The Reunion

The portal glowed emerald, swirling with a vortex that led to the legendary Emerald Isles. Andre, exuding a powerful aura in his monstrous form, led the way with Res trailing behind cautiously and Marcus remaining ever-vigilant.

They arrived at a lively pier, the ocean breeze heavy with the smell of salt. Men wearing green armor, their faces showing a blend of curiosity and respect, came closer to them.

"Lord Marcus," greeted one of the guards, with a firm yet polite voice. "We have been waiting for your arrival."

Silently, Marcus motioned towards the carriage parked at the dock's edge. The two slender, emerald-skinned horses pulled the carriage made of shiny dark wood that sparkled under the sunlight.

As they climbed into the carriage, the city stretched out in front of them. The streets were covered with dense, colorful vegetation, with buildings made of a special, shining green stone scattered throughout. La sound of laughter and conversation filled the atmosphere, creating a lively orchestra that sharply contrasted with the heavy silence that Andre had grown accustomed to.

"This place," Res remarked, his voice filled with a hint of awe, "it's… beautiful."

Andre emitted a deep grumble that reverberated throughout the carriage. "It's a false front," he stated, his voice lacking any feeling. "Underneath the exterior, darkness will always be present."

The carriage persisted on its trip, meandering through the lively center of the city. Vendors sold their goods, kids ran around in the streets, and Andre sensed a vibrant yet disconcerting atmosphere in the air.

Eventually, the city transitioned into a challenging mountain trail. The carriage stopped, and the guards got off, their expressions serious.

"This is where the journey continues on foot, my lords," the lead guard announced. "The Test of the Journey awaits."

Andre got out of the carriage, his feet making a crunching sound on the rocky surface. He gazed up at the towering mountain, feeling a sense of excitement building inside him. This unforeseen twist in their plans was a surprise due to this test, whatever it may be. However, after years of dormancy, he felt a spark of excitement stirring within him for the first time. Maybe this gathering won't be as expected in the end.

Ascending the mountain was difficult and dangerous, as the air became thinner with each passing step. Following a challenging fifteen minutes, they arrived at a huge, elaborately decorated wooden gate. With skillful precision, Marcus positioned the letter onto the gate. It faintly illuminated before opening gently with a slight creak, exposing a breathtaking scene.

Just past the gate was a vast Buddhist temple complex, situated among the mountain. The courtyard was covered with beautiful gardens, scattered with peaceful ponds and carefully maintained sand gardens. The atmosphere buzzed with a peaceful vibe, completely different from the busy city they had exited.

Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows in the main temple, creating colorful patterns on the shiny wooden floor. Soothing aroma filled the space as incense smoke lazily curled in the air. Four individuals were waiting for them: a young woman with dark hair tied up in a bun and a beaming smile; a redhead boy with a fit physique and enthusiastic eyes; a black-haired boy with a calm face and demeanor; and a brown-haired boy exuding quiet confidence.

As soon as the gate made a creaking sound and opened, Hera, the young woman, ran towards Marcus and Res, wrapping her arms around them tightly. "Hey Marcus! Res! " You made it!" She cried out, brimming with uncontainable happiness.

Drake, the boy with red hair, did the same by clapping Marcus on the shoulder with a loud laugh. "At last! We thought that you both were planning to abandon us once more.

The stoic boy, Marco, gave a brief nod, his face revealing a slight smile. "Gentlemen, it's good to have you back."

Kyle, the brown-haired boy, simply smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's good to see you both again."

During the gathering, Andre stayed quiet and watched everything unfold. He identified them - Hera, the energetic leader; Drake, the spontaneous troublemaker; Marco, the steady support; and Kyle, the always watchful planner. These were the friends he had departed from five years prior, the individuals who had influenced his history.

However, they no longer identified him. His huge appearance, his unfeeling gaze – they were nothing like the Andre they used to know. He observed them, feeling a strange combination of nostalgia and detachment stirring inside him. He had transformed into a new being, powered by a different motive. However, a fraction of him desired to reestablish a connection with the past, to determine if any remaining traces of the old Andre were still present.

After seeing how alone he was, Hera eventually faced him, her smile faltering a little. "Who is this person?" she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

Andre met her gaze, his eyes devoid of any warmth. "Someone you used to know," he replied, his voice a low rumble.

Hera's smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of confusion. "Someone you used to know?" she echoed, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Andre met her gaze, his eyes devoid of any warmth. "Someone you used to know very well," he corrected, his voice a low rumble. "Elian."

Hera's initial surprise transformed into a whirlwind of contradictory feelings. She caught her breath, and a choked gasp came out of her mouth. "Elian?" she murmured, the sound of her voice barely a quiver. The monstrous figure in front of her, which towered over her and had cold, emotionless crimson eyes, looked nothing close to her old friend. However, the darkness emanating from him, the core of his existence, conveyed that this was a completely different entity.

"Don't insult his memory," she snapped, her voice filled with barely contained anger. Elian would never be seen emitting such a dark aura. She showed signs of denial as she tried to hold on to the memory of her lost friend.

Andre didn't let her outburst bother him. Moving nearer, his monstrous shape towered above her, creating a long, threatening shadow. "Look closer, Hera Fisher," he stated, his voice a deep growl resonating in the air. "A poor girl working in a butcher shop, constantly dreaming of becoming a nun."

Hera's breath caught once more, causing her face to lose its color. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, her eyes opening wide in shock as if she had been physically hit. "How... how do you know about that?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Andre's mouth formed a smile devoid of humor, contrasting with the warm sunlight coming through the temple windows. He simply stated, with his voice lacking any emotion, "I am Elian."

Before Hera could respond, he extended his arms and enveloped her in a firm hug. The unexpected touch was shocking, her body's heat sharply different from his own cold, monstrous shape. Hera stood still for a moment, her thoughts spinning from his words and the surprising contact.

Gradually, almost as if unwillingly, she started to return the hug. Her initial feelings of anger and denial gradually dissipated, giving place to a mix of conflicting emotions: sadness, bewilderment, and a glimmer of hope.

Drake approached cautiously and reluctantly joined the hug. He muttered a hello, his voice filled with incredulity. Marco and Kyle proceeded in the same manner, gradually transitioning from their initial surprise to a careful acknowledgment.

Kyle finally spoke, "You have a great deal of explaining to do", his voice reflecting a blend of disbelief and curiosity." He took a step back, releasing the embrace, and his gaze narrowed as he observed Andre.

Andre released Hera and took a step back, his gaze sweeping across his former companions. "Indeed," he agreed, his voice devoid of any emotion. "But first, let us find somewhere to talk. This reunion deserves more than a dusty temple courtyard."

The team, still coming to terms with the fact that their comrade had miraculously come back to life, although in a completely changed state, pursued Andre further into the temple compound. The atmosphere suddenly shifted from calm to tense as unasked questions filled the air, creating a feeling of discomfort.

This was not the reunion they had imagined. The last five years had completely transformed Andre, creating a terrifying creature that looked eerily similar to the friend they used to know. And now, they were faced with dealing with the results of that change, uncertain about what was in store for them and the world.

After the first shock, a more profound discomfort crept into their minds. The Elian they were familiar with had disappeared, and in his place stood this being emitting an air of strength and evil. Still, his words echoed with memories of their departed friend, lingering as a painful reminder of their loss while addressing Hera. The gathering, intended to be a happy event, had turned into a tense encounter with the aftermath of death, the hidden shadows, and the uncertainty of resurrecting their old friend.