Let's get divorce

Zane gulped down as though there was a lump in his throat, making it difficult for an answer from him. His jaw clenched, and his grip on the doorknob was fierce as he had a flashback.

"Then get rid of the child if there is already one inside of you. Let me tell you, Selina, you can't be the mother of my child," Zane said coldly, making it clear to her he didn't want her to give birth to his kids.

As he finished speaking, he strode out of the door before banging it close behind him.

Selina gasped in disbelief and became numb on her spot, feeling her heartache as if being toasted by a sharp hot rod while tears welled up in her eyes.

She had been running away from the reality that finally arrived about her belief in her marriage with him–a belief that their marriage would blossom once her unborn child came into this world was just the delusion of a fangirl who dreams of having a happily married life with her idol, causing her to feel helpless.

She felt dispirited and swimming in anguish to realize the long truth that Zane wanted a child with another woman instead of her. Also, he would never love her as his wife, but sees her as a mere obligation.

Drowning in agony and complications of her situation, the tears gathering in her eyes all this time began to stream down her cheeks.

Realizing she was about to break down in weakness again, Selina hurriedly wiped off her tears with her hands.

She cannot appear weak anymore in front of Zane and Jane. She wouldn't tolerate them taunting her with their shameless relationship and love.

He didn't want her, so why would she want him and continue this marriage?

Selina rushed to the closet. She brought out her luggage, opened it, and retrieved a document from it.

In haste, Selina dashed out of the room and went after him. She stopped at the balcony when she saw him striding towards the mansion entrance.

"Let's get a divorce, Zane!" Selina declared in a loud voice from the balcony she was standing on right now.

Hearing her shrill voice, Zane felt his feet heavy to walk farther, but he pretended not to hear her as he strode towards the exit.

"I know you heard me, Zane!! Let's get a divorce and finally get over each other!!!" Selina repeated herself loudly.

This time around, Zane stopped in his tracks for good. He slowly turned around with a stunned expression, but his thick eyebrows furrowed at Selina.

"Are you sure, Mrs Morris?" Jane chipped in from the other side, walking up to Zane.

Jane couldn't believe her ears that Selina finally wanted to give up her marriage after Zane's indifference to her, yet the stubborn young lady refused to leave him all those years.

"Why aren't you saying anything, honey? Selina had realized she was only a barren woman and a burden in your life," Jane said, but her voice was not audible to Selina's hearing.

Selina climbed down the stairs and went to him. "You should be with Jane now that she has your unborn child. Since this marriage means nothing to you and Jane is the one you have always wanted, why not sign the divorce agreement? Take it and sign." Selina held out the divorce agreement to Zane, trying to maintain a brave stare against his intimidating eyes on her.

Jane lowered her gaze on the papers in Selina's hand. After a long observation of the papers, she gasped in excitement that the divorce paper was authentic. "This is an authentic divorce paper, honey. Take it and sign." She persuaded Zane, who was delaying to say or do anything about the paper still hanging in the air right before his eyes.

"Are you sure you want a divorce, Selina?" Zane asked, still in a state of shock, as he was sure she couldn't think of abandoning him one day.

While she answered him, she stared straight into his eyes. "Yes. I'm desperate for it now because I'm sick of this marriage. I understand our marriage was part of a business alliance to save my parent's company, but you had someone else in your heart. Because of her, you couldn't even love me as your wife. What's the need of me being your wife without a sign of our love in this marriage?"

"I see you have long for high expectations in this marriage, but I failed you," Zane said to Selina, who was trying to maintain her composure. His eyebrows narrowed as he looked more furious than the previous night and continued, "What do you want from me, Mrs Selina Morris? Aren't you satisfied with the prestigious last name I gave you that other ladies long for? Aren't you content with the black card? Isn't that enough to satisfy your desires?"

"Does that matter more to you than the love I wanted from you, Zane?" Selina spoke bitterly. It hurts her deeply that he saw her as a freeloader all this while rather than seeing her soul yearn for him to reciprocate her love.

"That is all I could give to you," Zane replied. His dark expression remained unchanged.

"Okay then. From today onwards, I won't have any expectations from you once you sign the divorce agreement," said Selina.

"I know I have become an unfilial husband to you in the past years, but I will be dutiful to the last part of the vow. Till death do us part, Selina, so do not tempt me to break such a beautiful part of our vow. No matter how much you try to tempt me, I will never break it," Zane stated, reiterating that he would never meet Selina's demand.

He acknowledged he had never made her feel loved nor treated her like his wife the way she expected from him. However, divorcing her was not part of his plans.