The Shadow in the Market

Sunlight poured through the intricate windows of the Aetheris mansion, creating long, golden streaks on the luxurious Persian rugs in the expansive library. Anya, with her chestnut brown hair tied back in a casual braid, was seated comfortably in a old armchair with a book resting on her knees, its pages kept open by her hands. The only disruption to the quiet in the room was the steady flipping of pages, with the occasional sound of the old oak floor creaking.

Out of nowhere, a voice with the characteristic sound of aging, shattered the quietness. "Anya, my dear," Grandma Aetheris called out from the entrance, her delicate form outlined by the large oak door. "I am going back home. Thank you for having me"

Anya glanced away from her book, a friendly smile on her face. Worry briefly flashed in her gaze, but was soon hidden behind a mischievous mask. "Absolutely, Mother. Just make sure to take caution when you're out there, okay? The market tends to become very busy at this time of day."

Grandma Aetheris chuckled, a dry rasp that echoed in the stillness. "Don't worry, child. I can handle myself. I've been navigating these streets for longer than you've been alive."

With a cane tapping against the marble floor, Grandma Aetheris walked out into the fresh morning air. The well-known cobblestone streets of Veridan Haven spread out in front of her, a lively scene of activity. The atmosphere was filled with the chaos of the market - the steady pounding of a blacksmith, the harmonious calls of vendors selling their products, the lively conversations of kids running after pigeons. The smell of newly baked bread mixed with the strong aroma of spices, creating a combination of scents that energized and overpowered her senses.

While walking, the burden of her age descended on her shoulders. A tingling feeling tingled on the nape of her neck, a sensation she had become familiar with as she aged - an increased alertness, a feeling of being observed. However, she ignored it, explaining it as being caused by her vivid imagination and the common paranoia that comes with being elderly.

Approaching a crossroads close to the glistening stretch of Lake Azure, its surface mirroring the early sunlight resembling numerous scattered diamonds, she stopped to appreciate the scenery. The heavy scent of damp earth and freshwater filled the air, providing a refreshing break from the crowded market.

Out of the darkness under a tall oak tree, a large man appeared, his eyes shining with a menacing look that made her feel scared. Standing tall and blocking her way, he embodied the unease she had been feeling for the last few minutes.

"Well, well, well," he rasped, his voice rough and gravelly, like the scraping of stones against bone. "Look what we have here."

Grandma Aetheris felt her heart leap in her chest. Her instinct was activated, developed over many years of experience. The man made a sudden forward movement, his rough hand aiming to grab her. Surprising even herself, she dodged his attack with a sudden rush of adrenaline, causing her cane to loudly hit the ground as she staggered backwards.

"What do you want?" she demanded, her voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor in her hands. The fear was there, a cold knot in her stomach, but years of facing down life's challenges had instilled in her a steely resolve.

The man's smile widened, revealing a glint of tarnished metal in the morning light. "Just a little something," he growled, lunging towards her with the predatory grace of a starving wolf.

Her joints screamed with arthritis as she attempted to run, but her legs refused to work together. The stones on the ground under her seemed to move and sway, making the world feel off balance. Losing her footing, she plummeted onto the coarse stones, feeling a surge of pain shoot through her delicate frame. The man stood menacingly above her, his twisted expression evoking a primal fear that rushed through her.

Prior to her response, an oak tree branch broke off and struck her head with a sickening thud as it whistled through the air. She was surrounded by darkness, the world melting into a swirling whirlpool of agony. The sounds of the market sellers grew quiet, as the smell of bread and spices was overtaken by the sharp smell of blood in the air.


A remote location 456 miles( 733.861 Km) away from Veridan Haven.


Consciousness came back with a surge of queasiness and confusion. Grandma Aetheris slowly opened her eyes, the world gradually becoming clear. She discovered herself reclining on a luxurious velvet chaise longue, her wrists tied with sturdy rope that pressed into her skin. Fear gripped her throat, causing a chill sweat to form on her forehead.

The room she found herself in was completely different from the humble setting of her own house. Opulent tapestries decorated the walls, showcasing imaginary creatures in vivid colors. Shiny furniture shone in the soft light coming through thickly draped windows. The atmosphere was filled with the aroma of incense and a hint of something metallic, possibly blood.

Out of nowhere, a tall, skinny man wearing a lengthy black trench coat appeared from the darkness. His visage was concealed by a creepy plague mask, with its leathery beak protruding like a morbid beak. The only part of his face that could be seen was a pair of cold, calculating eyes that shone with a predatory glint.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Mrs. Aetheris," the man greeted, his voice a parched rasp reverberating in the quiet room. "My name is Dr. Greaves."

Grandma Aetheris swallowed the lump that had developed in her throat. Despite feeling overwhelmed by fear, she had developed a strong determination from overcoming obstacles throughout the years. "Who are you? And why have you brought me here?"

Dr. Greaves laughed quietly, a dry sound lacking in humor. "Let's just say that you have been caught in a situation that is quite sensitive." An issue relating to a specific Lord Vrn.

Grandma Aetheris was filled with disgust when she heard the name. She pressed her lips together tightly. "Do not even think about saying that Vile name near me."

Dr. Greaves tilted his head, the plague mask making it oddly birdlike. "Vile, Possibly. However, extremely strong. And what I am going to do next... it needs a specific... test subject.

He clapped his hands, and the room filled with people wearing matching black trench coats and eerie plague masks. They worked efficiently with precision, moving in sync without making a sound.

"Bring her to the laboratory," Dr. Greaves ordered, his voice lacking any emotion. Get ready the gear.

The individuals gathered around Grandma Aetheris and, with surprisingly gentle gloved hands, lifted her from the chaise longue. She was guided down a luxurious labyrinth of hallways, as the temperature dropped and the smell of incense transformed into a strong blend of chemicals and metallic notes.

Eventually, they arrived at an isolated chamber, where the walls were covered in shelves filled with vials, flasks, and peculiar devices buzzing with an unearthly power. This room was not like any other, as it served as an alchemist's lab where science and magic mixed to create and destroy.

Grandma Aetheris understood that whatever Dr. Greaves had in store for her wouldn't be enjoyable as they placed her on a chilly metal table. Only one thing rushed through her mind, how to escape.