Crazy women

Jane looked up and met the gaze of a stranger whose narrowed eyebrows and icy demeanor made her uneasy behind his black sunglasses. She could not tell if he was upset that she bumped into his arm while she stepped out of his arm.

Margot's face turned sour when she saw the stranger save Jane from falling. She wanted her to end up dislocating any part of her joint so that she wouldn't be able to attend the ceremony Jane was dying to go to.

"What a crazy women." The white-haired young man commented.

He just stepped into the VIP lounge five minutes ago to witness the unpleasant sight as he stood behind and watched them quietly. He was approaching them when the blonde-haired lady bumped into his arm.

"Do you want to continue? I can assist you both." Margot asked with a hint of sarcasm, staring at Jane and Erica, who were boiling with anger.

Jane didn't utter a word. The insane reaction of the store owner caused her to feel overwhelmed with embarrassment since the customers around were still videoing them.

She could not stay here any longer, not sure what the crazy store owner might do to her next as she stormed out of the VIP lounge.

Erica stood up from the floor and limped behind Jane, lowering her gaze in embarrassment for being videoed by others.

When the two ladies were out of sight, Margot's shoulder dropped in relief, and she felt a pleasant air had washed away those disgusting ladies' aura from her store. However, she was still unsatisfied with letting them go so easily.

"Those ladies are crazy." Margot cursed, upset she could not do beyond what she did to both of them.

The white-haired man stared at her with interest as he sniggered. "Are you not crazy too?" He asked, dusting off his black leather jacket, on which the blonde-haired lady had fallen as if her body contained dirt that ruined his jacket.

"I'm not crazy," Margot corrected him, putting on a relaxed expression so as not to scare him away with her outraged look. She re-brushed her messy hair with her hand that was tousled during the exhausting fight earlier.

"They are so annoying, and I feel like hitting them hard," Margot added through gritted teeth while flailing a punch in the air.

"I haven't seen a store owner treat a customer the way you just did because of an obnoxious customer. If you don't want to lose your customers, you should work on your temperament." he advised while he was moving to a glass case containing luxurious accessories, with her following behind him as she muttered.

"I'm not scared of losing such customers like those two. Who cares?" Margot huffed.

He shrugged at her words and halted his steps at the glass case accessories as a gleaming piece of jewelry behind the case captivated his eyes.

"How will this look on her?" He asked, pointing at a sparkling silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant on it.

"It is a rich and attractive necklace you have chosen, but I can't tell if this will look alluring on her neck. Why not give me a description of her so that I can assist you in making a unique choice she would be glad to cherish?" Margot asked with a polite smile.

Margot guessed he must be filthy rich to buy the limited edition silver necklace that worth ten million dollars and it was the only one made by a famous brand.

He was silent for a moment. A smile appeared on his lips as he reminisced about her. His gaze landed on an LED screen strategically positioned for customers to admire the model and the product she was advertising.

He pointed at that LED screen and said. "She looks like her."

Margot followed his gazing direction and saw an LED screen featuring Anastasia Beverley, who looked alluring with her lips painted by the red lipstick in her slender hand, which she promoted.

Margot grinned at the model's image and then returned her gaze to meet his eyes, still staring at Anastasia's image with a warm smile playing on his lips.

"It seems the person you want to buy the necklace for is as stunning as Anastasia. I believe your choice is the best one." Margot said assuredly.

"Right. I know everything that adorns her looks unique and beautiful. I can't wait for us to meet again tonight after the ceremony." He muttered, still staring at the LED screen to his contentment. After a long time admiring her image, shifted his gaze to the store owner and added. "I will take the silver necklace."

Margot selected the delicate silver necklace from the display case and placed it inside a charming square box. She then lovingly prepared it for him before she gave it to him.

Outside the department store, Jane stormed to her parked Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 53 4MATIC at the front yard. She tried to appear calm, but her fury was evident as she ruffled her hair and bit her lower lip.

She left the store empty-handed, missing out on the clothes, jewelry, and nightdress she had selected and was about to pay for. The store owner and Erica ruined her shopping experience, which made her furious.

She held herself back there from reacting because she didn't want a fight where Margot would spill the beans about Zane's second woman which they both kept their past relationship hidden from everyone.

She didn't want people to defame her for being a home wrecker, not when everything had been working perfectly for her in the past five years.

"Ah!! She is crazy!! Who the fuck is she?!" Jane grumbled. She kicked her leg against the wheel, and her toes inside the shoe heels were hurting because of the impact her leg made against the car's wheel, making her grunt in pain with a sour face.

Still gnawing in her fury and pain on her toes, Jane heard Erica saying beside her.

"Ms. Gracia, you didn't have to hit the innocent car. You should have hit the store owner instead," Erica said as her chest heaved up and down. She looked enraged, but she knew she couldn't beat the store owner which made her bitter.

Jane let out a menacing laugh for a brief time that Erica wanted a death wish for her. She then straightened her face, staring at Erica with an infuriated gaze as Erica took a step back from her.

"Are you not satisfied you ruined my shopping, and you are suggesting I hit her? Seriously? Do you want my pretty face to be disfigured by that insane woman?! I can't imagine what would happen back there if she wasn't holding back?!" Jane yelled in frustration.

Her head was aching after saying those things to Erica. Also, on second thought, she had to wear another brand of a dress for the ceremony made her furious.

She regretted the conversation she had with Erica back there about Selina, which made the store owner angry for a reason she could not tell.

Erica narrowed her eyebrow before saying nonchalantly. "It wasn't my fault it had to happen that way. I was just curious to know what actually happened between Selina and Zane."

Jane raised her index finger at her, pointing angrily as she warned. "Shut up. I don't want to see you around me; else I will lose my hand on your face the next time you cause such a mess to me."

Erica didn't know why the store owner and Jane were furious about it, though she didn't let it trouble her. Right now, she needs help due to her sprained ankle.

Erica tried to soothe Jane's temper with an apologetic face. "Sorry you could not purchase what you wanted, and neither could I. I know this department store has trendy limited edition outfits that are released before other stores in the country, but that doesn't mean we can't shop somewhere else even if we can't find what we want. I know you will look great in any outfit you choose, even if it has an inferior quality."

"You can go shopping somewhere without me. I told you I don't want you around me," Jane reminded her. She turned around, opened her driver seat door, and was about to get in when she heard Erica saying again.

"I sprained my ankle in there because of the crazy wench, and it hurts. I can't ride my car with this. Can I have a ride with you? I mean, you can drive me off to a clinic nearby."

"Then walk yourself." Jane finally entered her car and speedily drove away from the department store, leaving Erica embarrassed there alone.