Come with me

Zane's eyes momentarily looked away, only to drift back to hers again across the distance as time froze around them.

His chilly eyes, void of emotions, interlocked with her sparkling eyes, which caused his heart to continue thumping with conflicted feelings, evoking a bittersweet yearning within him, which he had concealed for ages.

Their shared wistful stare lasted for a fleeting time before she broke their stare and returned to her group.

Zane could not comprehend the sudden overpowered emotions he was having right now after a shared stare with her, who he never met.

He could not suppress the curiosity that was still burning within him to know this mysterious woman as he moved from his spot, striding towards her.

Meanwhile, the mysterious lady, Anastasia Beverley, found herself lost in a flashback of the incident on the bridge that night as she stood frozen with moist eyes, her heart pounding in pain against her chest when her gaze met Zane's eyes earlier.

The voices of her group pulled her back from the brink of her traumatic memories, bringing her into the present.

Anastasia held on to the edge of her dress with her sweaty palms and took a deep breath to calm the nerves that overwhelmed her.

However, her body betrayed her with sweat trickling down her spine as she fought to manage the rush of emotions building within her.

"No, I can't be weak now. I have to face him as Anastasia." Anastasia said in her head as she reminded herself of her new identity. She hoped he didn't suspect her expression earlier.

Suddenly, Anastasia heard a familiar voice saying over the invisible earpiece in her ear.

"Are you okay, Tasia?" Emery, the female server who served Zane and Jane earlier, inquired while she stood in a discreet corner with her eyes on Anastasia.

She guessed Tasia had seen Zane to have her traumatic experience again as she looked unwell.

"I guess I am." Anastasia forced the words out of her mouth, trying to sound calm.

"Tasia, you have to brace yourself because Zane is heading to you." Emery alerted Anastasia when saw Zane getting closer to her.

As Anastasia processed the information, a stunned and upset expression settled on her face. She didn't expect he would come to her after that brief stare as she made sure she didn't look appealing, and she wore heavy makeup to conceal her features.

"Ms. Anastasia, it would be an honor if you could consider partnering with my company. What do you think?" a guest from her group interjected, drawing Anastasia's attention.

Forcing a smile, Anastasia composed herself, hiding the fear in her eyes as she responded in her usual sweet tone, "I would love to collaborate with you, sir. But, I believe it's best to discuss this with my manager first and then consider the proposal together."

The guest nodded. "You're right. I apologize for not considering the proper protocol. I will discuss it with your director and manager."

"I am a member of your avid fan base. Can I get your autograph and a photo?" another guest politely requested.

"Of course. I'd be happy to sign my autograph for you." Anastasia warmly agreed.

Anastasia accepted a small notebook from the guest, who claimed to be her fan. She elegantly crafted her elegant autograph before she took a few clicks of photos with her fan and then returned the notebook with a smile.

The guest looked thrilled to have this personalized souvenir from Anastasia as the group departed from their spot, leaving her alone.

Anastasia stood there and saw Zane getting closer, but she ignored his presence, turning around to leave. She halted her step when a firm grip caught her wrist.

She frowned with her eyes on his hand on her wrist, which was not harsh, though his touch was sending a pang of ache to her heart.

She wanted to yank his hand from her wrist and nearly shoot him a hateful stare, but she reminded herself once again she was not Selina in those past anguish years that went by slowly.

Suppressing her hate and resentment from revealing, she turned around to him with a relaxed expression. "What do you think you are doing, Mister?" Anastasia asked without her hatred leaking in her voice.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked again when she noticed he was speechless, as she knew the reason for it was likely her voice.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zane's eyebrows furrowed, and his frosty eyes flamed with resentment, which was vivid for her eyes to gaze into it boldly.

How is it possible this mysterious woman in front of him sounded similar to her? Zane thought with confusion clouding his head.

Zane was dumbstruck for a long time, finding it difficult to say a word to her. He gulped down dry before finally saying. "Come with me."

He tried to drag her away, but she gently pulled her wrist from his grasp.

A slight frown rested on her face as she said in a chilly voice. "I do not take orders from strangers. You cannot order me that way and expect me to follow you unquestionably. This is not a movie, Mister."

Zane snorted at her words, finding her resolve persistent. "Would you come with me if I begged for it?" he asked in a domineering tone without room for refusal from her, but she declined him again.

"No. I still won't accompany you." Anastasia insisted on her words.

She knows he wants to see her face, and she cannot take the risk of being with him alone in any place he wishes to take her to.

It was getting suffocating for Anastasia to breathe around him as she walked away from his presence, striding to the exit.

"Where are you off to, Tasia?" Emery asked, sounding curious. She was still in her spot and observed Anastasia was leaving the ceremony hall.

"I'm stepping outside to breathe in some fresh air around the ceremony hall," Anastasia replied, letting out a deep sigh.

She simply yearned to find a quiet place to calm her nerves, which were still on the verge of breaking her down completely if she continued to see him around her.

"Did Zane do something to upset you?" Emery questioned.

"He wants me to go with him, but I can't go with him." Anastasia confided.

"Good. You mustn't leave with Zane until the ceremony is over. Everything has to proceed according to our plan, okay?" Emery advised, and Anastasia affirmed discreetly via the hidden earpiece.

"Will you be okay on your own?" she inquired, acknowledging how challenging it was for Tasia to face him.

"I'll manage, Emery," Anastasia answered as she exited the ceremony hall.

"If you say so. Please inform me if anything happens; if not, Buddy will have my head." Emery remarked before coming out from a discreet corner and returning to her duties with the guests.

Meanwhile, Anastasia ambled along the hallway and noticed a few guests making their way to the ceremony hall as they passed her.

She fervently wished for time to hasten, allowing her to finish her task and leave promptly.

After a lengthy walk from the ceremony hall, she sensed a sudden presence darting in front of her from behind, causing her to startle.

She gazed at the young man wearing a black suit and holding a security device. She assumed he was one of the hired security personnel for the ceremony, but she was curious about why he approached her in that manner.

She could see the urgency in his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Is there a problem?" Anastasia inquired, her confusion apparent as she observed the young man's strange demeanor.

The young man, with a respectful bow, spoke in a polite tone. "There is no problem, Ms. But my boss would like to speak with you. Please come with me."

Anastasia furrowed her brow, puzzled by the sudden request. "And who is your boss?" she asked, trying to discern the situation.

Gesturing subtly behind her, the young man replied, "He is right here."

As Anastasia turned to follow his gaze, she locked eyes with Zane, striding towards her with an intimidating look. She couldn't help but feel unease as she clenched her fists.

Before Anastasia could speak, Zane's commanding voice cut through the air. "I gave you an order to bring her to me, not to seek her permission. Delaying my instructions is unacceptable," he admonished his henchman, Damien, with barely restrained anger that glints in his voice.

Damien immediately realized his mistake and bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry, Big Boss. I will carry out your instructions right away," he said, moving closer to Anastasia who started to protest.

Anastasia protested while the young man effortlessly lifted her onto his broad shoulder and her attempts to resist were futile.

"This is wrong! Let me down!" she yelled in rage, struggling against the guard's firm grip as he followed Zane behind.

"Put me down! Where are you taking me?!" Anastasia demanded, her voice echoing through the corridor as she tried to resist being taken away.

She continued struggling to break free from the young man's powerful hold and the spy earpiece fell off from her ear. Her heart sank at the moment she realized no one was around to save her.

"I'm doomed." she thought, her eyes widened.