
Zane snorted at her courage to talk back to him. "This is my mansion, so Jane won't leave."

"Please don't let her send me away. She is envious she couldn't conceive a child for you." Jane snapped, sounding like an innocent child who was about to be disowned.

"I'm not infertile! Do not mention that word about me again. Otherwise, I will shut that stinky mouth forever!" She warned, feeling the blood in her veins boiling. Her fierce eyes exposed a warning to Jane not to push her hard, otherwise she would lose it.

Jane kept shut with her gaze buried. She saw Selina was now furious, like an angry bull, and it would be drastic if the angry lady's hand touched her body.

"Jane has to leave right away."

"Like I said, she will stay here until she gives birth to my child and stop overreacting on this." Zane declared and Selina went mute.

"What were you thinking, Selina? Do you think he would listen to you?" She muttered as she felt disappointed in herself for trying to stop another third party from entering their marriage when Zane didn't care.

She lifted her head, trying to suppress the tears from pouring. She clenched her fist and went to her room upstairs.

"The way Selina spoke to me earlier is unlikely to be good for my condition. I'm scared it would be hazardous to live with her here. She might hurt our unborn child and me. A jealous woman can be dangerous, and I'm certain she is envious of my pregnancy because she can't conceive a child," Jane murmured, trying to instigate Zane's mind to chase Selina out of the mansion since she was here with his child.

Zane appeared emotionless, but his eyebrows furrowed at her words. "Don't speak as though Selina is infertile. Just that she is unworthy of having my child," he corrected her blind truth about Selina's infertility.

Jane became puzzled after she heard him. "What are you saying? I thought she was infertile?"

Zane sneered at her, and the dimple on his left cheek appeared, giving him a haughty look. "Don't speak about Selina among us while you're staying here." He reminded her in a polite tone.

He wasn't in the mood to talk further about the matter when he had decided about it. He didn't love Selina, but he had no choice but to get married to her for a reason only he knew.

"If you say so, honey." Jane hugged him while her head settled on his chest.

Zane broke the embrace and left her guest room when he remembered someone needed to be punished. As he entered the master bedroom, he saw Selina going through the closet.

"You have never said no to me. When did you grow courageous to defy my order?" Zane asked, hovering over her from behind. The way she spoke back to back then didn't please him.

"I can't do what you ask of me, Zane. Letting Jane stay here with her pregnancy is an insult to me. I have no issue with her unborn child, but I can't let her come between us."

"Are you jealous, Selina?" Zane questioned.

"I do not wish to answer any of your questions. I'm tired." She answered him, wearily.

She took a step forward, but Zane grabbed her arm as he pulled her towards him, causing her back to collide with his broad chest.

"Don't walk out of me, Selina," Zane uttered in his usual domineering tone. "I hate it. You have become insolent for me to handle. Why choose to provoke me and prove insolent?" He added as his other hand pulled her long hair to the side of her neck and buried his face in her neck.

Zane savored her scent like a hungry vampire. He missed this closeness, her scent, and what was about to happen soon. He might be tired of anything after a weary day, but not to Selina.

"Being true to my feelings is called insolent. I don't care," Selina answered. "But it seems I'm going to leave everything behind." She muttered while contemplating ending her relationship with him.

In this situation he had brought to their home, she can't afford to appear feeble like she had been who died for his attention and love. She couldn't continue to live in a loveless marriage, even if her heart still wanted him.

Zane knew she loved him, and she couldn't think of leaving him, but her words that rang in his head were creating space for fear lingering.

"Don't think of doing something stupid, Selina," Zane warned in a whisper. He came in front of her, grabbing her waist forcefully into his arm. She tried to break free from his firm arm, but he pulled her much closer, and her bust pressed against his broad chest while her heart raced nervously.

"I wouldn't spare you for your insolent act," He said.

Zane leaned his face closer to hers, taking her soft lips into his. His tongue danced into her mouth, kissing her, which made it difficult for them to catch a breath.

The atmosphere intensified, and soft moans filled the room while Selina experienced a heat radiating within her body.

She couldn't resist his intoxicating scent that engulfed her and the feeling she was having from his gentle squeeze on her breast causing her body to arch.

After a long kiss and he was in heat, Zane broke the kiss and whispered in her ears as it sounded dominant. "Strip, Little Bunny"

Hearing him call her little bunny, Selina realized this moment would be hell as chills ran down her spine when his warm breath fell on her neck.

"No, I'm not doing this with you," She declined his order. She attempted to pull herself from his arm again, but his arm around her slender waist didn't give her a chance to step back.