
Andre's body ached as he watched Corvus, whose robes were burnt and darkened from the fight, ascend a makeshift platform formed from debris.

"Men," Corvus rasped, his voice hoarse. "By the grace of the gods, most of us stand here this morning." A murmur of agreement rippled through the weary ranks. There were empty spaces, faces missing from the familiar huddle. Andre squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, picturing Borin's gruff smile, his steady hand guiding him through the chaos.

"We mourn those who fell," Corvus continued, closing his eyes and raising his hands in a gesture of prayer. "May their souls find peace in the arms of Adhara."

Andre moved in a way that made him feel uneasy. This religious stuff was new for Corvus. He always appeared to be a practical magician, prioritizing outcomes over gods. However, experiencing a close encounter with death might have sparked something in Corvus.

Corvus brought down his hands, looking over the soldiers gathered in front of him."There is much to be done," he said, his voice regaining its usual strength. "The wounded need tending, the dead need burying, and the defenses need rebuilding. But amidst the loss, we must also acknowledge bravery."

He fixed his eyes on Andre. Andre felt his heart pounding in his chest. Was there any thing he had done wrong?

"Andre," Corvus boomed, "step forward."

Andre, unsure but fueled by a nervous excitement, pushed his way through the crowd.

"Your courage and skill in battle were an inspiration to us all," Corvus said, a flicker of respect in his eyes. "Therefore, it is with great honor that I promote you to the rank of Corporal!"

A wave of elation washed over Andre. Corporal! He wasn't just some green recruit anymore, he was a leader. A grin stretched across his face, the fatigue forgotten for the moment. Just a few more promotions, a wicked thought slithered into his mind, and he could be a Captain, a General… maybe even…

He stopped himself short. The thought, dark and tantalising, hung heavy in the air. Maybe becoming a big-shot general wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Maybe saving lives, fighting for something bigger than himself, was something worth sticking around for. After all, he had a taste of the alternative, and it wasn't pretty.

Andre straightened his back, a newfound sense of purpose settling in his gut. Corporal Andre. It had a nice ring to it.

He was cut out of his daydream as Corvus signaled for Andre to join him in the quiet area of the partially reconstructed stronghold. The recovering soldiers' cheers and groans combined to create a cacophony symbolizing the aftermath of war.

"Corporal Andre," Corvus said, his voice gruff but laced with a hint of satisfaction. "There's a reason I pulled you aside."

Andre, still buzzing from his promotion, puffed out his chest a little. "Of course, sir. Anything you need."

Corvus produced a bundle of neatly folded black cloth. "This," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "is your new uniform."

Andre's eyes grew wide as Corvus revealed a suit of armor that appeared both functional and fearsome when the cloth was unfolded. A solid metal helmet, its exterior shiny but not too bright, rested on top of a black tunic decorated with spaulders - metal plates in segments shielding his shoulders. The outfit was finished with a cloak that had a hood and the symbol of the 10th Legion, a fiery phoenix, on its back. A black armored vest that was lightweight felt reassuringly sturdy as he held it, and the black pants, which had bronze reinforcements at the knees, suggested both comfort and protection. The black boots appeared more durable compared to the regular-issue ones.

Wearing the uniform, Andre felt a sense of authority, a unique combination of duty and excitement, emerging in his chest. He looked exactly like a leader.

"Looking sharp, Corporal," Corvus rumbled, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "This isn't just a promotion, lad. It's a mission."

Andre straightened, his newfound confidence hardening his gaze. "A mission, sir?"

"Ayy, we've received word," Corvus explained, his voice low and serious. "A village, nestled near the border of the Azure Empire, has fallen under the tyrannical rule of the Vor'talon."

"You, Corporal," Corvus continued, "will lead a squad of fifty-six men to liberate the village. It's a delicate mission, close to the Azurean border. Discretion and tactical prowess will be key."

Andre's stomach tightened. 56 men was a lot and to lead them was a great deal of duty. However, the feeling of fear was soon replaced by a sudden burst of determination. He refused to disappoint his men. He wouldn't disappoint the villagers.

"I understand, sir," he said, his voice firm. "We'll get it done."

Corvus nodded, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. "Good. We leave at dawn."