Fleeting time

"I've miss you so much and I want to hug you for a long time," Jane said. She refused to let go of him as she embraced him tightly.

Zane carefully removed her arm that wrapped around his waist, and Jane stepped in front of him, looking a bit confused.

"What is the meaning of this?" Zane inquired, his voice laced with displeasure, but he controlled his tone to avoid being harsh.

Jane put on a sweet smile before answering. "It's just a romantic night party for the two of us. Don't you like it?"

"If I want to party, I'll prefer a glamorous one. The ceremony party is enough for me," Zane replied coldly.

Hearing his disinterest in her beautiful setting, the smile on Jane's lips disappeared. She looked hurt that he didn't seem to appreciate her effort.

"I put a lot of effort into setting this romantic atmosphere for you to be pleased, but you're only being mean to me," Jane said.