Family Reunion(2)

The warmth from the fireplace stood out against the cold that filled the room, emphasizing the weight of the revelation in the air. Being practical as always, Marcus coughed, his voice showing a hint of anxiety. "Mrs. Aetheris," he started, looking back and forth from Andre to Anya, "why we're here is because of Elian."

Anya's smile, which had been forced at most, disappeared entirely. Her expression changed, worry briefly appearing on her face before transitioning into a look of cautious hope. "Elian?" she repeated, speaking softly just above a stifled cry. "How about him?"

Res, remaining calm despite the seriousness of the situation, stepped in. "Mrs. Aetheris, we located him," she stated, her tone kind yet resolute. "Instead, part of him." She motioned towards Andre, causing him to feel as though a spotlight was focused on him, the heat from the fire making him uncomfortably warm despite the cold in the room.

Anya looked quickly at Andre, her forehead wrinkling in utter bewilderment. Her eyes, the identical emerald green that he saw in his hand's reflection, briefly showed a spark of recognition that faded as fast as it appeared. "But... that's not Elian," she stuttered, her voice breaking with disbelief.

Elara, mirroring her mother's perplexity, leaned in her seat, her disheveled bun sliding even more out of place. "Yeah," she responded, her tone abrupt and tinged with a touch of irritation. "This man bears no resemblance to him. And honestly, why does he have that eerie red glow in his eyes?"

Andre reacted with a sudden movement, as anger and the strong desire to be accepted battled within him. He closed his eyes tightly, making the demonic glow disappear. After he reopened his eyes, they had returned to their typical red color, but the harm had already been inflicted

"It's me, Mom," he rasped, his voice rough with disuse and choked with emotion. "Elian. But…" He hesitated, searching for the right words. "Another form. Not the happy-go-lucky one you remember."

The deafening silence that ensued was only interrupted by the soft crackle of the fire and the rhythmic clicking of Nana Eia's knitting needles. Tears filled Anya's eyes, reflecting both disbelief and a sense of growing hope.

"Is that you, Elian?" she whispered softly, almost inaudibly. "But… the darkness… the magic… we were told…"

Andre cautiously moved a step ahead, extending his hand as if he were a lost man in the desert reaching for a mirage. Anya stood up from her chair, seemingly guided by an unseen power, her actions filled with hesitation and fear.

"Are you truly the one?"

Andre forced down the lump in his throat, tears burning his eyes. "It's... a piece of who I am," he confessed, his voice heavy with years of suppressed suffering. The magic... it transformed me. However, the memories are all still present.

Anya initially hugged Andre with caution, but her embrace gradually grew tighter. In that one movement, it appeared as if years of bottled up sorrow and solace were released from her. He held onto her tightly, inhaling the familiar fragrances of lavender soap and cinnamon rolls. It was a strange combination of familiarity and discordance – the woman he hardly knew as his mother, but the hug still felt unquestionably like home.

Elara, remaining on the edge of the intense moment, squirmed in her seat. "But Mom," she spluttered, her voice showing a child's desire for understanding, "he looks.. well different.

She turned to look at him, her hazel eyes staring deep into his.

"And that damn red glow is back again" she said her voice now full of annoyance.

Andre grimaced, feeling a mix of embarrassment and rage battling inside him. He closed his eyes tightly, making the demonic glow go away. Upon reopening his eyes, they had returned to their crimson hue, but the harm had already been caused. Elara's skepticism served as a stark reminder of his stark appearance once the initial shock of his revelation had faded away.

"It's me, Elara," he said, his voice hoarse. "The magic… it changed some things."

Anya pulled back slightly, her emerald eyes searching his face. "But how? We were told you…" Her voice trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air – "…were gone."

Andre took a shaky breath. "I don't know all the details," he admitted. "But when I… when I left I was possessed by the same demon we exorcised, it took over my body and gave me this form, but it wasn't the same Elian."

Anya's hand went to her throat, a strangled sob escaping her lips. "You were possessed again?" she whispered, her voice thick with a fresh wave of grief.

Andre gave a nod, the memory of that crucial night burning in his soul. Tonight, he wasn't prepared to disclose those particular details yet.

"However, you have returned," Nana Eia said cheerfully, her voice sounding resilient despite her advanced age. Despite having cataracts, her eyes showed a steadfast belief. "Dear, that's the only thing that is important, right?"

Andre experienced the formation of a lump in his throat. Despite his darkness, Nana Eia, always full of hope, was the first to embrace him. He extended his hand, clasping her delicate hand in his. Although her touch was thin like paper, the undeniable warmth radiated from it.

"Thank you, Nana," he managed, his voice thick with emotion.

"Now, come here, you big lummox," Elara said, surprising everyone with a gruff but genuine smile. She pulled him into a surprisingly tight hug, the messy bun on her head brushing against his cheek. "Just promise you won't scare the neighbors with your glowing eyes, alright?"

Andre laughed sincerely, the first time in what seemed like an eternity. He whispered, "I can't guarantee anything," as he engaged in their usual teasing with his sister, providing some sense of normality in the midst of his overwhelming emotions.

As they sat back by the crackling fire, Anya poured more tea into his cup, studying his face with a blend of curiosity and nervousness. Starting with care, she asked

"So, Elian," she began cautiously, "tell us what happened. How did you become… this?"

Andre paused to inhale deeply, quickly glancing at Marcus and Res, who were seated silently by the window, their expressions impossible to decipher. He understood that their being there constantly reminded him of the threat he represented, but at the moment, all he desired was his family's delicate approval.

He said "It was a lengthy tale," his eyes briefly returning to his mother. "But I'll spill all the details. You have the right to be informed.

With his family looking on attentively, Andre started to narrate his journey into the shadows, his voice barely audible in the now calm living area. The gathering was anything but ideal, as the future was filled with unknowns. However, Andre felt a small glimmer of hope for the first time since he was born again. There were others with him. And maybe, just maybe, there was a way to achieve balance within himself, to remain Elian, even in this unfamiliar, darker version.