Chapter 04 - Preparation

Herculean Strength (D): Ability granted to those who performed impressive deeds with their strength. Passively increases your power by sixty percent.

Cold Resistance (D): An instinctive ability of those born in insanely cold areas, it decreases the effects and damage caused by weather and ice-related attacks by twenty percent.

Ruler (D): This ability is only possessed by those who are recognized as kings by their own species. It grants them the power to summon their subordinates thirty percent faster.

Boss Monster (E): Power that only those who are willing to invade other domains possess. Increases all of your parameters by ten percent.

Ruler's Presence: Ability that belongs to those who lead the charge to the invasions. For as long as this unity is alive, the connection between worlds will exist. The connection can be restored after five days.

 Thanks to Complete Appraisal, Jason was able to see the skills that the enemy had… they were pretty impressive and worrying. The last three were particularly worrisome.

"I guess that creature is what is summoning the trolls, but they will stop coming once the boss is killed… but the boss can return after a few days?" Jason thought while furrowing his eyebrows. "I need to do some research about this… as if I have time for that."

 The skills didn't give Jason any information about how he could take down the beast. They only made him realize how unmatched he was against it, but at least he had a plan of some sort. If things go well, he will cause a lot of damage. Unfortunately, that wasn't nearly enough.

 After taking a few steps backward, Jason did some tests. He put some of his fishing line around the butt of the spear and then turned it into a sword… the line was on the handle. He could use that in his favor. Still, the lines could only support so much weight, so he had to connect several layers of them. Fortunately, he had enough in reserve on his fishing toolbox. When he finished using all that, the line that he had seemed as strong as steel. 

"All right… let's rock," Jason said and then took a deep breath.

 Jason slowly moved to the boss's chamber while hoping that even his breathing wouldn't make any noise. Once he confirmed that the creature was still staring at the tunnel without moving a single bit, he began to approach.

 Then, all of a sudden, Jason stopped… What if he was smelling? He had caught a fish earlier. Maybe the enemy would notice his smell. Perhaps it already did, and it was just waiting for Jason to get closer and kill him. Jason's mind was filled with hesitation. Despite that, something inside him made him move forward. Call it instinct, but he felt that the enemy wasn't aware of him.

 Jason slowly moved to the back of the enemy's throne and then waited for a short while to untie the line of his fishing pole. He only had a single chance to do that, so he couldn't mess up. One attempt was all he had; if he failed, it was game over.

 Once he calmed down his nerves, Jason began to swing his fishing pole in circles, and once he felt ready, he let go of the line with one hand and swung it with the pole. It felt like time began to move slower for a moment while the fishing tackle moved to the top of the throne.

 When the fishing tackle reached the top of the throne, Jason froze on the spot when it began to move backward. But then it stopped moving while the tackle grabbed the border of the back of the throne. He sighed in relief and then checked the line to see if it was firm. It was.

 Jason put the fishing pole on the side and then began climbing using the line. While it was thicker than before, it still didn't change the fact that it was a fishing line. Using it to climb was pretty hard. Jason tried to move his hand when he felt that they were about to cut his hand. At the same time, he tried to hurry up.

 Much to his surprise, Jason climbed the throne in less than twenty seconds… his hands were bleeding a bit, but not by that much. He sighed in relief when his fingers grabbed the border of the throne and then pulled himself up…

"I guess I am lucky that I used to do some climbing with… that whore that I once called my girlfriend," Jason thought and then bit his tongue. "I'd rather die than say that again."

 Jason began to focus on the task ahead since the head of the creature was right in front of him… it was almost a miracle that the beast didn't notice him. In any case, things were just starting.

 When Jason began to prepare his spear, he froze in shock when the boss suddenly moved and then pointed his hand forward… in the next moment, a group of twenty trolls appeared in the middle of the chamber. It began to head to the exit of the dungeon… Jason felt like his heart was about to burst from his chest. 

 Waiting for his heart to calm down would take too long, so Jason began to move to the next part of the plan.