42. Strongest Survey Corps Member

" No means no Eren! " A Black haired woman reprimanded her son in a stern tone as annoyance was oozing off of her.

" Why not! " Eren was equally as stubborn as his mother and stood his ground causing his mother to be more angry.

" Because it is dangerous! " The woman said angrily as she was annoyed by this argument that they would have everytime Eren would bring up the topic of joining the survey corps when he grows up.

But how could she let her only son join such a dangerous job were human lives were equivalent to insects.

Where the casualty rates were so high that it was saddening to witness the Survey corps depart each time through the gates since the ones watching knew that this might as well be the last time they would witness some of them alive.

She knew these men were fighting for humanity and all of them and were heroes but humans were selfish and she as a mother , how could she let her child be part of such a dangerous group.

She just wanted Eren to be safe , he didn't need to do anything to be special, he was already special to her from the moment he was born.

" But isn't Uncle Sieg part of the survey corps! " Eren argued back with even more stubbornness.

Uncle Sieg was someone he admired and his dream to join the Survey corps was only strengthened by the presence of his Uncle.

Whenever his uncle went on an expedition it is said that casualties were the lowest making Eren admire the man more.

The woman who heard her son's words became a bit miffed as she didn't know what to say but in the end she decided to wait for the man himself to come and help her convince this strong headed idiot of a son.

" What's happening here ? " And speak of the devil the person in question had come hearing the commotion next door.

He was a bit confused by the strong glare he was recieving from his usually gentle friend....


" Umm... Carla ? " Siegfried was a bit confused as he wondered what he did but he only recieved a huff in return as she went to the kitchen to do her chores.

"Umm.... Uncle ... Mom is angry at you because of me " Eren said a bit sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

" Hmm? " Siegfried was confused , what did he do , why are woman so unreasonable?

Siegfried just shook his head as he decided to listen to Eren's explanation, he could kind of guess what Carla was yelling about form the words he heard.

But it was better to get the full explanation, it's better to placate Carla otherwise Grisha might have to sleep on the couch and he didn't want such a fate to befall his friend.....


Siegfried was drinking his Tea with a peaceful expression on his face while a pouting Eren was sitting near him with a noticeable bump on his head.

" U-Uncle... Why did you beat me up " Eren said in an annoyed tone as he still couldn't understand why Siegfried decided showcase his fist of love to him.

" You know exactly why ... " Siegfried said in a calm tone.

The job he was in was a very dangerous one and if not for his strength then he would have already perished.

He was still unable to access any of his stronger abilities as he still needed time to grow that was why he felt this world was perfect for him.

The ability to fly itself was a game changer and what Siegfried discovered when he went out alone had made him a bit surprised.

He didn't spend too much time outside but he found out that they were in an island with Sea on all sides.

Siegfried felt there was more to everything and the many things in history should be hidden but he didn't think too much about it as everything would be revealed sooner or later.

He didn't think the Titan's were too much of a threat him because to be perfectly honest it was pretty easy for him to slaughter them when they were this slow and had such a huge weak point.

But that was the case for him not for normal people. For a normal person like Eren , even if he was somehow as strong as Levi , even then he would be in danger if his ODM gear somehow malfunctioned or ran out of gas.

Sieg didn't want Eren to take up such a dangerous job because there was no need for him to do so.

As long as he was alive he won't let anything happen to Carla or Grisha. Siegfried might be tired of trying to be the hero but protecting those he cared about was something he didn't mind doing.

He could understand why Carla was worried about Eren and Sieg could also see that Eren longed to be free from the walls and live freely outside.

And his presence also seemed to have inspired the boy to join the survey corps.....


" But..... I also want to be like you " Eren mumbled quietly as he rubbed his head.

Siegfried who heard his words sighed wearily as he understood how stubborn this boy was.

He decided to just let him do whatever he wants , worst case would be him having to look after Eren's safety and Sieg didn't mind that as he had basically watched the boy grow up...


[ Carla Yeager ]



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