attack here."
Ah… That was it.
I forgot those big lizards can actually threaten the entire continent simply by existing. Especially that big ugly one.
"Right. Then, can we go in?"
"Yes. Just show us your identification cards."
Everyone showed their adventurer cards. After seeing that two of us are White ranked adventurers, the knight quickly panicked and hurried the process.
We entered the gate, only to find the whole city under lockdown.
"Yikes. They really did go this far."
Fran mumbled while checking out the town's condition from the carriage's window.
It was nearly dark, and the whole kingdom looked like a dead town already. The shops were closed and a lot of people went to their homes. Only knights were found moving around on the roads, and we don't really see many regular civilians here.
It really was that big of a deal, huh?
But, despite the lockdown, the Adventurer's Office is still open, and a lot of people are still there in the diner. The adventurers are one of the few jobs that are immune to red alerts of the kingdom, which is why they are allowed to roam. But of course, some missions were barred from being taken, depending on their location.
The very moment we entered, everyone quickly approached us.
"How was it?! Did you guys kill the dragons??"
"How were the dragons!? Were they powerful!?"
"We can hear the shout from here! It must be an elder dragon, right!?"
Things became rowdy almost immediately, after we entered. The adventurers immediately rushed to us and barraged us with questions.
Or specifically, the two White ranked adventurers who were with us.
Fran and Cane were specifically famous, and they were the one being questioned. Meanwhile, I slipped past the line while pulling Emily with me. We went straight for the receptionist desk that is now empty thanks to Fran and Cane grabbing everyone's attention.
Sucks being famous, huh?
"Rize! How was the battle?"
Keila called from the receptionist desk. I simply landed my shoulder on the glass and answered calmly.
"Pretty tense, luckily no villagers got hurt or killed."
"N-No villagers were killed… and you all returned unscathed…"
"Yep. It wasn't even a battle. It was a massacre by Rize."
I turned to Emily and glared at her with an annoyed expression. She only chuckled happily, knowing that she had spoiled the truth before I could stop her.
"I knew the world was safe the moment you returned, Rize. Klane knows it too…"
"Because she knows me better…"
I said as I pondered about Klane, but Keila is not stopping.
"So? Describe it to me! Do note the Office will try to pay you, but if we can't, then the kingdom will have to do the payment… because I'm afraid that dragons do mean that we have to pay out money."
"Right… I did guess that this would be quite expensive of a mission."
And so, I began telling her exactly how many dragons that we fought and killed. There are twenty one dragons on the west side that I killed, nine of them being a White ranked regular dragons, six are nearly evolved lesser dragons, and the rest are lesser dragons.
While Emily's group--
"W-Wait, you guys split up??"
"Yeah, it was coming from two directions. We had no choice but to split the firepower in half."
"Oh… then who was with you?"
"Just me."
"J-Just you!? You killed those dragons by yourself?"
"Hey, this scythe is just so god damn powerful, okay."
I showed her my scythe that I quickly took from the space ring. I then began admiring the scythe while she simply shook her head and muttered 'unbelievable' multiple times.
Emily's group had a go against twenty five, where there are thirteen lesser dragons, eight nearly evolved lesser dragons, and five regular dragons. The last one is a nearly evolved regular dragon, but it ate the corpses of the dead dragons that I killed on the western side, and it turned into an elder dragon.
"E-Elder dragon!? So it was actually one… We heard the roar all the way from here."
"Yeah, our ears were pretty much bleeding, then."
I laughed while touching my ears. Seriously, if Emily didn't protect us with her wind barrier, we would have died from the deafening scream.
"So? Did you guys kill it or…"
"Yeah, we killed it. Everyone… worked together."
I turned to Emily, just in case she might spill the fact that I'm the one who overpowered it.
"Also, there is a giant mark of battle near the village that destroyed the mountain, that was clearly the elder dragon's doing."
Had to put that out there, otherwise people would start begging me to teach them things.
"I see… Then I'll report this to the master. As for the reward… give us a few days, since this might actually be very expensive."
"Can I… have the rough count?"
I want to go ahead and buy a house, but I need to know how much money I will get.
Keila nodded and quickly took out a paper and a calculator tool, then she started counting.
"Let's see… you guys slain 19 lesser dragons, 14 nearly evolved lesser dragons, 14 regular dragons, and an elder dragon. A lesser dragon is worth 500 Jules, a nearly evolved one is 600. A regular dragon is 1000 Jules, while an elder dragon is… I don't have the count for the elder dragon since no one has killed it before...
So counting everything, you guys will get around 30700 Jules, or at least 5100 Jules for each of you."
That is… so much more than what I need.
"I see… That is quite a ton indeed."
"Yeah, the Office might actually need to call the kingdom for help. But, you guys saved the kingdom from an actual calamity… so the kingdom will definitely help out."
Keila said while inserting the paper list to her pocket. She turned to us and formed a grin.
"You guys have done… a wonderful job. You saved the kingdom, basically. Especially you, Rize. On behalf of all the people who know about the truth, I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"Haha, you don't have to go that formal."
"Right... But sadly a formal thanks must be given for something as huge as this."
"Well, then you are welcome. Don't hesitate to give us any hard missions next time. We'll take care of it."
I said as I prepared to leave, and Keila nodded.
"I'll let you know once we are ready for the payment. Meanwhile, you can go look around to… buy a new house?"
"How did you know exactly what was on my mind?"
"Klane told me, that one day when you become rich, you will definitely try buying a house."
… HUH??
"… T-Tell Klane I said hey."
I turned my face away and headed to the other adventurers.
Cane and Fran are telling them the story of how it all happened. Being a White ranked adventurer sure is popular.
The two dropped their gaze at me, and I waved my hand with a large grin on my face. I can see the veins popping on their foreheads, so I turned away to Emily next to me.
"Tell the others I will be leaving a little early. I have someone to meet."
"Okay. Maybe dinner tonight at Hod's? You know, to celebrate."
"... Sure."
Emily then turned away and headed to the others who were being crowded. Watching them telling the story and being listened to by everyone else, I smiled and left the Office.
The place I will be visiting is actually Hod's place.
The sound of the bell ringing can be heard as I opened the door to the restaurant. There aren't many people here, so that's a good thing.
"Welcome back, Rize. How were the dragons?"
The guy said calmly to me as if he already knew. And since I know he isn't an idiot, I simply answered.
"Pretty easy, I guess."
"… Don't you think it's a little too late for lunch?"
Hod greeted me and I headed to the front table in front of him right away. I placed my hand on the tall table and sat on the tall chair. I stared at him sharply and seriously.
"I don't need lunch. I'm here for something else."
"I-Is it a new menu!?"
Hod, I finally got it."
Hod looked confused at first. But after a few seconds, he became super shocked.
"Y-You mean... The-"
"The Emperor tier healing magic. I finally got it.
Ready to start walking normally again?"