From Tourist to Toast

Lord Igrix rose from his obsidian throne, each movement deliberate and accompanied by a creak of scorched metal. His flaming skull loomed above Andre, illuminating the chamber with an eerie glow. Andre made an effort to show a defiant attitude by holding onto Voidbane tighter than needed. This was not a creature he had encountered in his hometown and defeated. This creature was a terrifying nightmare, emitting intense heat that caused him to sweat through his armor.

His confidence wavered when the intense stare of the Vor'talon focused on him. There was a hint of amusement flickering in those fiery eyes. He glared at Ezra, who stood still by the doorway, a wordless apology visible on his face. Great, thanks for blowing my cover, buddy.

Then something unexpected happened. The Vor'talon suddenly surged forward, its giant body shaking violently. Its fiery mouth let out a deep, guttural cough, and a shower of hot ash fell onto the black floor. Andre recoiled, briefly losing sight of his fear. Was this… some kind of weakness?

The Vor'talon straightened, its fiery eyes focused on him intensely, making Andre feel like a trapped fly in amber. However, there was a change in those fiery eyes now – a hint of uncertainty, maybe even... amnesia?

"Who… who are you?" the creature rasped, its voice a crackling inferno that sent shivers down Andre's spine. The power in its voice had diminished, replaced by a disconcerting vulnerability.

Andre blinked as his thoughts raced. Perhaps this was his opportunity. Act ignorant, stall to gain more time. He managed to smile despite the bitter taste of ash in his mouth.

"Uh, hi there," he stammered, trying to sound casual. "Just your friendly neighborhood… tourist?"

The Vor'talon shifted its fiery head to one side, becoming even more perplexed. "Tourist? Demon tourists don't exist, fool."

Suddenly, the confusion disappeared in an instant. The burning gaze showed increased rage. The Vor'talon made a sudden attack with a loud noise. The flaming broad double sided axe, a crackling blade made of pure inferno, sliced through the air in Andre's direction.

He had little to no time at all to raise Voidbane in a desperate attempt to block. The force had a massive effect on him, as the extreme temperature burned his armor. Andre staggered backwards, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He had fully underestimated this weakened state. This wasn't a sign of vulnerability, it was a carnivore preparing to strike with full force.

The Vor'talon of the Inferno continued its assault, the chamber resounding with the clash of metal. Black blade met flaming axe in a resounding clash. Andre parried a swing from the axe with all his strength, his actions a frantic fight for survival. However, when facing this enormous beast, even a proficient fighter like him felt as insignificant as a tiny insect being struck by a giant.

He dodged a strike that could have split him in half, the intense heat burning his hair. He parried another attack, the force almost causing him to lose hold of Voidbane. He knew that this situation was not sustainable. He needed an escape route now or else, he was cooked. Literally.

As he parried another blow, his eyes moved towards the obsidian doors. Escape. That was his only chance. But could he outrun a literal Vor'talon, even a weakened one?

The Vor'talon continued the assault, showcasing an unstoppable barrage of flames and aggression. Andre struggled to breathe heavily while his arms cried out in pain. He needed a plan, and fast. But before he could even formulate a thought, the Vor'talon landed a blow that sent him flying.

He slammed into the wall with a horrifying thud, his breath knocked out of him. Voidbane fell to the ground a couple of feet away, just out of reach for his hands to get to.

He looked up, his vision blurring at the edges. The Vor'talon loomed over him, its flaming axe raised high ready to strike. He really was cooked. This was it. He was going to die in this desolate throne room, at the hands of a Vor'talon in a city gone mad. He closed his eyes, accepting his fate. Now he only wished he got reincarnated back to earth or a better place.

But then, a voice cut through the roaring flames and the pounding of his own heart. A voice filled with a power he couldn't quite place, a voice that echoed with death and... amusement?

"Hold on, there, Igrix. Let's not get hasty."